Herman Melville - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



American writer Hermann Melville, admirers call the most difficult and in-depth of the fellow who wrote in the genre of romanticism. In the past, brave sailor-woof, he gained fame in 30 years, but then lost his own popularity, because it remained faithful to himself and did not try to please the tastes of the public. The second wave of interest in Melville's work began in the 1920s, after the First World War, reaching a peak in the 1950s. The writer was recognized as a classic of world literature.

Childhood and youth

The author of the famous novel "Moby Dick" was born in the summer of 1819 in New York. He became the third of the eight offspring Allan and Maria Melville.

Grandparents of the future writer were the heroes of war of independence, revolutionary. One of them participated in the Boston Tea Party, the second commanded the defense of Fort Stanvix in 1777.

Hermann's father fluently owned French and spent a lot of time in Europe, being a seller of French haberdashery. Mom, in addition to English, studied the Dutch and knew the Bible perfectly. The third sibling baptized the priest of the Calvinist Church. The family lived in prosperity, hired servants and moved every 4 years to a more spacious and prestigious housing, wounded at the end of the 1820s on Broadway.

As it turned out later, the head of the family did not live for funds, lenting large sums of the Father, then in the widowing mother-in-law. In the end, Melville-senior owed a huge money, he broke, broke morally, and then physically and died when Herman was 13 years old. The guy could not finish school and went to make money for the family.

In 1838, Melville took a sailor to the English trading ship. After 3 years, he moved to the whaling schooner, Frozing the Pacific Ocean. Having quarreled with the captain, in 1842, Herman and a friend landed at one of the Marquis Islands, spending several weeks among friendly Aboriginal.

He left the island with the whale ship from Australia. Herman Melville could get to Sushi in 1844, landing in Boston.

Personal life

Personal life, like the creative biography of Herman Melville, consisted of glistening happiness and a protracted failure and grief.

In 1847, the Romanist had a family. Wife Elizabeth Show presented her husband of four children, loving sons and daughters. Two Sons, Stanvix and Malcolm, died young. One of the daughters is seriously ill, and the second turned away from his father.

The family of unrecognized contemporaries of the genius threw a modest existence. The photo of Melville has been preserved, but it is not known how his spouse and children looked like.


Without a small 4 year, wanderings pushed Herman to literary activities. Having received the richest material in the youth, and asked to the pages, who left the deck, 25-year-old Melville did not hesitate and soon took over the pen. The first essays are the novels of "Thai" and "wow" - came out in 1846 and 1847 and were warmly accepted by readers.

In 1848, Melville published a new book - Mardi Roman. Delighted the first two works, light and filled adventures, fans disappointedly sighed: the writer changed the concept and genre.

In the late 1840s, the bibliography was replenished with two more works - the books of "Radburn" and "White Bushlat". Now the readers loud rejected the fruits of Luba Prosaik. The books were not sold, which affected the material situation of the Melville family.

In 1851, the novelist presented his masterpiece called "Moby Dick, or White Kit". The novel was not a hint of adventure. The work was immersed by the reader in the gloomy reality, where the irrational is dominated, and the whale itself symbolizes whether God, whether the devil. Contemporaries - both readers and critics - a philosophical novel in sins.

Such a reaction to creativity forced Herman Melville to print the following writings under the pseudonym. In the 1855th, a historical novel about the Hero-revolutionary Izrael Potter, a year later, published "Stories on the Veranda". But both these works and the following were not returned to the writer of the former glory.

The Poem "Clarleyl" did not accept the public. The last work is a story about the sailor Billy Badde - ended with Melville in 1891, but published only in 1924. The book entered the Gold Fund of American and World Literature, but the writer did not recognize this. Only after his death of the novels were disassembled by quotations, and the interests of the classics appeared in the monographs of numerous biographers.


The classic died in September 1891 in poverty and oblivion. The cause of death was heart failure. Melville turned 72 years old.


"I am a man, I'm weak, but I am ready to fight you, harsh, ghostly tomorrow!" "Big fool always scolds less" How flexible our solidity prejudices are bending when they are born between people's love "" The more efforts you will apply To please the world, the less gratitude you wait! "


  • 1846 - "Tyii, or a quick look at the Polynesian life"
  • 1847 - "OMA: a story about the adventures in the southern seas"
  • 1849 - "Mardi and Travel there"
  • 1849 - "Redburn: His first journey"
  • 1850 - "White Bushlate, or War Sip World"
  • 1851 - "Moby Dick, or White Kit"
  • 1852 - "Pierre or ambiguity"
  • 1855 - "Israel Potter. Fifty years of his expulsion "
  • 1856 - "Stories on the Veranda"
  • 1857 - "Template: His Masquerade"
  • 1865 - "Battle scenes and different sides of war"
  • 1876 ​​- "Clarel: Poem and Pilgrimage to the Holy Land"
  • 1888 - "John Marr and other sailors"
  • 1891 - "Timoleon"
  • 1891 - "Billy Bad, Form-Marsa Sailor"

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