Lenya Voronin (character) - Photo, TV series, Nastya Voronina, Stanislav Madznikov, actor


Character History

Lenya Voronin is a character of the Russian television series "Voronina", the eldest son of Galina Ivanovna and Nikolai Petrovich. The fat Dobryak became the object of ridicule on the part of relatives due to excess weight, unconnected personal life and ridiculous habits.

History of character creation

The series "Voronins" initially did not have an original story. This is the Russian adaptation of the American Sitkom "everyone loves Raymond." The comedy broadcasting on the CBS TV channel collected millions of fans. Actually, the analogue in Russia showed not at all inferior results.

After the producing "Voronina" took up Good Story Media, the main concept was developed. And the scenarios decided to expand the idea of ​​"pets" in the family to more detailed demonstration of interpersonal relations of relatives.

The plot was redone to the extent that he became close and clear to the Russian audience. Thus, the secondary roles of the Russian counterpart rose to the main characters of "Voronin".

So happened to Lena. The prototype from the American series is the elder brother of Ray Robert - also works in the police. Leonid also receives his own story, learning that it is difficult not to show sympathy. The topic "Racing" for parental recognition is acquiring clear details, and the further biography of the hero takes care of no less than the lives of other character characters.

Biography and image of Lomen Voronina

When Leonid had a younger brother, then the parents' attention switched to a suit. This caused jealousy among the firstborn, so the boy tried to return the lost position. The desire of little laziness turned into obsession from a forty-year-old policeman, which manifested itself in completely unexpected aspects. So, a man constantly applies food to the chin. The explanation of this habit of the audience was recognized in the middle of the series.

When Galina Ivanovna fed a suit with a spoon, he played with him to the airplane. The remaining food on the chin of the boy meant "passengers". Lenya, seeing such a picture, tried to call the same emotions from the mother, so a particular paculent face. Becoming an adult, a man did not get rid of the habit, which became another cause from relatives to tear over the hero.

Judging by the history of the life of two brothers, Leonid, everything turns out an order of magnitude worse than that of the "Pet". Marrying for the first time on the stripper Natasha, the man will soon divorce, and for a long time it does not solve serious relationship.

Unlike the bone, whose beauty has a wife and three children, he is very embarrassed in communicating with the opposite sex. And even believes that family life is not for him. This demonstrates the Hero quote: "And maybe the second halves for such as I simply do not exist."

An important fact is played by the appearance of the character. The man is overly tightened and nerviar. In some series, Lenya sits on a diet and even trying to run, but this does not lead to tangible results.

Meanwhile, this hero dreams of a family. Lenya became a caring nanny for three nephews, however, games with kids do not cause the approval of the parents of Mashi and twins Kiri and the Fili. So, uncle in classes with children connects handcuffs, takes hostage and tells about the difficult path of life a wrestler with a criminal world.

The image of the last and dissatisfied life of a man is sympathy from the audience. The character is in vain trying to draw the attention of parents and prove that he is no worse than the bone. But Galina Ivanovna seems to not notice the eldest son, considering and even sometimes calling the firstborn "unsuccessful first attempt."

From this a man suffers and grows complexes. An interesting fact - Lenya learns that a real birthday is two months earlier than by passport. Parents had to admire that the wedding happened after Galina Ivanovna learned about pregnancy.

Senior Voronins tried to hide such aspect from children, promoting platonic attitudes to official marriage. The news enters depressed by a man suspecting that with this is connected by the dislike of mothers. He reminds a woman about the shame, unlike the bone, which was already planned in marriage.

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Nevertheless, the Hero has a "chance" for family happiness. Lenya meets the girl Nastya, who is also alone and dreams of children and marriage. True Lenya is not decided to talk about the wedding, because of what frequent disagreements happen in a pair. As a result, the police managed to overcome the fear of mistakes after the divorce, and he marries a charming friend of faith. Later, they appear the child, Sasha's son.

Nastya Voronina firstly like Galina Ivanovna highly, as the girl is still afraid to argue with an ubiquitous mother-in-law. The newly new spouse is trying to earn the love of mother-in-law, so patiently and carefully listens to the covenants of Galina Ivanovna.

It pleases Lenya, as a man finally, at least something in something costs - while faith with his mother is an irreconcilable war. Good luck for some time killed the hero - Leonid even wins the car.

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The genre of the series "Voronina" is a situational comedy. However, the heroes are developing, build a personal life, marry and give birth to children.

Initially, the plot, according to the tradition, was enclosed in the frame of the apartment. Later, the family of Voronin is shown at the cottage and even at sea resorts. Millions of fans have followed the biography of characters for ten years. And in 2019, the creators of the project announced that on October 3, the last series will be released.

The serial played well-known Russian actors. The role of faith and bones of Voronina performed Georgy Dronov and Ekaterina Volkov. And the obese and good-natured police showed Stanislav Madznikov.

The success of the project is explained by the fact that the painting shows the extension of family life without unnecessary gloves. Description and construction of plot lines are close to the Russian TV viewer. In the center of the narration is an average family with their skeletons in the closet. The heroes conflict and lay, annoy and accused, but nevertheless love each other and always put up.


Okay, I still do not want to appear my mother once again before leisure. And then she will again begin to persuade not buy new smelts, but take old dads with anchor. And before you gave birth to helping me help? Mom, maybe you will attract dad sandwiches. And then he has a stomach so urchit that even the TV is not heard.


  • 2009-2019 - "Voronins"

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