Denis Matsueva Birthday: 2020, Biography, Personal Life, Wife, Children


On June 11, 2020, the 45th anniversary of the Russian pianist virtuoso Denis Matsuev celebrated the 45th anniversary. The musician since childhood is able to instill confidence in the listener in that touching the keys is unimaginable art, dance of the soul and emotions. The editorial office of 24cmi has prepared interesting facts from the personal life of celebrities.

Ball and club - best friends

In an interview with Denis Matsuev touching and warmly responds about childhood. Despite the fact that all family members devoted life to art, a small virtuoso was engaged in the piano of an hour, and on the street for the game in football or hockey spent 7. "Grandmothers handed over to me not only to music (she was always in our house), but And to the sport. My father's mother was an avid foller, knew everything thoroughly about the Moscow Spartak, led its tables. "

However, the brilliant study in the Irkutsk School of Arts showed that the young guessing is time to conquer the peaks, and therefore it was decided to move to the capital. Father, Leonid Viktorovich, understood how difficult it was a 15-year-old boy to part with the house, so promised that in Moscow, the son would look at the live matches "Spartak".

Fate of Wunderkinda

Denis Matsueva believed in advanced due to the agility of the game and the skills to reproduce the melody immediately after listening. However, the pianist does not consider himself such, and in the transfer of "personal time" admitted that he was unhappy with himself and firmly sure that he could play better.

Despite the amazing skills, the artist listens to criticism and believes that the argued review is a worthy reward for a creative person. In addition, Denis Leonidovich is solidary with the Tsvetaeva marina in the definition of "I go to the discharge rate."

About energetic

Denis Matsuev is famous for unusual expression at concerts. On the question of who taught so emotionally to play, the pianist modestly answered that art without passion does not happen: "When you play romantic music, you can not surrender completely, 150 percent, and no matter who sits in the hall." Also, the virtuoso binds expression with Siberian roots, noting that because of the cold weather, the soul becomes hot.

Fan epistolary genre

Despite the workload and endless concerts, the important chapter in the biography of Matsuev makes up letters. The artist still writes their favorite spouse Catherine Shipulina. The pianist confessed in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program "The Fate of Man", which he gives pleasure to write letters from hand, wait until the message comes to the addressee, to represent how the received reads lines and expect a response.

Communication with the public at the particle level

Since childhood, Denis Leonidovich attracted speeches, and the process of classes did not inspire. Therefore, the artist always plays for the public, since at this moment it is charged from the energy of the audience. Frequent concerts are also associated with the desire of interaction with the hall: "For me, the audience is always right, it cannot be deceived."

Confrontation of career and family

"My wife is music, and the lover is jazz," Denis Matsuev answered questions about the personal life of Denis Matsuev. Despite the devotion of work, the heart of a man was free. The media is still unknown, whether the wedding took place at the Pianist at the Bolshoi Theater of Catherine Echipulated, however, it is believed that this is one of the most stable pairs of Russian celebrities.

Secrecy - second name

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Ekaterina Shipulin and Denis Matsuev in October 2016 became parents. However, the spouses were not in a hurry to tell the joyful news about the appearance of a little Anna Denisovna: there is not a single photo of a couple with a child. However, the veil of Matsuev in an interview was still awarded, told about the talents of his daughter and how because of the permanent travels, there is not enough time to enjoy the paternity and experience the magic of growing children. "Each meeting is a volcano of emotions, laughter, games, music and tremendous happiness," Denis confessed.

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