Betty Bump (Character) - Photo, Pictures, Bimbo, Helen Kane, Heroine, Prototype


Character History

Betty Bump - the first female character in animation, the image of which was associated with excessive sensuality and flirt. From 1932 to 1939, more than 90 episodes were issued, in which jazestka played a major role.

History of character creation

Character writer - Max Fleisher. The US-Polish animator, producer and director made a lot in the development of animation. In particular, he owns the merit of the invention "Rothoscope". Thanks to this device, multiplication heroes began to resemble live actors, and movements acquired smoothness.

Max Fleisher is also considered a karaoke attitude. When musical compositions sounded in his cartoons, lines with words were displayed on the screen. And the ball jumping on them demonstrated when you need to start singing.

But Fleaster was not enough that the musical background was simply imposed on the animation. The creator of the TV series Talkartoons decided to make heroes speaking. Studio Paramount Pictures perceived a proposal with enthusiasm.

At the same time, Walt Disney, the main competitor Paramount, demonstrated the world of the famous Mickey Mouse, thereby designating a new trend in animation. Up to this point, the animation was intended exclusively for an adult audience.

Fleucher decided to go on his own way and make a series of cartoons Talkartoons fully handed. In addition to clown Koko, another character added in the plot - Dog Bimbo. He did little on the Disney Hero, in addition, he had a significant drawback - the lack of a love line. Then the animator came up with Betty Bup, which in the initial description appeared by Bimbo Passion.

So an anthropomorphic dog with charming eyes, slender legs and long ears appeared. Studios Paramount Pictures The new heroine fell to taste, and Max got a task to develop a cartoon series with her in the lead role. Together with artists, Grima Nvvik managed not only to give the jazeish human features, but also eclipse other Talkartoons characters.

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Betty became the embodiment of the era of jazz music. In the animated series, which was renamed her honor, the compositions of polar performers of those times, such as Louis Armstrong and Rudi Valley. The popularity of the heroine without exaggeration glorified her to the whole world, which allowed to get up in one row with Mickey.

But unlike Disney Momot, Betty remained an adult audience oriented. Specific humor, the inclusion in the plot of surrealism favorably distinguished the cartoons of Fleucher from similar pictures of the 30s of the XX century. The image of the BOOP was used in marketing - in advertising clothes, spirits and women's accessories.

The demand for the character led to a series of legal proceedings. The fact is that the prototype of the heroine spoke singer Helen Kane. Her for the children's voice and a peculiar manner of performance began to call Boop-Boop-A-Doop Girl. According to one of the versions, this nickname later used the flasher for the surname of the heroine.

Pure visually similarities Helen Kane and Betty got into the eyes, besides the quote from the song Kane I Wanna Be Loved by You - Boop-Boop-de-Boop was performed by the heroine in the Romance of Betty Boop series. Helen considered that the cartoon character took her lion's share of fans, and hence - and profits. Therefore, it was possible to recover monetary compensation from Max Fleucker.

However, the arguments of the plaintiff during the investigation crashed in the fluff and dust. Moreover, in court it was proved that the image of the singer itself, like the words of the song, are not original, but borrowed from another African American performer - Bebi Esther. The last, by the way, to the court to the studio of Fleischer decided not to serve.

Bump, although it is clearly debited with Helen, contains the character traits of another celebrity - american actress Clara Bow. The voice of the heroine of the animated series presented May Coutela. Betty was still voiced by 4 actresses, who also testified in court, that in this work they did not try to copy the player of execution Helen.

The history of this character is an unexpected takeoff and no less sharp drop. The leader of the 1934 Code was the latter, which regulated the need for compliance with the moral principles issued. It deprived the bulk of the main - femininity, sexual image and frankness.

Image and Biography Betty Bump

Initially, the character was an anthropomorphic dog, but in 1931 its image was completely thought away. Appearance remained peculiar. The head resembled a giant peanuts with very small "sponges of a bow", short curls and a tight ultra-screw dress. On a slim leg, a garter was concerned, giving Betty even greater vulgarity.

Americans such "innocence" came to the soul. The coquetry of the heroine did not limit her freedom - Betty in the earliest series was shone, then generously distributed the kisses.

But it is impossible to alone say that only this has affected the popularity of the animated series with this heroine in the lead role. A series of 1933 - "Snow White" is considered a masterpiece, which later contributed to the National Register of Historical Films.

Deconstruction of the original fairy tale under jazz motifs demonstrated fear of the modern world. Such a memorable performance cannot be compared with the Snow White Disney, and the surrealism of pictures and the absurdity of irony allows and today to notice the hidden promises in the Fleucher.

In 1935, the appearance and image of the heroine were transformed. New conditions forced the creators of the character to revise not only the wardrobe - in it began to be traced chasty dresses to her knees with long sleeves, but also the character of the heroine. So, from the careless singer who lives for love and adventure, the BUP has turned into a landed lady, more resembling a housewife.

Betty Bump in Snow White

The general background of the cartoon has also changed. Jazz motifs left, and musical accompaniment was introduced by shrill compositions. From surrealism with his amazing hidden promises there is no trace. As a result - such Betty no longer caused interest in the audience. The Epoch of the "Fleisherovskaya" BUP ended in 1939.

Nevertheless, she did not cease to influence the culture of the United States. The image of the character was also used in advertising, and in the late 80s, the retro image again reminded himself. So, in the 1988 film "Who substitute Rabbit Roger?" Betty competes with another sex star - Jessica Rabbit. It is specifically depicted in black and white, unlike other heroes, the films, with regret, sighing about the last glory.

The biography of the heroine is covered with a halo of secrecy. However, according to the creators of an attractive jazz performer, a girl is always 16 years old. Another interesting fact concerns its origin. So, until 1936 it was believed that the coquetty singer was a Jewish. After the mention was met that the ancestors of the BUP were Americans.

Interesting Facts

  • Max Fleisher once presented Betty "in color" - in the 1934 series "Cinderella". As it turned out, "in reality" singer - with red hair. So she was depicted in later cartoons.
  • The ascending American Star singer Charlie Poot dedicated one of the compositions of Betty's character.
  • The inhabitants of the USSR got acquainted with the jazese of BUP only in the 90s thanks to the candy on the gum.
  • The sex symbol of the 30s became a prototype for another character - Tutsi Brownshtein from the cartoon "Crazy glass."


  • 1932 - Stopping The Show
  • 1932 - Betty Boop's Museum
  • 1933 - Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions
  • 1933 - Betty Boop in Mother Goose Land
  • 1934 - Red Hot Mama
  • 1935 - Baby Be Good
  • 1935 - Taking the Blame
  • 1936 - Betty Boop and The Little King
  • 1936 - NOT NOW
  • 1936 - Betty Boop and Little Jimmy
  • 1937 - Whaops! I'm a cowboy
  • 1937 - The Hot Air Salesman
  • 1938 - Riding the Rails
  • 1938 - BE UP TO DATE
  • 1939 - My Friend The Monkey

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