Angie Everart - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Actress Angi Evergra is filmography The Dozens of Projects consists of dozens of projects, and fame to it came after filming for Glamor and Playboy magazines. Now the woman sometimes appears in art productions and television series, and also leads its own talk show, which considers a serious game.

Childhood and youth

Angie Everhart appeared on September 7, 1969 in the family of an engineer and housewives that have already growing older children. The girl with red hair was sociable and attractive, so in childhood she had a circle of loyal girlfriends and friends.

In High School, Firestone Angie dreamed of being a cheerleader, but could not because of the growth of 178 cm and weight about 65 kg. Coaches and classmates, not wanting to leave not a born actress, we decided that it would get an excellent team talisman from it.

The girl liked to appear in the public and pose in front of the chambers, so the mother arranged a photo session at the age of 15. The staff of the modeling agency said that Angie had a great future and with a successful coincidence, a happy ticket could be pulled out.

In order to start a career model, Everhart with his parents went to Italy, and after a series of original pictures she was offered a full-fledged contract. But the fall from the horse at the 19th age, which led to the injury of the spine, almost deprived the girl of life, recognition and prestigious awards.

Physiotherapy and the power of the will helped her stand up on his feet and participate in the design of designer swimwear in 1995. In addition, in the youth, the future actress was exposed for "playboy", and then for some time fruitfully collaborated with magazines Elle and Glamour.

Personal life

In the personal life of Angie Evergra, there was a lot of fans, and in his youth her first husband was the actor Achley Hamilton. But the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, one year later collapsed, and the beauty began to meet with Joe Peshi - comic and singer.Embed from getty images

In the interval between these relationships was the engagement with the Sylvester Stallone, who loved the models and chose them as a wife. Then, with the birth of a little son, the dream of the actress about children came true, but circumstances were forced to part with his father.

In 2014, Angie again tried happiness and married Carlo Ferro, glorified in the service sector. Before this, doctors have discovered the disease of the thyroid disease, but on time the operation was helped to overcome the disease.


Working a mannequin and fashion model, Angie wondered over the career of the actress and in the early 1990s decided to tie a biography with a movie. She looked perfectly in advertising, filmed in Milan and Paris, and not multiply a similar experience would be stupid.

Having passed a number of castings, the girl made his debut in the episode of the militant with Arnold Schwarzenegger "Last Kinogery". Then she became the heroines of the criminal thriller "whore", where Victor Wong and Richard Krenna pleased with a professional game.

Evergrant immediately noticed directors of feature films, and subsequently she played a number of bright secondary roles. The main debut achievement was the drama "Love in Paris", also known as "the other nine and a half weeks".

In this tape, actresses were lucky enough to work with Mickey Rourke, which was beautiful as a man and a scenic partner. She used the experience in the comedy "Something about sex", the TV series "Carolina in New York" and the militant "Dlinger is dead".

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In the mid-2000s, the largest project of Evergrant was the series "under cover" about US specials. Partners in the site in the Shayne Salerno detective were Grand Show, Vera Farmiga, Ving Reims and John Seda.

After that, a number of comedy films appeared in the piggy bank, such as "naked witness" and "take me home". In addition, the actress appeared in the extreme-show "Gilligan Island", but due to the rupture, the tendon had to leave the project early.

In the future, without risk to the life of Evergra, there was a TV host in popular programs to "speak the truth" and "club of former wives." And in the 2010 he launched a podcast on the Internet, where a famous comic Greg Wilson appeared as a partner.

Angie Everart now

Now Angie is busy in a number of television projects, the premiere of which is still scheduled for 2020. With Richard Tyson and Joanna Newmark, she appears in the film "Illusion", which immerses the viewer in the event cycle.

In addition, the actress works on a talk show about the problems of women, which tells in Twitter and Instagram. She speaks with guests providing interesting stories, and sometimes appeals for advice to cosmetologists and doctors.


  • 1993 - "Last kinhero"
  • 1995 - "Slut"
  • 1996 - "Bikes from a crypt: bloody brothel"
  • 1997 - "Love in Paris"
  • 1998 - "Third Planet from Sun"
  • 1998 - "Something about sex"
  • 1999 - "Team" Angels ""
  • 2001-2002 - "under cover"
  • 2002 - "Naked Witness"
  • 2004 - "Secrets of Hollywood Mom"
  • 2007 - "Payback"
  • 2011 - "Take me home"
  • 2014 - "Marriage Agreement"

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