Alexander Yakina's birthday: 2020, biography, personal life, movies


On June 8, 2020, the young actor Alexander Yakin was noted on his own 30th anniversary. Although the first major role of the artist played in 15 years in the film Valery Ahadov "Greenhouse Effect", fame came to him only after filming in the project "Happy together". And then followed by the "Nostalgic Sitter" "Eighties" demonstrated its polyhedral.

Interesting facts from the personal life and the working biography of celebrities - in the material 24cmi.

About nutrition and sports

Alexander Yakin in the morning prefers a dry breakfast with milk. Anna Zaitsev's wife was taught to this - the artist until 2017 hid the beloved from the press, and now it is infrequently postponing joint photos in "Instagram". Otherwise, the actor claims that the own food is not particularly monitored and all sorts of diet does not abuse. But he is engaged in sports - visits the gym and plays with friends in football. And from August 2015, he began to engage in boxing.

Actor driver

The actor in childhood dreamed of becoming a truck driver. And in the family of professional chauffeys was not. However, then it seemed like other boys, that it was fantastically cool - to sit at the wheel of a huge tractor.

The trucker Alexander did not. But I had to work the driver - in the period between the filming in the "happy together" and the "eighties" when the roles were lazy. According to Yakina, the only thing in this case was strained - the need to get up early. But embarrassment from the fact that he, the actor, forced to "turn the ram", did not feel at all, for he believes that there is no shameful professions.

This is not forgotten!

The most difficult stage, Alexander Yakin calls an episode of 1 series of the 6th season of the "eighties" - in him hero escaped from the dog. The artist accounted for several days to walk in a special workmy, in which it was terribly hot - it is difficult to forget! However, Kusala Doubler's dog - When the actor flew from her in the frame, the animal was kept on the tanning.


For some time, Alexander was fascinated by photography - he filmed a presented film camera than Ivan Smirnova, which was played in the "eighties". A professional was not striving to become a professional - it was just constantly wanted to try something new. The desire for self-development also forced the artist to write scripts, although he himself admits that until perfection in this matter is far away.

About choosing a career

Alexander claims that the profession did not choose - they decided for him. First, the future artist was engaged in choreography and football. But after the departure of the teacher for dancing, the parents decided to give the Son to the theater Studio, so that he did not shut down the street along with other children, but was busy business.

Because of the studies in the studio, there was no other time - the theater pushed out even football. And soon Alexander began to be removed at all. So already by grade 9, when it became rare to appear at school, I realized that in addition to the theater university would not choose anything. Since accurate science is not for him.

Financial Question

Yakin is not a transcription, but not to Skopid - it applies to money without trembling, but also tries not to waste into the back. Although sometimes it happens - for example, once bought an expensive hockey form, because friends were invited to play. As a result, only a couple of times in it went to the ice - then the clothes went dust into the garage.

The actor believes that the first fee earned after the adulthood spent in vain - bought fashionable "Camelota". In shoes due to their peculiar style and their own growth looked natural clown. Yes, and they were 2 sizes more - there was no suitable, and I really wanted to buy.

About comics

Alexander Yakin loves high-quality films to which, including the pictures taken on comics, the tapes about the avengers left the artist under the impression. And the actor is invariably kidding - Batman, for those who want to play in the future. With laughter, then explains that anyone is able to portray, the main thing is that the role is good, and the partners are interesting.

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