Lavender Brown (Character) - Photo, Harry Potter, Joan Rowling, film, actor


Character History

Lavender Brown - Harry Potter Sagie Character, Calc Chief Hero. To the sixth of the book, it remains in the shade - such as this forever giggling a frivolous girl, at the faculty Gryffindor a lot. Only in Prince-half-breed, Lavender suddenly turns out to be in the center of the narration, and the end of the film, contrary to the canon, dies. On the screen, the image of the heroine embodies 3 actresses at once, but most viewers remembered her performed by Jesse Cave.

History of character creation

Lavender appears in the first books only epizodically. She comes from Brown's purebred family and learns with Harry Potter at the Faculty of Gryffindor. The flower name (Lavender) emphasizes the tragic destiny: Joan Rowling gave such names to women with a difficult life (for example, Lily, Petunia).

Image and biography of Lavender Brown

About the biography of the heroine before admission to Hogwarts is not known. In the school, Lavender began his friends with a student of the Indian origin of Parvati Paltal, who later made Harry a pleasant company on a ball. The main characters at first were indifferent to the girls, and only Hermione slightly disliked both booty girlfriends for frivolity.

In the third year, Lavender was fascinated by the new subject - pruney - and fell under the influence of the mysterious professor of trilon, the prophetus and skillful detergent. At the first lessons, the teacher predicted a child a certain tragic event that will occur on October 14. In the designated date, Lavender received a letter from the house, reporting the death of her beloved rabbit fluffy. It strongly wrote a young student, and she became a trollon fan, taking all her gloomy prophecies to the heart, including the coming death of Harry.

During his studies at the second year, the frivolous character of the heroine emphasized her love in the vain and inept, but the charming zlatopus of the Lockon. However, her feelings then divided almost all young representatives of beautiful sex at school, including Hermione Granger.

The Holy Ball, a part of the three wizards tournament, Brown visited Finnigan's Simus. There are no hints for love relationships between them, most likely they are just friends.

On the fifth year of Lavender, together with Parvati, brilliantly passed the exam on the progress. They remained almost the only ones from all over the course who by that time was not disappointed in the nervous and exalted teacher.

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At the same time, the scandal around Harry Potter flared up with the circumstances of the death of Cedric Diggori and the possible revival of the Dark Lord. Lavender, accustomed to believe parents and descriptions in newspaper articles, first takes the side of the opposition, believing that the boy who survived is a deceiver. However, later heroine changes his views and even enters Dumbledore's squad, mastering the spells for confrontation with dark forces.

In the sixth book, Brown Character is finally revealed completely. Heroes are fascinated by the first love feelings. Lavender begins to be openly coxed with Ron Weasley, and when he, who is not accustomed to the attention of girls, responds to her, it leads to the girl delight. She immediately begins to show proprietary habits, jealous of the chosen one around and not giving him a minute of peace.

For Ron, a new girlfriend is only a way to prove others that he is not worse. Answer the hints of Lavender, he is solved only after the sister's caustic comment, which seems to be the only one who considers kisses something terrible. There are no deep feelings to the fellowship of Ron - he is already beginning to realize what is actually not indifferent to Hermione, but hesitates to show sympathy openly, considering that her heart is already busy. However, according to quotations from the book, the character first believes that they have everything seriously with a lavender, but it seems that he himself persists himself to believe it.

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The obsession of the lavender quickly begins to take a unlucky boyfriend. To its air kisses, hearts, nickname "Bon-Bon" and other demonstrative notes of attention Ron begins to treat with annoyance, and a gift for Christmas girls - a gold chain with letters forming the inscription "My Favorite", - and does disgust. Speed ​​novel Heroes ended when the jealous lavender found Ron with Hermione leaving the bedroom for boys. A stormy scandal led to a rupture.

In the final part of the Lavender cycle, along with other students entered the battle for Hogwarts, proving that he was credited to Gryffindor not just like that - traditionally, students of this faculty are considered to be brave. The girl alone is trying to confront the famous clutch fenger to Sivoy. In this place, the book and the on-screen history of the heroine diverges: in the original source she managed to escape, and in the film she died.

By the nature of Lavender is frivolous, which is constantly emphasized by the author. She did not evil and not avenge, but, alas, not too smart and unable to deep feelings. Touching the professor of Treloni, the heroine, however, immediately ceases to visit her, as soon as she comes a new teacher Florence, Handsome-Centaur. Ron for a girl is only a way to become popular: if the long-hearted redhead classmaker was not the best friend of Harry Potter, he would hardly be interested. In the film, the first kiss of Lavender with Ron happens after he helps a faculty to win the match on Quiddich.

Kiss Lavender Brown and Ron Weasley

As for appearance, Lavender is shown as a pretty complete girl with long curly hair. Its image is filled with expressive details: bows, rims, lace, frivolous drawings on clothes that give the heroine some nonsense.

Lavender Brown in films

In the first two parts, Cathleen Kohl played Harry, in the third - Jennifer Smith, and in the sixth and final - Jesse Cave. The first two actresses were black, but due to a minor screen time of the character of the substitution passed unnoticed.

At the time of filming, Jesse was already 20, but the role of 16-year-old in love with Supiski succeeded in her excellent. She came to the sample on the advice of his brother and eventually bypassed thousands of contenders. The fans of the Harry Potter universe found it even more spectacular and convincing than Hermione. In Russian dubble, the heroine voiced Anna Plasucaturov.


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1"
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"

Computer games

  • 2007 - Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
  • 2011 - Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part II

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