Birthday Tamara Turas: 2020, Instagram, Son, Comedy Woman, Heroev Island


Tamara Turava - the popularity of the artist, famous thanks to the Internet TV series "directly by Kakha", as well as participating in the Comedy Woman show on the TNT channel. On June 15, 2020, I blogger from 1 million subscribers in "Instagram" and a resident of a popular comedic project, has managed to play KVN and try their own strength as a singer, marks 30 years.

Entertaining facts from the personal life and creative celebrity biography - in the material 24cm.


As a child, Tamara Turava studied to play piano. However, exclusive music, the interests of the future star were not limited - the celebrity and dances were fond of. But, recalling that period, Turava notes that the Taekwondo section was visited with the greatest zeal. Tamara and is now constantly engaged in the gym. And the artist writes poems.

Failure battle

As part of the creative duet "Tamara and Sychev" Turava participated in the project TNT "Comedy Battle". In the 1st round, the artist performed in the usual role of a rude resident of the city of Sochi, which met a positive jury response: the judges celebrated the talent of a beginner comedian.

However, in the 2nd Tamura Tamara, refusing the OKOMOD squeezing to her, appeared in the appearance of the oligarch's wife - the new character did not find a response from the refereeing, and the attempt turned into a failure. Even another chance provided to the participants did not help - according to the results of the 2nd stage, the Duet left the project.


His most famous image is a cattle and tough music girl - which in one or another travels with her from one show to another, Tamara Turava invented, watching Sochi residents. According to celebrities, there are enough such unusual personalities in the city.

Now the actress wants to get away from the established role and present to the public something else - in the creative Arsenal Tamara, there are enough diverse characters. Also, Turau is somewhat offended that viewers often transfer their own negative attitude towards the character "Gop Lady" to the actress embodying it.

However, while breaking up with the image of a hot Caucasian woman, who directly says what is on the mind, and above the actions, it seems, it does not think at all, celebrities are not possible - first of all, the actress wish to see exactly in such an image.

Island bloggers

Tamara took participation in 2020 in the project of the TNT Channel "Island of Heroes", where, together with other celebrities survived and fought for a victory. The shooting of a reality show was held on the island of Mogo, relating to the pearl archipelago located near Panama. Popular bloggers were partners and competitors of Tuura in the "Isle", among whom Vladimir Marconi, Nelli Yermolaeva, Irina Pinchuk and Ruslan Sokolovsky.

Caucasian escort

In 2017, the participant of the scandal began in 2017, after one of the rooms of the Comedy Woman show was played by an Esquouth of Ingush origin, entertaining the delegation of influential guests from Surgut. The embodied image was the cause of discontent from the inhabitants of Ingushetia - threats fell to the participants of the project.

As a result, the management of Comedy Club Production and actress Catherine Bulkina, who performed the role of the Owner of the Escort Service Agency, had to apologize to residents of the Caucasian Republic.

Olga Turava and Tamara Buzova

Fans repeatedly paid attention to the similarity of Tamar Tamara with another celebrity - Olga Buzova. The actress was confirmed in an interview that one day, looking at the news feed on the smartphone, came across the star of the star and first took the photo Olga for his own.

Tamara Turava and Olga Buzova

Lady Sniper

Tamara Turava, among other invited by the head of the Chechen Republic bloggers traveled to a meeting with Ramzan Kadyrov. The star recalled about the tried delight from the fact that they were brought to the landfill and gave to shoot: there Tamara struck the target from the first time and earned praise. The girl was told that she was managed with a weapon, she was not worse than any other sniper.

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