Anniversary of Tatiana Pokrovskaya: 2020, biography, personal life


Tatyana Pokrovskaya - coach of the Russian team of simultaneous swimming since 1998. On June 5, 2020, the mentor, which is considered a gift for fate in sports, celebrates the 70th anniversary. Interesting facts from the life of the star, whose work methods still remain a mystery to the sports community - in the material 24cm.

Fashion legislator in synchronous swimming

Long before synchronous swimming was renamed artistic, Tatiana Nikolaevna introduced a fashion for figurative compositions in group and solo performances.

It was with the Pokrovskaya who began demanding to musical works that accompany the speech of the team. Music, costumes, emotions of girls during starts - this is a single integer formed according to the laws of the classical ballet school.

Symbol of Victory

Talisman at the national team training is considered Pitana Tatiana Nikolaevna - Yorkshire Terrier Daniel, who, together with the hostess, observes the work of athletes.

And as the signs "For good luck", the national team girls chose the "victorious" shirts of the green and pink coach, bought in honor of "gold" in Hong Kong in 1998. The celebrity admits that happy things have long been small in size. But girls believe in signs, and the Pokrovskaya has to abide by the tradition.

There is no medal in synchronous swimming

There is no personal medals for synchronous swimming in the biography of Tatiana Nikolaevna, and she does not love the pool. But there are Olympic "gold" and international awards in 27 athletes, whom she managed to prepare.

The sports career of celebrities began with rhythmic gymnastics, where she went hoping that classes would be associated with a bit of drawing. A career in synchronous swimming in Pokrovskaya opened with the position of choreographer. According to the memories of the coach, after the rhythmic gymnastics it was "somehow funny to watch what they are there on the water."

Performance is the gift of God

In difficult periods, Tatiana Pokrovskaya recalls that such performance for it for some reason is given over. In the mid-90s she tried to stay for a year and devote the time of personal life. However, I caught myself thinking that home care was something superfluous, and the soul requires activities when it is necessary to escape somewhere.

Work under the bayan

In troubled times, working as a rhythmic gymnastics coach, Tatiana Pokrovskaya agreed with schools about the possibility to do free. And since the piano in the hall for the lessons of physical culture was not stood, then an existentant mentor hired an biatherist. "I think it is just a property of character: in any life situation, I will always find an adventure," the coach emphasizes.

"Moluba" became a revelation

The Olympic program "Moluba" 2016 was recognized as the best in synchronous swimming. However, few people guess that the composition is hidden by the personal tragedy of Tatiana Pokrovskaya - the death of the granddaughter of Liza.

The idea of ​​speaking was born after Lisa fell ill. There was a period when athletes were afraid, which will remain without a mentor. The girls of the team managed to independently unite, choose a musical composition and help Tatiana Nikolaevna survive a difficult period, forgetting at work.

Now, after a time after the tragedy, the daughter of Catherine presented the grandson of Ivan and granddaughter Anya, with whom the grandmother communicates with Skype.

Nepadagogical methods of work

Screaming Pokrovskaya is the adrenaline of synchronous swimming team. In team sports, he emphasizes Tatiana Pokrovskaya, there is no place for pets. For girls to "pull up" to the same sports level, you have to be tough.

And after the victorious speech, the girls remember insubstantive statements, laugh at them and love to dip the coach in synchronous swimming in the pool, thereby expressing gratitude for mentoring.

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