The most unusual places in the world: amazing, caves, for travel


More than half of the century has passed since the person first flew into space and now with the help of technology it is possible to look into the remote corners of the universe. Even the bottom of the World Ocean, though continues to delight various scientists, no longer looks so mysterious as a couple of decades ago.

However, there were still locations on Earth, capable of hitting the imagination of an observer with amazing and unique landscapes, the theme of this issue will be the most unusual places in the world, beautiful and mysterious, abnormal and extraterrestrial.

Abandoned Fishing Village on Schuns Archipelago

On television, David de Vris was repeatedly broadcast specifically for the History Channel channel, the series after a person, who says, in which human cities turn into after the planet will disappear all of humanity. Yes, and in artistic cinema themes of the post-blocks were raised many times.

Well, the fans of an unusual who want to see how nature disks the once-employed person, it is worth visiting the Chinese Schuhens Archipelago, on one of whose islands is the abandoned village, once populated by fishermen.

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Dozens of years ago, local residents, throwing a minor fishing fishery, moved in search of a better life and large earnings on the mainland, leaving after themselves only empty houses.

Now all the walls of local buildings and narrow streets are drowning in the greenery of the upcoming jungle, making up their branches and liaans of the core of local buildings and turning them into amazing certificates of loss of civilization by wild forest forces. Giving the nature left by people a corner has long been a landmark attracting annually thousands of tourists.

Spotted Lake Clilyuk in Canada

In the top "The most unusual places in the world" can not do without locations, which in its appearance are able to introduce an unprepared person into a stupor and make you think about it, and if he accidentally fell to another planet. Such an ingenious, abnormal for our planet landscape is able to hit the British Columbia Lake Clilyuk located in the Canadian province called British Columbia.

In its waters, the unimaginable number of all sorts of minerals is concentrated. Actually, due to dissolved chemical compounds and elements, which include sodium sulfates, magnesium and calcium, as well as silver and titanium, this reservoir and became famous.

The fact is that in the warm season almost all the liquid from the Canadian lake evaporates, leaving behind the fancy landscape from the rings hardened in the form of mineral sediments alternating with small colorful water stains. The shade of these mini-reservoirs, hesitating from amber-green to sandy-golden and brown, just depends on the concentration of certain chemical compounds in water.

Due to the amazing and surreal type of Lake Clilyuk, when looking at the photo from those edges, the first to be compared with the pictures of Salvador Dali, which sometimes used to create his masterpieces such a color gamut.

National Park "Hitachi" in Japan

In addition to the striking and exciting beauties, nature worked on the creation of which the nature itself was worn out on the planet and created by the human hands, causing delight. Among such amazing incarnations of human genius and an outrageously beautiful work of landscape design, located in the Ibaraki Prefecture on the East Coast of Japan.

We are talking about in the city of Hitatintak by the National Primorsky Park "Hitachi", which is an incarnated slogan of Hippie-Flower Power that protested against the war in Vietnam. And the conversation about such a "strength" was not profitable.

Hitachi is a "resting in the horizon" floor planted with poppies, daffodils and tulips of all colors, lilies and American forget-me-not, as well as a mass of other species of plants and flowers, including cosmey and koches. Of course, it was not here and without so appreciated by the Japanese Sakura.

Drawn in the territory of 350 hectares of "Hitachi", as if in support of the pacifist call, was created on the site of the former American military base. And the fact that this park is transformed with each season of the year, changing the color from the zealous blue spring merging with the sky, depending on the blooming flowers, only makes it more attractive.

For those decided to go on a journey through Japan tourists, this place is among the loved ones. Moreover, local entertainment is not limited at all exclusively walking on sandy paths, laid among the local beauties, in an embrace with a photo or video camera - can visit and located nearby the park of attractions and a zoo, as well as swim in the pool.

Sources of Pamukkale in Turkey

In Turkey, in the province of Denizli, there are thermal sources of Pamukkale, which should definitely include on the "most unusual places in the world" list. Such a name, meaning in the translation of the Cotton Fortress, these threads, falling on carved water for millennia in amazing white limestone steps, not in vain.

Looking at how the healing waterfalls saturated with dissolved salts are sparkled and overflow, I want to check whether the feet are still standing on a robust land or suddenly collapsed full clouds of the sky.

Here, the natural baths formed in the limestone slope are located a cascade of the terraces, which will make the envy and an experienced architect. And the striking purity water fills them, overflowing through the edges with a foam stream, attracting not only connoisseurs of natural natural beauty in these edges, but also wanting to improve health. Warm mineral moisture of sources can noticeably improve well-being.

By the way, it is found in Pamukkale to see and except for amazing travertines, because the ancient ruins of an ancient hierazolis are located nearby. Separate buildings of the ancient city were erected for another 2 millennia BC.

Waitomo Caves in New Zealand

And in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, the North Island is located in the New Zealand archipelago, is still one place, as if descended from the pages of a magical fairy tale. We are talking about the complex Waitomo - a system of three with excess hundreds of caves that have formed over 30 million years.

Here it used to have been the sea, and now under karst arches, in which it is not difficult with proper lighting to discover the fossil remains of the aquatic inhabitants, carry water underground rivers. For them, travelers from all the ends of Light have been fought over them. And they attract tourists here at all are not speleological delights and the skeletons of fish and shells of mollusks in the local walls.

The main attraction of the local karst caves is the Mushroom Mosquito Mosquito Arachnocampa Luminosa, inhabitants in some local grottoes. These creatures living in the dark, sitting on the ceiling, begin to glow in the dark, in order to attract insects that are eaten. Because of this, the vaults of underground grotts decorate amazing illumination - it seems that the present night sky spread over the head with a bizarre picture of unknown constellations.

Pink Lake in Senegal

For those people who are looking forward to when humanity will go on a journey to distant stars, in order to see the fantastic landscapes of other people's planets, an unusual experience will be visited by Senegal located in West Africa. Here, 20 km south-east of the Capper Peninsula, there is an amazing lake of Retba, which would be much better fit into an incom-landscape than in the usual earthly realities.

The color of water in this reservoir, which is also known as a pink lake, suggests a giant bowl with a strawberry and cream cocktail, and even with tomato juice - a shade varies depending on the time of day and weather conditions. Previously connected to the ocean narrow twist, with the time of the sand disappeared due to the sand applied by tide, Retba due to a dry local climate.

As a result, the concentration of salt sediments who served as the nutritional medium for haarhai was seriously increased in the reservoir - precisely these organisms and is obliged to lake anomalous color. Amazing remains that with the strong wind halobacteria, they begin to allocate more enzymes, which leads to a change in the shade of water. By the way, the salt concentration in the lake is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea. So it is not recommended to swim in these waters longer than 10 minutes - such "baths" are not too favorable at the skin state.

Park "Lassen" in the USA

To see the striking space landscapes, without leaving the native planet, it is also possible in California - here is located here Lassen-Volkanik, famous for not only by the active volcano-peak and hot sulfur springs, but also the amazing color of the local soil.

Located in the cone still manifests the activity of the dunes as dishwashed with a fantastic film about the conquest of a different world, the soil in which combines shades from dark purple to pinkish-red, for earth grounds are not at all peculiar.

The reason for the occurrence of local colorful divorces was oxidizing processes. After an eruption on the raft streams of lava, the volcanic ash pulled up with oxygen and compounds contained in the chemical reactions in the fragible magma.

The result of these entertaining interactions and has become a curious landscape that attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world to the Lassen-Volkanik National Park is another place, according to the "most unusual places in the world" category.

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