Dick Francis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Books



Prosaika Dick Francis can be called an absolutely happy person. The author of bestsellers, in love for whom Elizabeth II lived, lived for almost 90 years, was happy in marriage and raised two sons, each of whom became the successor of the Father's business.

Childhood and youth

Richard Stanley Francis was born in the family of British jockey on the last October day of 1920. At age 5, the boy was cleverly controlled with horses, and at 12 he spoke at the show of the race horses. One day a pony fell on Richard, breaking the jaw and nose to the teenager. At the age of 15, the guy threw the school and began to prepare for jockey career.

Richard's plans prevented the Second World War. The young man died at the front, hoping to get into the cavalry, but was in aviation. First, Francis was preparing the technique for flights, and at the end of the war, fighters and bombers were piloted.

In 1946, Richard made his debut at amateur competitions, after 2 years he entered the number of professionals, and after 5 he became a personal jockey of Queen. During the jockey career ending in 1957, after falling at the finish line, Francis won 350 races. For several years, the source of the revenues of the former jockey was the work of the sports reporter of the Sunday Express newspaper.

Personal life

On the threshold of the 25th anniversary of Richard at the Kousin's wedding met with 20-year-old Mary Margaret Banchley. The young veteran of the Air Force, at first glance, fell in love with a girl who had already had diplomas in English and French philology. Although Richard, as he laid a jockey, did not differ from the giant growth, and Francis's family and Banchley were coolly reacted to the matrononial plans of the young, in June 1947, Dick and Mary got married.

Personal life of the detector was inextricably linked with creativity. Richard not only used professional knowledge of the wife and sons of Merrick and Felix when creating plots, but also involved family members as co-authors, editors and literary agents.

Francis classmates were surprised at his writing career. In adolescence, Richard did not read the book and wrote well school essays. According to a number of researchers, a man gained an invoice and composed the Fabul of Romanov, and writing works was engaged in professional philologist Mary. The questions of journalists about the authorship of best-selling spouses were stuck:

"I am Richard, she is Mary, and together we are writer Dick Francis."

Mary Francis died in the last September day of 2000. The cause of the death of the writer's wife was a heart attack. The representative of Queen Alaster Eidr and the former Prime Minister of Britain, John Major, was present on the memorial service of the friend of life and many years of Richard to the Richard co-author and former UK Prime Minister John Major.


Dick Francis - author of the autobiography, biographies of Jockey Lester Piggott and the collection of stories "Jump of thirteen". However, the former jockey became famous for the detectives, the plots of which, as a rule, are associated with various aspects of horse breeding.

The debut novel "Favorit" was the most successful book of Francis. Investigation of the fall of the horse named Admiral, which caused the death of jockey, repeatedly attracted the attention of cinematograms. In the British film adaptation of 1974, the role of Laura Davidson performed Judi Dench, the future head of the MI-6 - M in Bondian, the owner of the Oscar Award for the role of Queen Elizabeth in the film "Shakespeare in love". After 2 years, the Soviet cinema of the work was published.

In Francis's novels, there is no Figure of the detective, from boredom or for the forces of the Investigative Crime. The narration is conducted on behalf of the hero, the will of the circumstances of the criminal drawn into search. At the horse, the life of the central character is a 30-year-old man, and he has to use all the seamless, agility and courage to go into the race with the villain by the winner. The motive of most crimes is a caring.

A distinctive feature of the works of Dick, who relates to the author with Arthur Hale, is the attentive development of details of the professional activities of the characters. In addition to horse breakers and races, readers of Francis detectives will find out the specifics of servicing passengers of VIP trains, staff of radio station or air carriers. Evil in novels, as a rule, turns out to be defeated.


After the death of Mary, the writer 6 years did not publish new works. Interrupted the silence of the final book about the adventures of Side Holly "on request". Four Subsequent Roman Richard wrote in collaboration with the younger son Felix.

In 2006, the writer was shuntered by the heart, and a year later, amputated the right leg. Even in the photo of recent years, already standing with a wand and on a prosthesis, Francis appears next to the horses.

Richard's life path ended in 2010, on the day of all lovers, but the writer's bibliography continues to be replenished after the death of Joca. Felix continues to create and publish detectives under the loved readers of the trademark "Dick Francis".


  • 1957 - "Sport Korolev"
  • 1962 - "Favorit"
  • 1965 - "game without trumps"
  • 1966 - "Stormy Finish"
  • 1970 - "Rat run"
  • 1976 - "In Mousetrap"
  • 1979 - "Solid Hand"
  • 1981 - "Double Care"
  • 1985 - "Stroy"
  • 1992 - "Driving Power"
  • 1996 - "By hand in danger"
  • 1998 - "Jump of thirteen"
  • 1999 - "Second Breath"
  • 2006 - "By request"
  • 2007 - "Nostril in Nostril"
  • 2010 - "Cross Gallop"

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