Anayrin Barnard - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anayrin Barnard is a famous Welsh actor who succeeds in equally successfully implement talent on theatrical stage and shooting platform. The fans of the artist are looking forward to every new appearance of the favorite, because he knows how to surprise with brilliant reincarnations and appearances in unexpected amplua.

Childhood and youth

The actor and movie actor was born in the spring of 1987 in the British Wales. Spouses Jun and Terry Barnard called the firstborn by the traditional Wales name Anirin, denoted by the "honor".

Parents did not have a relation to art and to put on the feet of two children - Son and daughter Chery, hardly worked: the father in the coal mine, mother at the factory.

Where in Anairyn Barnard took a craving for acting, unknown. Creative spark broke out in early childhood and was noticed by parents on time. After graduating from a regular school, the teenager went to the Royal Welsh College of Music and the Theater, who graduated in 2008. Together with Anaryan, Kimberly Nixon and Tom Cullen.

In college, the young barnard shone on stage, playing noticeable roles in the play "Hobson's choice", "Westside History" and "singing under the rain."

Personal life

Barnard is extremely discreet, answering questions from journalists about personal life. As a true Wallinian, he protects the private territory from strangers, while eagerly sharing the details of the work on the scene and the shooting area.

At the actor with aristocratic appearance and a sports figure (with an increase of 1.75 m, it weighs 67 kg) a lot of fans. For a while he met with a colleague Amy Morgan, the same age and a countrywoman, but the novel ended.

Women Anairina became Lucy Folks. Wedding took place in 2017. Joint photos are on the network, but in "Instagram" Barnard does not rush to share pictures with his wife, but generous to the news about work.

The artist is binding a long-time friendship with a colleague Ivan Reon, who played the Ramsa Bolton in the "Game of Thrones". Anirin calls Ivan's "brother born from another woman."

Theater and films

After graduating the theater college, a 21-year-old actor continued to play on stage. Gifted by another vocal talent, Anyrin received the role of Melchior in the musical "Spring Awakening". For work in the play, he was awarded the prestigious theater prize of Lawrence Olivier.

The cinematic biography of the artist started at 12, when the teenager played the character of the series "Ladder Jacob". The next role in the movie was waiting in the "price" and "doctors" tapes after the end of the theater college.

In 2011, the filmography of Anairina Barnard was replenished with a militant John Inglisha "Iron Knight", and in 2012, the works in four projects.

In 2013, the premiere of the Drama "Emanuel and the Truth about Fishes" took place, on the set of which the actor met with Kai Scodelirio and Jessica Biel. In the same year, Wellenian played the first major role in his adventure fantasy "Mariah Mundi and Midas Box". Barnard's partner became the star colleague Michael Sheen.

The main project of 2013 for Anairina was the series of the Air Force "White Queen", where he reincarnated in Richard III, and Fay Marsei is in the monarch spouse.

2014 was marked by work in the 3-serial biographical belt "Sill" about the life and work of the British vocalist Silla Black. Anairyn entrusted the role of singer's husband.

More fruitful turned out to be 2015: the actor appeared in two paintings and the series. Thriller "Legend" received cash and audience success. The director collected the Star Stores at the site: Tom Hardy, Emily Browning, Paul Betthan and David Tuelis. No less successful was the biographical belt "Scandalous Lady U" with Natalie Dormer in a key role.

In 2016, Russian spectators met with interest the next screenization of the main novel of Lion Tolstoy, which the British director did Tom Harper. Barnard found out in the image of Boris Drubetsky.

In 2017, film critics and viewers appreciated the brilliant skill of artist's reincarnation in Mozart in the "Prague Interlude" and Gibson in the historic picture of Christopher Nolan "Dunkirk". Next year, Anirin pleased fans of work in the comedy militant "you will die, or we will give you money" and the Drama "Mr. Olympia" George Galo.

Anayrin Barnard now

In 2019, the audience saw the actor in the same name of the novel novel Donna Tartt "Schegol". Director John Krauli collected a brilliant creative ensemble on the set: Nicole Kidman, Jeffrey Wright, Sarah Paulson and Encell Elagort. Barnard fell again to reincarnate in the Russian character of Boris Pavlikovsky, a friend of the main hero. Young Boris played Finn Wolfeard.

Now Star Wallen rests after the release of Dramato Armando Iancchici "History of David Copperfield." The premiere of the film in Russia was announced for the spring of 2020.


  • 2011 - "Iron Knight"
  • 2011 - "Powder"
  • 2013 - "Emmanuel and the Truth about Fish"
  • 2013 - "Maria - Queen of Scotland"
  • 2013 - "White Queen"
  • 2013 - "Mariah Mundi and Midas Box"
  • 2015 - "Scandalous Lady U"
  • 2015 - "Legend"
  • 2016 - "War and Peace"
  • 2017 - Diykerk
  • 2017 - "Bitter Harvest"
  • 2017 - "Prague Interlude"
  • 2018 - "You will die, or we will refund your money"
  • 2019 - "History of David Copperfield"
  • 2019 - "Schegol"
  • 2010 - "History of David Copperfield"

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