Anniversary of Julia Auga: 2020, biography, personal life, husband, in youth


"Empress" of Russian cinema of Julia Auga is known as the star of films "not for all" and serials for the general public. She does not hide age, shows a face without makeup, openly talks about sexuality and thanks Clara Zetkin for the right to remain a self-sufficient woman. On June 8, 2020, the actress celebrated the 50th anniversary.

Interesting facts from the life of celebrities - in the material 24cm.

Mother's dream

In childhood, Julia Aug dreamed of becoming an archaeologist or jeweler. Everything changed when the romance was twisted with a boy older than a year. Cavalier dreamed of entering the theater university, but something was not asked. And Julia looked at the energy of students of the theater institute, which made the actress's career dream.

As it turned out later, Julia was able to fulfill the Mom's dream, which was engaged in Minsk theater Studio, but by virtue of circumstances chose another profession.

About Polina

In the first marriage, the celebrity was born daughter of Polina. But before the 10-year-old age, the actress was not engaged in raising the girl, sacrificing motherhood in favor of a career.

Now in an interview with Julia Augon says that the children needed the mother. By the way, as an example, Julia leads his own mother, Evgeny Efimovna, which, despite the old age, remains an elegant woman and chooses for a birthday as a gift of adidas sneakers to travel.

Care in the monastery

In an interview, the star says that still is in search of God. In 20 years, against the background of the mental crisis, the celebrity even tried to go to the monastery, where he spent 2 months as a difficulty. In a mentor, she was chosen to a novice with bite of people. The time spent in one cell with a seriously ill unpleasant woman served as a reason for rethinking values, and Auga returned to establish a personal life.

The actress claims that he is glad to observe the church ceremonies as for theatrical action. And as the Heavenly Office of AUG chose nature and its expediency, picking up more to the pagans.

About nage

In the creative biography of the actress, there is a role where she starred nude. However, embarrassment when working in "naked" episodes is not experiencing. For such courage, Julia Augu is grateful to parents, who from the age of five drove it into the Hermitage in the halls dedicated to the antiquity and the era of the Renaissance.

It helped to form a pantheistic attitude towards the body, which was perceived in harmony with the soul. Later, in his youth, the future actress calmly sunk topless on the beach in Ust-Narva, so she does not see a big difference between the beach and filmmaking.

Doggy passion

Now the actress has three dogs: Dexter, House and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Dexter and Jacques - the shelter guys who appeared in the house with a difference in one day thanks to the second husband Andrei.

In 2011, the dogs drama unfolded in the eyes of the celebrity when the animals were for the first time. Julia rushed to distribute pets and suffered from bites, crushing the bones of the left wrist. To recover, the artist had to survive two operations. This event did not change the love of Julia to the animals, and she continues to lay out a photo of pets in the "instagram".


At school, the future star faced the aggression of classmates: the peers spoiled the notebooks, threw a driving wool in a hood. When the family learned about bullying, then the father taught "beat without thinking, on ahead." It helped to stand up for myself, and later the ability to keep the strike actress handed over and the daughter of Polina.

Kiss with Tarantino

In the Venetian Film Festival in 2010, the film "Oveseing" with Yulia Aug, the main role received secondary awards. However, the actress was not left without his prize.

In conclusion, the event Tarantino distributed autographs. The audience was waiting for the logical completion of the celebration. To leave beautifully, Quentin offered Julia to kiss. A short kiss disappointed the public, there was a disgruntled buzz. Then, under the applause, Julia Aug and Tarantino kissed again, but much longer.

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