Alexander Dyachenko's birthday: 2020, personal life, movies, wife


On June 12, 2020, Alexander Dyachenko - Artist, who was able to demonstrate during the career, not only acting granteed, but also a non-hearth musical talent, was 55 years old. Now he is in demand not only in Russia - foreign cinematographers and television drivers are happy to invite Alexander to their projects.

Curious facts from the creative biography and personal lives of a multifaceted celebrity - in material 24cm.

Tie and skates

In the US, Alexander Dyachenko fell in the 90s - went on vacation for a couple of weeks, and in the end I was delayed on a good ten years. There was an acting education. But the film engineer did not start immediately.

Alexander from children's years was fond of sports. Therefore, the offer to become a sports manager, who received from the owners of the Chicago Bulls basketball team and Baseball WHITE SOCKS, agreed without long deliberation. Subsequently, he acted as an agent for hockey players of Russian origin. With the management of Dyachenko tied in 1998. But the workout did not throw - and after 2 dozen years she is engaged in hockey and swimming, runs and regularly visits the gym.

"Brother 2"

Already completing the agency activities, Alexander starred in the picture Alexei Balabanova "Brother 2" - played twins of thunder. And actively helped cinematographers save. So, thanks to Dyachenko, the scene on the hockey platform was removed free - the old links of the ex-manager allowed us to use the home arena Pittsburgh Penguins. Also and use the episodes of famous athletes - Yaromir Yagra, Darus Kasparajtis and Alexey Morozova.

First experience

Although the film ranging began for Alexander from the 2nd part of the Balabanov Dilogy, the sentences to be filmed to him before. Even in the early 90s, the future actor passed the samples in the film "Defender", which never entered the screens.

However, for the artist, this moment in the biography played a very significant role. From the age of 5, he dreamed of becoming an actor, but later, Alexander Dyachenko, who was refused this fantasy, finally understood what he wanted to do in life.

Marriage with marriage

The actor was married for 9 years. With the future wife of Jenny, Grekanka, who moved along with his parents to permanent residence in the United States, met at the costume party. However, immediately after the official design of relations, the wife has noticeably stepped in feelings. The protracted "family game" ended at the turn of the Millennium - at the beginning of the 2000s, the pair was divorced.

Kaskaster himself

Dyachenko prefers to do without doubles and perform the tricks on their own - the physical form allows. However, there is a reverse side of the reverse side - fractures of ribs and other serious injuries. And even a few horsepower bites.

Best gift

Alexander loves the New Year - a family holiday when all native and relatives are going. But his own birthday dislikes - all summer in childhood actor spent in children's camps, away from relatives. However, and in the summer months there were miracles.

So, the artist with heat recalls such an episode. One day, being in the camp, the little Sasha stirred very much. And suddenly at night Mom came and took the son home where relatives gathered. Grandparents and grandmothers, aunt and uncle staged a real holiday. Alexander and now considers this episode with the most memorable surprise in life.

Open-American daughter

Official children from Alexander is not. But on television for some time a rumor about the extramarital daughter of the artist. First, in 2014 on the air, "We speak and show" on NTV, a certain Elena Aptus said that in 1994 he had a relationship with Dyachenko and gave birth to a daughter from the actor. And in 2018, Evelyna itself, who calls himself a child of celebrities appeared in the Star Program.

Alexander Dyachenko refused to communicate with women. Perturbation from the artist caused the fact that the mother and daughter did not directly contact him, but preferred to come to the show - the contacts of the actor are not a secret.

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