Lina Espi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At the end of November 2019, the film "Avolanpost" came out on the screens, and in early December, on the first channel, the 2nd season of the series "Pregnancy Test" started, where Svetlana Ivanova played the main role. Because of this, many printed and Internet editions decided to reverse the past and remember the details of the personal life of the actress. Namely, her secret romance with director Janik Fayziev, who at that time was married to Lina Espi, and the birth of two daughters from him.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that with Lina Chekhovsky (such is the real surname Espi) director of Uzbek nationality, who has shot "Turkish Gambit", "Stop on demand" and "Legend about Kolovrat", lived in marriage for two decades, detailed information about the biography of his ex-chosen one Hardly ever.

Thanks to the brief information from the personal page in the Facebook social network, it is known that it appeared in the middle of March 1968, the 16th, in Moscow, the secondary education received in school with an in-depth study of French, from where he was released in 1985 m.

After she was given a certificate of maturity, the girl went to the famous Schukinsky school, which could easily conquer. In the university, the student fell under the wing of Yuri Katina Yartseva (astronomer from "Seventeen Moments of Spring", a servant Thomas from "Togo Munhhausen", Giuseppe a nose from "Buratino") and Vladimir Poznazov, who gave the power to the "contemporary" and the class of forest .

On this, the woman did not catch the knowledge of the woman: in 2005 she acquired a diploma of the law faculty of Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov.

Personal life

Chernobrovaya dark-eyed beauty always caught the attention of the opposite sex, and he, in turn, was easily parted with precious freedom.

At the time of acquaintance with Faijiev on the cammy set, where Lina came to try one of the roles, she was married to Alexey Egorov and managed to give him the son of Dmitry. Now he lives in Cleveland and works as a customer service manager in Winncom Technologies Corp.

The first meeting with Jahongir Khabibullaevich did not pour into cooperation, nor in close communication, but the latter turned out in a couple of years. Yes, so that Chekhov-Espi decided to divorce. In marriage with Jicnik, the daughter of Sofia was born, the Golden Section in the Private Moscow School, and then in Emma Willard School and Rhode Island School Of Design.

Lina Espi and Janik Fayziev

In the personal life of the director and the ex-artist, any - and a service affair with Olga Krasko, who lied to the birth of the daughter of Olesya, and broke out feelings for Svetlana Ivanova with the appearance of Polina. However, despite the wrongfulness of the spouse, the woman did not rush to part officially.

In 2015, Janik and Sveta stopped hiding their relationship, and after 3 years already nursing the second child. In October 2018, a man declared his intention to marry his beloved, which was done for the next year.


The cinematic path of the actress turned out to be short-lived: Chekhovskaya added only three kinocartins to his own filmography, flashed in the episodes of "without justice" by Alexander Muratov, and having received a major role in the TV series "Silence" on the novel of Yuri Bondarev's identity.

However, the woman did not disappear from the screens: according to media reports, in the 90s, under the name of Lina Espley led astrological transmission to ORT. However, in the future completely devoted himself to the family and housekeeping.

Lina Espi now

Judging by the photos in "Instagram" and news in Facebook, Lina Alexandrovna is actively engaged in painting and does not cease to enjoy the success of children, for example, the fact that the short cartoon Oh, My Domovoi Sony's daughter celebrated on Josiah Media Festival - 2018.


  • 1992 - "Silence"
  • 1993 - "Without Justice"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"

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