Zlatopauist Lokons (character) - Photo, Harry Potter, Joan Rowling, film, actor, Kenneth Brahn


Character History

Zlatopauist Lisons - a character of a series of books about Harry Potter, a boastful and narcissistic wizard, taught in Hogwarts to protect against dark arts during the events of the second novel. Also present in the episode of the fifth book - Harry, Ron and Hermione meet him at the Hospital of St. Mungo.

History of character creation

In the original Hero name is Gilderoy Lockhart (Lockhart Guilder), this name it retains in the "People's" translation of a series of books available on the Internet. Translators "Rosman" handed over his name as Zlatopuist Locks, and Maria Spivak - like Sumcarol Charuald. The original name of the name refers to the English-language reader to the word Gilded - "Gold-plated", and the name Rowling picked up by chance, choosing a bulktie due to the "lightweight" sound.

According to the writer, the image of Locons is written off from a real person, whose presence in her life the author had to endure as many as 2 years. The embodiment of the zlatopuste on paper helped Rowling to reconcile with an unbearable character of a friend: she admits that only a little lack of drawing some features, and mostly the prototype behaved in his life exactly as in the book. The name of the familiar writer did not disclose, and the fans of his personality denied quite rigidly.

Image and Biography of Zlatopuist Locks

Zlatopauist - holder of charming appearance: golden hair, bright blue eyes and a snow-white smile, for which he received a prize of the magical weekly for 5 times. He dresses in a bright colors mantle, most often blue, blue and pink shades. Maintaining your own beauty The wizard considers the most important thing, spending a lot of hair twist, polishing the nails and the choice of outfits. He constantly carries a pack of his own photos in case of a request for autograph.

The early biography of Locks is known from additional materials published after the end of the book sague. The zlatopush, born in a mixed family of Maghan and the wizard, the only one of the three children discovered the ability to magic. The special position of the boy in the family, the care of the sisters and the mother, openly preferred to his other children, became soil for the development of vanity, which later went down to an unprecedented value.

Studying in Hogwarts has become not the most pleasant time for Locks. He suddenly discovered that it was no different from the peers. There was no one to admire his magic gift, because in a new environment he was at all, and fellow students often demonstrated more outstanding progress. However, according to the memoirs of the teachers, the zlavtopush was not underway and with due diligence would have achieved success, but he was not accustomed to work selflessly and when the first difficulties appeared immediately, he immediately threw the case.

Instead of class Lokons began to strive for glory to any way. At the native Faculty, Kogtevran he walked around: For Valentine's Day, he sent 800 Valentines day, engraved his huge signature on the court for Quiddich, constantly defined the awards and prizes and even achieved the release of an information sheet, just to see himself in print.

After the Loconce graduated from school, the teachers sighed with relief. Immediately after the release, the Zlatopauist began to publish autobiographical books with a description of his own victories over dark wizards and monsters. The audience believed written, and even the teacher of Hogwarts eventually began to believe that they were not valued enough to appreciate the former student and did not see the potential in it. For 10 years, the books became bestsellers, and the Lokason became famous as a fearless and talented wizard.

The hero was able to get a place in Hogwarts as a teacher, which indicates that even Albus Dumbledore believed his successes. However, as a teacher, Lokons was frankly and bad: In the first lesson, he discovered the inability to make the simplest spells and since then did not risen to demonstrate his abilities, instead forcing students almost by heart to learn his books, writing about it writings and poems .

Professor Hogwarts reacted to a new colleague with disapproval, and Severus Snape - with undisguised disgust, especially given the fact that for many years it was unsuccessfully sought a job as a teacher of protection against dark arts.

In fact, only one-only spell that causing oblivion was well managed. With it, he assigned other people's exploits, depriving the memory of true heroes, and painted adventures under the guise of autobiography in the next book. The deception is revealed at the end of the second novel about Harry Potter - Lokons under the threat of a meeting with Volan de Mort himself tells the main characters of the truth about his past.

Lokons expected to turn the same trick with Harry and Ron, subjected to a rush of oblivion, but did not take into account that the magic wand used to them was defective. As a result, the spell acquired an extraordinary force and hit it by himself, so that he lost not only the memory of past events, but also his own personality. The rest of the days of the deceiver and the Mount Teacher will have to be held in the Hospital of St. Mungo, in the ward for insane.

In the fifth book, the main characters randomly meet him in the hospital, where they came to visit the wounded Arthur Weasley. A small fragments of memory recovered from the Zlatopuist - he still loves to turn and distribute autographs, although he does not remember why. However, the final recovery of the hero does not shine: Joan Rowling said that there is no future of Lockon, and he will never recover from the injury.

Zlatopaust Locks in films

The role of Lokons in the screenings were offered Hugh Grant, but he refused. Later, the actor admitted that he regret his decision, since participation in the shooting should have become a curious experience.

As a result, Zlatopuste played Kenneth Bran. According to critics, the image was not convincing enough: according to the book, the Lokons was attractive and charismatic, at least for the opposite sex, and its dark side was revealed only with time. On the screen, the character from the very beginning looks so stupid, fake and empty, which is incomprehensible how Dumbledore generally agreed to allow him to disciple. It is also unclear how the Lokons managed to charm such nonsense heroines, like Hermione Granger and Molly Weasley: on the screen he is playing empty quotes, creates frank nonsense and causes dislike even appearance.

In Russian dubble, the hero voiced Vadim Andreev. The character filmography is exhausted by one film. Unlike the book "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix", in the 5th picture of the scene in the Hospital of St. Mungo there is no. Initially, the director planned to remove it, but later decided not to stretch the cinema by references to the previous parts, since the scene with the Lokason was not important for further plot.


The celebrity consists of famous actions. You want to achieve fame - get ready for long, hard work. What, professor? Here are on! And I considered myself an idiot ...


  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"


  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter: Collectible Card game"
  • 2002 - Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
  • 2007 - Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

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