Louis Bunuel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films



Louis Bunuel is called the founder of surrealism in cinema and chief representative of the flow. Its screen masterpieces are an amazing mix of reality and dreams, a combination of incompatible and images shocking the unprepared viewer.

Childhood and youth

The director and the screenwriter appeared at the end of the winter of 1900 in the village of Kalanda, which is in the Spanish province of Aragon.

Louis is the firstborn of the former participant in the Spanish-American War and the entrepreneur Leonardo Burniel and Maria Portoles, which is the younger spouse for 25 years. After the birth of the son in the family, six more children appeared, and all in the capital of Aragon - Zaragoza, where the Bunuel Elder and his wife moved from the village wilderness after the appearance of the firstborn.

Louis went to the Jesuit school, where the strictest discipline and religious education reigned. The boy acutely reacted into a heavy atmosphere at school and after her end turned into an old enemy of the Catholic faith.

After graduating from school, Louis continued to education at Madrid University. He did not immediately find himself: first he studied agronomy, then rushing between philosophy, history and literature, graduated from a university with a degree in the field of art.

In student years and began the creative biography of Bunuel, who was a ceremonial community of student residence in the bohemian community. Here is the future director and the screenwriter closely fell asleep with Federico Garci Lorca and Salvador Dali.

Having received a diploma, Bunuel went to Paris. 2 years before that, in 1923, his father died.

Personal life

Although Bunuel was the brightest representative of surrealists, his personal life was different from the one that representatives preached. Even in his youth, he rejected free relationships and disorderly connections, although a young man of medium height (1.71 m) was a success with explosive temperament and expressive eyes (1.71 m) enjoyed success in women.

Encouraged with French Hands, Louis Bunuel became an exemplary family man. Wife gave birth to a spouse of two children - the sons of Juan Louis and Raphael. Both became directors. The photo of the family is difficult to find on the network, but there are pictures on which Bunuel is captured with another Salvador Dali.


After moving in the mid-1920s in France, Luis Bunuel became interested in cinema. Having mined a journalistic certificate, he visited the cinema hall 3 times a day.

Money on the debut tape "Andalusian Dog" Bunuel gave the family Dali. In the first film, the director released in 1928, the audience first met with a surrealistic "aesthetics of shock", the method used by the Bunuel in all the following works. The picture did not accept: viewers and film critics demanded to ban the show due to cruelty and indecent scenes.

The second film called the "Golden Age" came out 2 years later and caused an even greater scandal. The tape was removed by the buoyle in the tandem with Dali and lay on the shelf half a century, prohibited by the authorities.

From 1932 to 1947 in the work of the master formed a protracted pause. The filmography was not replenished due to the civil war that broke out in his homeland, in which Bunuel rose to the Republicans. In 1938, the director pursued by the fascist regime moved to America. He worked in Hollywood a dubler, voicing the Spanish films.

In 1943, Luis moved to Mexico. Returned to the direist after 3 years, removing 19 out of 33 of his tapes. After 3 years, the Spaniard by nationality received citizenship of his country shelter.

After the release of two bright paintings - "Big Casino" and "Big Kutil" - Bunuel removed the "Forgotten" tape, which later critics called the best in his work. To the master, finally, recognized and rewards came. In 1951, at the Cannes Festival, the Spanish-Mexican director was awarded the prize.

After 10 years, Franco called Bunuel return to Spain, and he agreed. At home, he removed the movie School "Viridiana", which was banned in his homeland, but awarded the Grand Prix in Cannes. The following pictures of the Matra, among which the "Diary of the Maid", "Day Beauty" and "Tristan", replenished the Golden Fund of World Cinema. In the last two dramas starring Catherine Denev.

The tape "Modest charm of the bourgeoisie" brought the director "Oscar". I said goodbye to Bunuel with the audience in 1977, when the Drama-parable "This vague object of desire" came to the screens.


A year before the death, the book of the director's memoirs, in which he talked about life and work. Shortly before the death of Buniel Ryokh and Olemp. Last years, Master spent in Mexico.

The cause of death has become cardiac, hepatic and renal failure. The last shelter of the Great Masters - Chapel of the Dominican Monastery of San Alberto Mano in Mexico City.


  • 1929 - "Andalusian Dog"
  • 1930 - "Golden Age"
  • 1932 - "Earth without bread"
  • 1947 - "Big Casino"
  • 1950 - "Forgotten"
  • 1951 - "Susana"
  • 1953 - "He"
  • 1954 - "Thunderstorm Pass"
  • 1956 - "Death in this garden"
  • 1960 - "Girl"
  • 1961 - Viridiana
  • 1965 - "Simeon Strong"
  • 1964 - "Maid Diary"
  • 1967 - "Day Beauty"
  • 1970 - "Tristan"

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