TV series "Hope" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, Director, Start


In June 2020, the Start online cinema subscribers were available to the series "Hope", the shooting of which began in the fall of 2019. The release date of the 1st episode is the 18th. In the chair of the project manager, the scenario for which Ekaterina Srovtsheva was prepared, Ruslan Dobzhanov and Eldar Velikoretsky, - Director Elena Khazanova, who familiar to the Russian viewer for the comedy "Mistere".

About the plot, playing actors and connected with the series Curious facts - in article 24cm.


Life of hope looks a stronghold of well-being in the ocean of family and domestic passions - loving husband, teenage daughter, stable work. However, the main character is the need to hide from close mystery: the work of a stewardess in a private airline is only a cover. In fact, she is an experienced killer in the service of the mysterious syndicate. About the desire of a heroine to end a double life, tolding with the profession of a hired murderer, and tells the series "Hope".

Actors and roles

The role of the roles were performed by actors:

  • Victoria Isakov - Hope, main heroine. A revengent in the late 90 killers of his parents, got into the field of view of the Syndicate recruiters, who proposed a transaction - a prison or work on the organization. For 18 years, from the moment, a woman who is skipped for killings is forced to fulfill the orders of the leadership, eliminating the objectionable syndicate of people. Hope is tired and wishes to tie - only to go away from this work without exposing themselves and closely deadly danger, unrealistic.
  • Alexey Morozov - Mikhail, professional musician, husband of the main heroine. Hotly and gently loves his spouse, without suspecting that under the mask of the faithful wife and attentive mother, hope is forced to hide the truth, which may seem very urgent people.
  • Asya Gromova - Olga, daughter Mikhail and Hope, a teenager with confidence who are characteristic of this period by problems and confidence in its own exceptional right. The behavior of the daughter does not make it easier to the life of the main heroine, already being on the verge.
  • Alexander Kuzmin - Lion, Curator of Hope in Syndicate. The skills necessary to perform the work of the hired killer, selected 18 years ago the desperate girl trained it.
  • Alexey Guskov - Yakov Ette, chained to the chair of the disabled person, in the past - a military psychiatrist. This man once helped the main character to escape from prison, offering to live under a new name, working out the debt to the syndicate. Now ETT indicates the hope of new goals to eliminate.

Also in the series Alexey Grishin, Julia Melnikova, Anatoly Bernosov, Timofey Chair and Veronika Kornienko, who embodied hope on the screen in young years on the screen.

Interesting Facts

1. For the director Helena Khazanova and the executive, the leading role of Victoria Isacova TV series "Nadezhda" - already the second experience of collaboration. The previous project was a sports drama "One breath", telling the history of the life of Natalia Molchanova, who was repeatedly becoming the world champion in Fridayving. Curious and the fact that Veronica Kornienko also participated in the previous picture - as well as in the emerging series, the actress played Isacova's character in his youth.

2. The pilot episode was demonstrated at the 41st Moscow International Film Festival outside the competition - as part of the program "First Series".

3. Victoria Isakov on the set tried to do without doubles - most tricks performed independently.

4. The creators of the paintings sought to be new for Russian television and film production in the comic format, allowing the maximum of action in the compressed time. This, according to the producer of the project Alexey Trotsyuk, should also contribute to a brief timing of the series - the duration of one episode is 24 minutes.

5. Also, the series "Hope" is an attempt to make a fighter for the female audience: the blood is less than in a rank of action, and the emphasis is placed on the plot twists and the original system of the relationship of the characters.

The series "Hope" - Trailer:

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