Werner von Brown - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, scientific achievements



Verner's biography von Brown leaves an open question whether discoveries and invention can become an excuse for a scientist who collaborated with the criminal regime. In the person of the German, who divided the Space Program Father's Lavra with Sergey, a sidewalks and villaini. Archives retained joint photos of Brown Background with Henrich Himmler, and with John Kennedy.

Childhood and youth

Werner was born in 1912 in the German aristocratic family and inherited Title Baron. The small birthplace of the scientist - Gorodishko Virzitz, then part of Germany. The ancestors from the mother had royal roots. Father served as minister of food in the Weimar Republic.

Werner had two brothers, each of which lived over 80 years. Sigismund von Brown became a diplomat, and Magnus von Brown is the author of works on organic chemistry.

Because after World War II, Wirzitz departed Poland, family von Brown moved to Berlin. At the age of 12, Werner fell into the police - the young inventor attached the Petarda to the toy car, but the prototype of the ballistic missile exploded on Berlin Street, causing a panic of citizens.

The mother to the confirmation was interested in the confirmation stars, a telescope gave a telescope. Werner studied at the Higher Technical School of Berlin, the Swiss Higher Technical School and the University of Berlin. In the early 1930s of the 20th century, the intention of the young man to fly to the moon approved the inventor of Batiskaph Auguste Picar.

Personal life

The volitional scientist with the correct features of a person who knows how to play the piano and the violin, with adolescence enjoyed success in the ladies. In the student years, the neighbors have repeatedly seen the Werner returning from parties into an embrace with two girls.

In 1943, Brown's background was going to marry the Berlin Teacher Physical Education Dorothy Brill, but the mother who considered the girl did not deserve his wife intervened in the personal life of the Son. In the same 1943, Werner spun a novel with a Frenchman when he was preparing the starting platforms for Fau-2 in the northeast of the occupied neighboring country. After the war, the mistress of the Shurmbannfürera was accused of collaborationism, the woman survived a prison and poverty.

In the first spring day of 1947, Werner married a cousin on the maternal line - 18-year-old Maria Louise von Kistorp, and in December 1948 first became a father. In total, the spouses were born three children: the son of Peter Constantine followed the daughters of Iris Karen and Margrit Cecil. The second daughter became scientists and before retirement, she worked on the solution of environmental problems.

Science and Career

With the arrival of Adolf Hitler Germany, Germany has increased investment in rocket education. According to the results of the First World War, the German state was limited to the development of weapons, but the industry, an interesting brown background, it did not touch. In 1937, the scientist joined NSDAP, and then reached the SS shurmbannfürera. Führer personally complained to the crowd of the professor.

Developed Background of Brown "Weapon of Retribution" "FAu-2" turned out to be ineffective, on average, one released rocket claimed the life of 1-2 people. However, enterprises used the slave labor of prisoners, the scientist witnessed the tortures and execution of prisoners.

For the US, scientific merit and potential of Brown, who surrendered with the staff of their laboratory, was captured by the Americans, turned out to be a weigher of the Nazi past inventor. Since 1960, Werner - Director of the NASA Space Flight Center. Saturn Rockets, developed von Brown, in 1969 delivered the American ship Apollo to the lunar orbit.


The American government was skeptical to the project "Mars", proposed by Werner and transferred flights to the Red Planet. In 1972, Brown, disappointed by the reduction in spending on space development, left NASA and became the Vice-President of the Fairchild Aerospace Corporation.

The experiences provoked the development of an engineer oncological disease. Kidney tumor Werner was removed in the middle of 1973. After 3 weeks, a man returned to work. However, the development of the disease worsened the state of the constructor, and on the last day of 1976, Breun dismissed.

Werner died on June 16, 1977. The cause of death was an intestine cancer. Von Brown is buried in Ivey Hill Cemetery in Virginia. The inscription on the grave stone unites the Christian religion of the scientist and his merit in the cosmonautics of the Psalm line "Heaven proclaims the glory of God, and the sky shows the case of his hands."


In honor of Brown, the streets are named in Germany, avenue in the New York district of Stanten Island and Crater on the Moon. In 2019, the scientist became an episodic character of two American multi-sieves films - for all Mankind ("For the sake of all mankind") and Project Blue Book ("Blue Book" project ").

At the beginning of the third millennium, American Joseph Faell, who considers the Egyptian pyramids part of the military-industrial complex, which in antiquity struck on other planets of the solar system, published the book "Giza combat car". In confirmation of its theory, the author used the word Brown on the existence of unearthly civilizations.

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