Sergey Bodrov-Jr.: films, death, children, biography, wife


In 2020, 20 years old Movie Alexei Balabanova "Brother 2", together with the first part of the dilogy that came to the point with the image of the non-desperate atmosphere of the 90s. The main role in both paintings was Sergei Bodrov-Jr., a talented actor and director, despite the early death, managed to gain the status of a cult person in domestic cinema.

Interesting facts from the life and creative biography of the artist - in the material 24cmi.

the main role

Bodrov-Sr. several times shot his son in episodes - the films "I hate you" for the siblishment of the director, "Freedom is paradise" and "White King, Red Queen." But the first major role was still random.

Sergey Bodrov-Jr. often made a company to Father in his creative business trips. So it was on the set of the "Caucasian Captive" - ​​the young man went with his parent to help predominantly on the site. And suddenly received one of the main roles - Sergey Vladimirovich was simply unable to find a suitable actor in a couple of Menshikov.

About his son and name son

The actor claimed that he knew in advance how his future wife would look like. I introduced myself an image at the 6th age and saved in memory. So when I got acquainted with Svetlana Mikhailova, immediately recognized the girl in her childhood. Finding the parent, he did not pull with marriage - the wedding was played in a year. In happy, two children were born short marriage.

When Sergey and his wife chose a name for his second child, a small daughter Olya offered her own version - Brother-2. After thinking about the children's creative, the parents decided to stop at a more familiar - the Son called Alexander.

Born diplomat

Unlike the symbol of the 90s and the idol of several generations of young people, Danili Bagrova, embodied by actor on the screen, Sergey Bodrov-Jr. in life preferred not to fight, seeking to settle any conflicts with the help of words.


The director's debut of Bodrov-junior was originally listed under the working title "Belly Dance". But afterwards, Sergey decided to change it to the "sisters", in this way, having transferred a kind hell to the Balabanovsky "brother". By the way, the scenario for his painting of Bodrov wrote in just a couple of weeks.

Long conversation

According to memories of the artist's spouse, the last conversation between her and her husband, held on September 19, 2002, continued for a long time. As a rule, telephone calls from Sergey continued no longer than a few minutes, and in the evening before death, he could not say anything in any way. The wife drew attention to the sad voice of Bodrov-Jr., but he reassured her - everything is fine. Finally, Sergey said to the phone: "Take care of children."

The next morning, avalanche was gone in the Carmadon Gorge, which caused the death of the actor and members of the film crew.

From fate not to leave

After the "Caucasian Captive", Sergei Bodrov Jr. considered that the acting was not his lot. Such an impression on it was made by workers with filming. Although the critics with the opinion of the artist did not agree and gave it at the Film Festival in Sochi the prize for the best male role, to change their decision and return to cinema Sergey was not going to.

If not a sudden invitation of Alexey Balabanova, who offered the actor not to be filmed in the picture, but to do something together (after such a wording of Bodrov could not refuse!), The life of Sergey probably would have developed on another scenario.

Vocation - Santa Claus

Sergey and his colleagues for the transmission "View" brought a habit: before the New Year holidays, they visited the post office and collected letters sent by the children of Santa Claus to fulfill the desires of the guys who believed in a miracle.

However, in the "Frosty grandfather" Sergey Bodrov reincarnated not only virtually - the actor could be found in a costume of the magic old man who came with a bag of souvenirs to the children of colleagues, as well as on some kindergarten, where he crushed the gifts acquired at his own expense.

"Second Jump"

Sergey sometimes recalled a history of childhood. A small actor quietly rode skiing, no harm to the coolest descents. But when he grown, standing on the hill, suddenly experienced fear. Then the future director still forced himself to move. As a result, I broke a ski and shut down to ride.

With such a feeling, Sergey collided and before work on his second film "Svyaznoy", the shooting of which ended the tragic incident. He himself explained this by the fact that during the work on the "sisters" there was a certain element of the zador, recklessness. And after the first project, an understanding has already come, with what difficulties in the work may have to come together.


In the Carmadon Gorge, it was necessary to follow only one scene of the film, but due to the delay in transport, the beginning was postponed from 13:00 at 19:00. By evening, too, did not have time because of lack of lighting. So when the village gone from the mountains, the film crew has already soaked the equipment to return to the city.

Garbage truck

According to some sources, Sergey Bodrov-Jr. in childhood dreamed of becoming a garbage truck driver - I really wanted to led a big orange car.

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