Prison "Polar Owl": the worst prisons of Russia, for life sentenced, HARP


Among numerous correctional institutions in the Russian Federation, a separate article is "government houses", intended for life sentenced to conclude. These prisons are shrouded in the halo of evil glory, as the most terrible correctional institutions of Russia among the likes: few of the local "guests" can boast that they went to the will with their feet, and not "left" the prison walls after death. Let's talk about the prison "Polar Owl": where this correctional colony is located who sits on its walls and under what conditions contained prisoners.

Heritage Gulag

Correctional Colony No. 18, more known as "Polar Owl", is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, in the village called Harp, formed in 1961 at the site of the large-scale construction site of the transpolar highway. The constructions of the Gulag were actively attracted to the construction of the railway branch in the 47-53-m. Moreover, the first parties of "volunteers" for the implementation of the grandiose project were sent to the snow of the Polar region long before the infrastructure was created for survival.

Prisoners of the camps, among whom they met both the criminals and war criminals were forced to independently equip the place for their own habitat: household structures were placed, put temporary tents and built dugouts that giving better protection from junior frosts, the straws were struck by the territory of the barbed wire. Escape in the conditions of an extinguished hundred kilometers around the edge of the Polar Snow will only become a painful way to commit suicide.


Life gradually got up, and not without the help of residents of the surrounding settlements, which sympathized with prisoners and from time to time helped with supplies. But heavy working conditions - and worked convicted to 16 hours a day - they affected the well-being of the builders' tackers very negatively.

Let the periodically, the parties of prisoners were sent to the south of the camp to exclude mass death, after all the number of dead was calculated by thousands. The one is the usful that after the death of Stalin, the project of the transpolar highway, for the number of those who died on its construction with the nicknamed "dead road", they abandoned, and prisoners were scattered on other prisons and camps.

"Polar Owl"

In the very place on the Peninsula Yamal, 8 years later, they founded the regime village of Harp - they also built it by the forces of convicts. It opened a corona colony, serving a punishment in which worked at a local factory manufacturing iron-concrete products.

Despite the rigid conditions of the Polar region, initially ITC was not intended for the content of sentenced life. Only in the 70s of the last century did the first proposal for the transformation of the institution to the colony for particularly dangerous criminals, and to bring the plain criminals there and began only in 1981.


Finally, the status of a correctional institution for persons sentenced to long-term conclusion, up to life, the prison "Polar Owl" received only in late 2004 - early 2005. By the way, as in the case of the Black Dolphin prison, the institution is obliged to own an unofficial name located in the courtyard of the sculpture.

Conditions of detention

"Polar Owl" - prison, rightly considered one of the most terrible in Russia. The point here is not only at the location of the location, and after all, it is clearly impossible to call the Polar with a comfortable for life. As in other institutions of the Russian system of execution of sentences intended for the conclusion of particularly dangerous criminals with long periods, including sentenced life, the conditions of detention in this institution are not sugar at all.

Apartments, provided by local inhabitants, it is possible to characterize exclusively as ascetic: table, bench, bedside table and shelf for things, extinguishing place, bed yes tank with water for washing and drinking. Lifting - at 6:00, hug - at 22:00, and between them - work, checks and walks. Conversations between the sites contained in one chamber - only in a whisper, during walks - are prohibited at all.

From entertainment - radio and books in the clock of short leisure, provided for by the strict charter of the correctional establishment, and once a week - watching military or documentaries C DVD. The bunny day for the lack of the bath itself is not provided - once in 7 days of convicts have the right to a 10-minute visit to the shower.

Personal things convicted

There are 1-2 people in the chambers. With the joint placement of the models, they are selected on the basis of psychological compatibility, periodically producing rotation to eliminate the occurrence of conflict situations. However, even such precautions do not guarantee complete safety of prisoners - due to the fact that not all the premises of the colonies are equipped with video cameras, there were cases of scuffle between the models, including with a fatal outcome.

It is possible to attribute the presence of some similarity of the storage chamber sentenced to lifelong periods of some kind of storage chambers sentenced to life-lifted deadlines, from which the prisoner brings the necessary personal thing - in the residential premises there is not enough space for items that accumulates from serving the time during their stay in the colony.

Condemned bed

Prisoners sentenced to prolonged periods work at the enterprises included in the colony complex, starting from the ZhBI plant to the joinery and turning shops. To their services also - the church and the club. In the last sentences, they do not allow lifeless - they have been forbidden to work until 2015, but subsequently the regime softened.


The prison "Polar Owl" is the case when the external impressions that are not formulated by the last amount of the harsh rigidity of the surrounding nature fully correspond to the content. Among the punishment of the penalty in a correctional colony number 18, many people who have committed loud, or even just terrifying crimes.

Denis Essyukov

Thus, here is a former law enforcement officer, called the "bloody major" for killing in a state of alcohol intoxication of people in the Moscow supermarket, Denis Essyukov . Now only the Father arrives at the ex-policeman, the wife did not get out of Moscow.

Another convicted Dmitry Voronenko , a maniac and a rapist, who embraced sacrifically miniature blondes - raped and killed, could be both 20 years old and 11, just the basic criteria of "bloody selection" corresponded. The relatives of the dead demanded to apply the death penalty against the criminal, despite the moratorium, but the Supreme Court did not go to this.

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On the hands of Alexander Pichushkin, also serving a punishment in the "Polar Owl", blood is 49 people - this is only proven by the consequence of episodes. Began a criminal "career" at 18 years old with the murder of a classmate according to Proftekhiliilius and called "Bittsev Manyak" for the favorite place of "hunting", a man even after the appointment of a life sentence retained confidence that he would continue to fulfill the task - make 64 murders, smoothly by the number of cells on Chessboard.

Sergey Pomazun , hacking the father's armory safe, opened the shooting in the center of Belgorod - six, including two schoolgirls, 16 and 14 years old were killed from his shots.

Sergey Pomazun

Sits in IR-18 and Nurpashi Kula In, the only surviving fighter, involved in the seizure of the school in Beslan, during which more than 300 people died, 186 of whom are children. By the way, he was in one chamber with Pichushkin in a short time, but was subsequently directed - because of the threats from the side of the mamer feared for his own life.

On the account Abdufatto Zamanova 14 people, with five of whom he dealt in one day. Only due to the testimony of the fright girlfriend of the criminal, law enforcement agencies managed to delay the killer in time until he had time to do even more.

Nurpashi Kulaev

In addition to those listed above, in the walls of the correctional colony in a cold Hard, other criminals are sitting, whose acts are disgusted and fright. However, not only the loud names of terrorists, robbers, murderers and rapists, one of the most terrible prisons of Russia is known.


Among the bright cases that occurred in the territory of the colony and actively covered by the media, the scandal associated with the falsification of the jaws of the obey can be noted. In 2011, it was found that one of the correctional employees hosted to the prisoner of his person from among the convicts, which violence and threats forced the punishment to write an obequinity appeal on cases, which caused the investigative bodies, the so-called "coolers".

Among the "disclosed" due to the vicious practice of cases - those who caused a serious resonance in the country of the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya from the Novaya Gazette and Paul Khlebnikov, who headed the Russian division of Forbes. When the travelers were found due to non-slipposses in the testimony of "submersing" trended, an enterprising employee of the colony himself went to Nara for the exceeding official authority.

Anvar Masalimov

Also in 2018, the Polar Owl prison was noted by another significant event - from it for the first time in the post-Soviet history of Russia, he was released to death sentenced to death, Anvar Masalimov . At first, the preventive measure for a convicted due to the introduction of the moratorium on the death penalty was changed to a lifelong conclusion, and after another 25 years, the petition of the FDO due to the retraining of the case in connection with the changes in the country's legislation was satisfied. However, a man, in the wild, spent on bars a total of 26.5 years, was lingering for a while - soon it was detained for the household conflict, during which he hit the drinking knife in the stomach.

Although occasionally occur in the "Polar Owl" cases of suicide and murder, mainly convicted in prison die for natural reasons. Most of those who died are buried in shallow graves with numbered crosses near the prison corps - those who renounced their prisoners often do not want to pick up the bodies of dead criminals.

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