The most unusual creatures in the world: marine, Australia, mythical, lively


Scientists argue that from the great diversity of the living forms inhabiting the planet, only a small tolik was found and explored. A much larger number of forest inhabitants, deserts, oceans, seas and rivers remain not yet fell by science. As evidence, researchers argued about ancient legends and legends, often the descriptions of all sorts of mythical creatures. But even without mysticism and fabulous magic on the planet, the Earth really live amazing creatures. On the most unusual beings in the world - in the material 24cm.

Vampire deer

In the Siberian Mountains, from Altai to Sayan, as in the Far East or in Korea, lives an unusual and unfortunate animal, looking for the asymmetric structure of the body fun and clumsily. The hind legs of the animal are much longer than the front, and the croup as a whole looks exorbitantly massive. And the head disproportionately compared to the sizes of the body looks frankly wonderful.

This is a cabgarium, also known as a fangy deer. It is the fangs, not to the place adorning the top jaw of a painline creation, reaching 70 cm in the withers, finally completed the fancy image of the inhabitant of the mountain slopes.

Despite the other nickname given by people - "Vampire deer", - an unusual reindeer creature prefers to eat at all blood and meat, but lichens, bark and cheese. And the own terrible "gun", "issued" instead of missing horns, Kabarga uses, like other deer, to challenge the attractions of competitors to the female during the Gon. However, as in the horned fellow, the scuffle between relatives for the attention of the "excellent lady" is often tragically for individual applicants.

Toxic earthyman

Externally, a strongly resembling a large rat or an exorbitant elucian depleting slice is found in Cuba, Haiti and in the rural of the Latin American continent. This dicker beast refers to the insectivore, in length reaches 32-35 cm, and weighs up to 1 kg or a little more. A distinctive feature is also a secret with a strong musky smell, highlighted by the glands located in the groin area and armpits.

A part of the most unusual animals on the planet Creating is surprisingly also among what relates to a relatively modest number of mammals, which are poisonous. The toxic component is allocated with salivary iron, located under the jaw. The duct takes it to a poison to the base of the deep gap (from where and the original name) of the second lower cutter. The structure of the poisonous apparatus resembles a similar in the snake, however, it is characterized by a simplified structure.

The "refive" is a slissance, although it is capable of delivering certain inconvenience, for a person harmless. The released toxin is danger only for small rodents and insects, which are in the food of an enlarged copy of the earth farm, as well as, which is considered a paradox for the animals, devoid of immunity to the native "weapon".

Inverted Dragon

Glaucus Atlanticus is an sea inhabitant who can surprise its appearance. For the structure of the body and the characteristic bright color of this belly mollusk, called the "Blue Dragon". An unusual creature found in the oceans from the southern banks of Africa to the Eastern Coast of Australia, and in fact resembles mythical creatures. However, some people see in a bizarre alive of sea waters and something other: another name of this creature, reaching no more than 4 cm, "Blue Angel".

You should not take a mini-dragon without protection - a poisonous burn will not make himself wait. Moreover, there are no own cutting cells in the inhabitants of water depths - there are substantials to borrow them in poisonous jellyfish, which feed on, biting small pieces from the fooling sucks. Protect against the poison of study-shaped residents of the seas and oceans "Blue Angel" helps a thick layer of mucus in the mouth and strong natural immunity.

Another causing surprise aspect is the location of a special air bag in the body of the mollusk. It allows the essence of swimming at the surface of the water - because of this, the Blue Angel is invariably inside the belly up.

Mushroom wolf

A striking animal lives on the territory of South America, which is not difficult to adopt a funny mixture with foxes - thanks to the reddish-black color and disproportionately elongated limbs. And in fact, the legs in the grivastoy wolf can cause surprise in their own length - due to them, the growth of the beast in the withers reaches 90 cm in some cases.

With the help of strong slender paws, it is a wonderful creation without difficulty moves in high grass, in abundance of the animal growing in the habitats. A disproportionate ears of characteristic outlines and a reddish tail with a white tip relative to the foxes of the grivastoy wolf.

The ration of the grivo wolf is rodents, bird eggs, lizards, snakes and insects. However, the animal does not refuse the animal from vegetable food - it is happy to consume bananas and guava, as well as all sorts of roots and root. For a person, the beast of danger does not represent, but sometimes able to drag off the poultry or other animals, such as a pig or lamb.

Hell Vampire

Among the most unusual creatures, which came into the field of view, photo and video cameras and turned out to be removed on the film, it is worth identifying the sea inhabitant, which received a frightening name thanks to the protection of habits. The hellish vampire - so in the scientific community decided to paint a pink mollusk that dwells at depths of 300-1000 m. A distant relative of squid and octopuses refers to relics - the remaining representatives of the family extinct in the Jurassic period.
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Animal not evolving for 165 million is distinguished by bright red color, against the background of which glowing in deep-water darkness of the eyes reaching 2.5-3 cm in diameter (which in proportion to the relationship to the sizes of the body is the records for the world of fauna), only add buntness of the exterior of live fossil. However, the name of the mollusk is obliged not to frightening appearance - escaped from the pursuers, the creation, as if Dracula, turns into his own "raincoat", formed by the membranes connecting the tentacles of this vampirormor.

White bat

In the country's forests, the name of which involuntarily causes a smile and memories of Arkady Arkanov's work from the Russian man, lives the charming creation - the Honduras White Bat. The tiny creatures, the size of which rarely reaches even 5 cm, of course, meet in other Central America states, but in Nicaragua or Costa Rica find their chance seem much less common than in the lands of Honduras, who gave this type of name.

Honduras White Bat

When looking at a pretty animal with yellow ears, whose nose crowned as juicy yellow color "Piglet" in the shape of a wood leaf, and a snow-white fur on the touch of a silky and soft, any horror stories, which still go about bats. It feeds the little Letok mostly fruit, paying this lesson all night time. In the afternoon, he sleeps in his own built-in "tents", which builds from the leaves of Heliconia, overheating stretching from the center to the edges of the residence.

At one family of Hondurassic bats, referred to as the "cloud" and consisting of 1 male and 5-7 females, are pre-prepared up to a tent of homemade "houses", so that when the danger approaches, fluffy lumps are sent immediately to another "apartment".


Camel spiders, Bichorski, Falangi, Solar spiders are the names of the same bizarre creation, which in Russia (and inhabits an unusual creature in the Crimea, the Lower Volga region and in the North Caucasus) know as a row. This spider-sample is also common in Central Asia and in places is found in Europe. Sometimes the creature is called "wind scorpion" - the rigs are capable of developing the speed of up to 16 km / h and bounce on 1 m in the height, which in their sizes - and reach these arthropods 5-7 cm long - impressive.

When looking at the helicers of a spider-sided mind, thoughts come about the fact that it was the mouth of the Solphek that the creator of an alien hunter from films about a predator was inspired - the rhives, crowded creation head, appear frighteningly. In food, these arthropods are used insects (beetles, wets, multi-nonexid), but are able to attack and sacrifice larger than themselves, such as a lizard. When attacking spider-sized piercing squeak.

Although the appearance of the rope is slightly and unpleasant, these creatures are not poisonous, but they often come into confrontation with scorpions for food and territory. It is worth noting that the strong chitinova armor of the latter often cannot withstand the mighty jaws of the enemy.

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