Denis Schmeogal - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Prime Minister of Ukraine 2021



Denis Schmeogal began a career from the office of the manager and managed to grow to the general director of a large company. At this, the man did not stop and decided to conquer political peaks, which brilliantly coped with the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

Denis Schmeogal was born on October 15, 1975 in the city of Lvov, Ukraine. About nationality, parents and early years of biography is a little known. According to unconfirmed data, he has Jewish roots.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the university "Lviv Polytechnic", where she mastered the profession of engineer-economist. In 2003, a man was awarded the title of Candidate of Sciences in the field of economics.

Personal life

The personal life of the deputy was successful - in 1998 he married his beloved Catherine. The wife is engaged in business, manages the Kamanetsk bakery together with Zinovy ​​Kozitsky. According to declarations, in possession of a woman is a car, a private house and a land plot under Lviv, while the garage is registered on Denis Anatolyevich himself. The family is raised by the daughters of Anna and Sofia.


The first steps in the professional sphere of the young man did back in his student years - served as a manager at the company "O'KEY", and then received the position of an accountant in the "Electrical". After the release went to the Lviv bus factory.

In subsequent years, the guy repeatedly changed the place of labor, confidently walking up the career staircase. He went away from the staff accountant to the Director-General, who became in Rosaninvest.

In 2009, the official began working in the regional administration of Lviv, where he was an assistant to Nicholas Kmita. He also led the central management of the economy. Already then the man was involved in public life, leading to the Regional Development Institute Organization.

Denis Schmeogal and Rinat Akhmetov

For some time, Denis Anatolyevich served as an assistant to the Marda of Ukraine, Roman Cherney, and then decided to nominate to the government from the constituency of his native Lviv. Later was elected to Lviv regional council, being promoted from "folk control." During this period, he worked in the Ministry of Revenues and Fees, where he was a deputy head of the Central Office.

In 2015, Smygal began to serve in the "Lviv Kholode", where he quickly advanced from the adviser to the company's president to the Director-General. His following years of work took place in DTEK, the founder of which is Rinat Akhmetov, he was a deputy Director General for Social Affairs and Director at the Burshty TPP.

The political career of a man in the meantime also did not stand in place. After the election of the new President of Vladimir Zelensky, he managed to enlist the support of the head of the Ukrainian state and soon became the chairman of the Oga Ivan-Frankivsk. Six months later, the deputy was headed by the Ministry of Territories and Communities, and then was appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister.

Denis Schmeogal now

In March 2020, as part of the creation of a new government of Ukraine, Schmeigal was approved for the post of Prime Minister. His candidacy was listed in the list filed by Vladimir Zelensky, and was approved by the Supreme Rada. Later, the official joined the Council of National Security and Defense, as well as the National Investment Council.

Soon after appointment, the politician gave an interview in the show "right to Vlad." He promised to voluntarily abandon his position, if the fellow citizens did not meet the hopes, and shared his plans as the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. In particular, Denis Anatolyevich is going to continue cooperation with the IMF, to engage in the development of the economy and industry.

The deputy made the supply of water to the residents of the Crimea, but at the same time called it impossible and negatively responded about Russia, which he considers the "invader." The man spoke about the war in Donbass and stated that the priority is the world.

In the same interview, Schmeigal raised the problem of coronavirus from China, spoke about measures to counteract the disease. Later, on March 25, a message appeared that, by decision of the Cammina, quarantine was extended due to the virus until April 24. Also, the Prime Minister informed the intention to fully close the borders of Ukraine to avoid the spread of infection.

Now a man continues to master in a new position. To keep in touch with like-minded people, he leads a page in Facebook, where he reports about the news and shares the photo.

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