The most unusual caves in the world: 2020, where is anomalous


By 2020, among those found by the restless "surrounding worlds" of locations, there are enough such, which were subsequently popular for visiting tourists who want to see during the years of their own life as much beautiful, magical and even mystical. It is worth remembering at least numerous caves that have once presented interest only for speleologists, and eventually become popular for tourism routes.

The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about where the most unusual caves in the world are located, to visit which will be enforced those who are willing to admire the striking creations of earthly nature.

Cave of passage in Bulgaria

A couple of kilometers from the river in the valley of the river, the Bulgarian village of Karlukovo, a place is created, not only among the main attractions of the country, but also related to the amazing in the world. We are talking about the cave of passage, glorified by the fact that it is located two strikingly symmetric holes that strongly resembling the eyes of a certain gigantic creature.

Thanks to this "Eyes" in the karst ceiling there are no visitors there, the mystical feeling of the fact that someone is observed by some kind of magnificent or even supervised. No wonder this remarkable phenomenon, local residents nicknamed the "eyes of God", although the reverse version is also popular. Depending on the time of day and weather, "outside the windows", these "eyes" are capable of producing the opposite.

Icerisenvelt in Austria

Another dungeon is hiding in Austria, which should be included in the list "The most unusual caves in the world." It is open in the 70s before last a century extended complex of limestone grotto icerisenvelt, called and for its own impressive dimensions, and for the innumerable amount of ice under its arches. "The world of gigantic ice" - it is translated from the German given to this cave and amazing her suitable name.

Formed over millions of years the flow of the olesas, blurred mountainous strata and carved the passage in the local rocks, the cave has a length of 40 more than kilometers. Of these, only the first is a climbing of natural ice sculptures and compositions created by water flowing along the walls and cold winds, penetrating in winter through the zev of the cave entrance.

Even in the summer, due to the characteristics of the grotty structure, the temperature here does not rise above the zero of degrees, and the ice, who made the shape of majestic and bizarre sculptures and constructs, do not have time to melt, attracting crowds curiously under the awards of the Austrian cave Aisrisenvelt.

Cave of crystals in Mexico

Cueva de Los Cristales that translated from Spanish means "Cave of Crystals" - this is another interesting place, access to which, unfortunately for travel lovers, is open only to scientists and researchers. Here, due to the exceptional conditions, the underground cavity, located at a depth of 300 meters, located at a depth of 300 m in the neighborhood with a magmatic chamber, were formed thousands of crystals glacial boulders.

The material for the formation of fancy growths, crystal-mirrors, reflecting the light and looking in the lanterns of the lanterns, the giant candles, then the myriad of shining fireflies, became selenites - crystalline variety of gypsum.

The reasons for the ban on visits to the unique underground grotto are not only high temperatures due to which it is impossible to stay there without special costumes and respiratory protection means. But 55-58 with close to 100% humidity for the local heated magma mountain cavities - the norm: scientists even in a special equipment longer than 20-30 minutes here are not delayed so that due to the temperature difference in the lungs, the liquid does not begin to condense.

Another reason for the introduction of restrictions is the value for researchers with local beauty, from which there will be no trace, if thousands of greedy to the impressions of tourists are rushing. By the way, it is likely that the interest of selenite crystals represent not only for speleologists and geologists, but also for biologists - cavities filled with liquid containing the oldest microorganisms can remain in these translucent formations.

Shondong in Vietnam

In the top of the "most unusual caves in the world", the underground cavity found by British speleologists in 2009 is 500 km south of the capital of Vietnam Hanoi, in Kuangin province. However, and local residents are an amazing geological education that later received the name of Sundond, or from the Vietnamese - "The Cave of the Mountain River", and the eyes were apparently recently - only in 1991.

This cave, officially recognized by the largest found on the planet, remains such and in 2020: the volume of its underground galleries and grottoes is estimated at 38.5 million cubic meters, with high heights up to 200 m and width of individual "halls" - up to 150 m. But Not only these parameters surprises Shondong. After all, this underground education differs from the rest of the caves by the presence of its own microworld, which includes not only the extended underground river, which flows into the rainy season, but also the real jungle, the trees in which they reach the height of 3-4 m. And the individual species of animals and plants living here There are no more on the planet anywhere, which caused the unique climate of the underground cavity.

But most of all amazes that in this cave, which immediately after the first organized tour of the tour entered the list of the most popular for visiting among tourism places, also their own sky - due to large temperature drops, real clouds are formed. The latter only adds a mystical charm to this lost for millions of years under the thickness of the Earth to the mysterious world.

Enchanted Well in Brazil

But the amazing caves, located in the Brazilian National Park of Shapada Diamantine, who arrived in the very center of Bahia, became famous not so much by the striking beauty of the archives or the immense communities formed over millions of years of staples. The main attraction of the local grotty was the striking purity of the lake, for the causing beauty and transparency of the water, the name of Poco Encantado - "Enchanted Well".

Thanks to the lake stroit and penetrating through the cracks in the villages of the cave sunlight, in this place travelers, there is a charming-wonderful and delightful and anomalous sight. Refracting in water, the rays fill the space of underground grotto by magic radiance: Emerald-turquoise and sapphire-blue glare are danced along the walls, transformation of cavemen and staining them into mystical tones, from dark brown to bright blue. And at the bottom of the 37-meter depth of the reservoir, small pebbles are transferred by all shades of the iridescent spectrum, adding even more striking shades.

Fortunately, and this place is open for tourists, the truth, who went on a journey for visiting this Brazilian attractions is worth knowing - the country's authorities to preserve the "enchanted" lake limit the number of visitors, so waiting for the excursion will not be easy.

Marble caves in Chile

In the mountains, close to Chile Chila-Chico, there is also a geological education, worthy of entering the "most unusual caves in the world". There is this subgrocal cavity on the island located in the middle of the glaciers formed by the melting of Lake Heneral-Carrera, which is located at a height of 208 m above sea level and has an area of ​​1850 square meters. km at a depth of 590 m.

The name of this cave received from the nearby town - Chile Chico. However, it is often called this place "Marble Caverno" or "Marble Cathedral" (Marble Cathedral). And such names greatly reflect what the observer see inside this cave is an amazing labyrinth of tunnels and halls, like a light blue marble-colored.

Despite the magic spectacle created by highlights of light, glittering on the surface of the underground part of the reservoir and jumping along the walls, marble under these arches is not only lime rocks. This, however, does not prevent the Chilean Kaverne to remain one of the main attractions of the country. By the way, the researchers claim to be further, in the inaccessible to visit the halls of the Vitious Maze, are in fact there are galleries and grots consisting of natural marble.

Ice caves in Iceland

Among the numerous objects that are part of the selection of "the most unusual caves in the world", there are caverns, formed not in the depths of the earth's crust and not beaten by millions of years of exposure to water and wind in the mountains, but arising in glaciers. An example of such ice caves, delightfully beautiful and unique in silence-crystal magnificence - those that are in 8% of the Iceland area of ​​the Iceland Glacier Watnayekyudl.

Numerous voids are located mainly in the southern part of the largest "Ice Monolith" in Europe. These caves, which are a tangled labyrinth of the transitions and halls that have arisen and the effects of geothermal waters and halls seem to be a wonderful castle that has come down from the pages of Andersen's fairy tale pages about the misadventures of Gerda and Kai.

As a result of natural processes, ice in these cavities acquired bizarre forms and outlines that are capable of perceived differently, depending on the lighting and temperature, it appears before the explosive of the traveler in cold shiny-blue tones, then fidgement of brightly raspberry fire in the rays of the setting sun.

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