The series "Where the rains go" (2016): Release date, actors and roles, Russia-1


On Sunday, June 7, 2020, in the daytime of the channel "Russia-1" showed the series "Where the rains go", the release date of which is September 10, 2016. Actors and roles, as well as interesting facts of film project - in material 24cm.


In the center of the plot of the film - the confrontation between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. Successful Nina was accustomed to controlling the situation, but the son presented a surprise and married his wife, without asking for the consent of the parents. The hostility to the elected heir was stronger than the feelings to her husband and son. The family breaks conflicts, and the main heroine business collapses.

Wishing to hold the position, Nina is trying to figure out the motives of marriage from the daughter-in-law. In the conversation, the details that returned Nina to unpleasant memories were emerged. What will end the conflict of two women, show the series "Where the rains go".


Starring movie cast:

  • Tatyana Kolgana - Nina Vassev, Sasha's mother, a flower business owner. In 2019, the actress created bright images in detective drams "Final Verdict" and "Nealimy Phoenix". In the 2020s are in the production of criminal drama Ageev and "Roasted Chicken" with the participation of COLGANOVA.
  • Olesya Fattyova - Zhenya, Sasha's spouse. Actress is familiar to the audience for work in the films "Rural Detective" and "Sultan of My Heart." In 2020, he is preparing to show the melodrama "Everyone solve heaven", where Fattahov is involved. It became known that in the plot there are elements of mysticism.
  • Oleg Garbuz - Philip Vassev, Nina's husband. In 2019, the artist managed to reveal in the role of a medical worker in the films "stepfather" and "perfect marriage". In the 2020th, the picture of the "broken mirror" with the participation of Garbuz came to the screens.
  • Andrei Senkin - Sasha Vassev, who, despite the will of his parents, leaves the house and lives with a young wife on a removable apartment. The leading role in the Belarusian Drama "Cadet". In 2020, there is a large-scale melodrama "Mountain Mistress" with the participation of the actor.
  • Svetlana Kozhemyakina is a friend of the Vasuravi family, the godfather of Sasha. The performer was remembered for work in the film "Family Values". In 2019, the series "Intercessors", where Kozhemyakina played one of the key roles.
  • Kirill Novitsky - Vadik. The role of Novitsky is more often associated with the characters "in the pursuit". In 2020, 6 kinocartine is prepared with the participation of the actor, among them - the "miraculous" tape, where the audience will see Novitsky in the form of a policeman.
  • Valeria Melnik - Varya. The performer is known for the role in the TV series "Mukhtar. New trace. " In 2020, the project "Medicine for Faith" is in production, the center of the plot of which is the history of Archpriest, the life-saving mother of the mother.

The film also filmed: Anna Bogdan, Ivan Pavlov, Alexander Pavlov.

Interesting Facts

1. In the role of Tatiana Colganov, Tatyana Kolganova often meet the roles of business women and law enforcement officers. In the project "Where the rains are somewhat", she had to create an image of a business woman who was witnessing a criminal situation.

2. The actors of the series "Where to lose the rain" met on the set of historical Sagi Sagi, where Oleg Garbuz, Kirill Novitsky and Alexander Pavlov were shot.

3. In the plot there is a line of "erroneous" revenge, which affects the behavior of the heroes.

4. Director-director of the picture Alexei Karelin is known to lovers of the criminal genre on the 3rd and 4th parts of the franchise "Albanian's pseudonym" ", which broadcasts the NTV channel.

5. Judging by the reviews of the audience, the acting work by COLGANOVA and FATTSOVA was rated high. However, it is believed that the series "where the rains go" are "Lyapi", which rarely meet in life. So, in a married couple, where the wife is above her husband, the difference in growth emphasizes the desire of a woman to wear shoes on high studs.

The series "Where the rains go" - Trailer:

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