Birthday Yuri Solkin: 2020, biography, personal life, movies


On June 18, 2020, the 85th anniversary of Yuri Solomin was noted - the Soviet and Russian film actor and theater, the third century remaining the permanent leader of the Small Theater. Behind the shoulders of the favorite People's Artist of the USSR dozens of roles in performances and films and a number of productions created as a director.

Remarkable facts from the creative biography and personal life of Yuri Mefodievich - in the material 24cm.

About loved ones

With his own spouse, Yuri Solomin met still as a student of the Higher Theater School of Schepkin. Returning by the time Yuri Mefodievich recalls that Olga had a delightful long braid in his youth, which, according to the actor, he "failed", forcing him to pay attention to the future wife.

With his beloved woman, Solomin lived a long life. In this union, Daria's daughter was born, who presented the granddaughter in 1990 in 1990 by Alexander - both elected a musical career for themselves. Now in the family of the famous actor will grow 2 great-grandfather - Yuri and Fyodor. But the spouses are already there are no longer anymore - Olga Nikolaevna Solmin (in Maiden - Andrianova) died in May 2019.


Remembering military time, Yuri Mefodievich, who went to learn in 1943, told how in school they were fed to the patties with Liver. In the morning, the teacher put on the oven - then there was no other heating and there was no - kettle. Ko 2nd lesson hesitated boiling water. Not interrupting classes, it was poured on mugs, slightly sweetening the diluted saccharine. And the children sat and waited - now the pies should bring. According to the artist, this taste he retained in memory for life.

From music to the theater

Mom artist Zinaida Ryabtseva and Dad Methodius Solomin taught music. So Yuri, together with the younger brother, Vitaly grew in the creative setting. Parents even organized a real orchestra for children at home - in the improvised ensemble, a small Jura pounded on spoons.

And yet, young Solin has more attracted acting art - in the house of the pioneers, where Mother worked with her father, he began at school age attending a drummer. And after the end of the training, he decided to enter the theater university - to the famous "sketch" of a talented young man took from the first attempt. At the footsteps of the elder brother later went and Vitaly, also graduated from Schepkin School.

Name in heaven

In 2001, the name Yuri Solven called a small planet. The testimony of the artist on October 20 was presented by the discovers - Lyudmila and Nikolai Black.

Everyone is important!

Solomin believes that every actor is important in the troupe - even playing "eat filed!" Sometimes it is impossible to replace, because this single phrase has been caught up with the years, as if serving the island itself. During the work of Yuri Mefodievich, a single artist was dismissed as an artist's artistic director of the Small Theater.

Even in the heavy 90s, when art in Russia was in decline, he managed to get out of the crisis "without losses" - agreed with the actors-pensioners to transfer them to a half-bid to preserve the places for young people.

For the first time in the theater

Even at the Institute from the faith of a pasha artist, he learned the main rule for any theatrical actor - on stage, you need to leave a part of my own heart, my soul. Yuri always always followed this instruction, which passed and new generations of performers. And therefore the most expensive gift Solomin calls sincere empathy from the viewer.

The case recalls when, during the tour in Surgut, one of the drivers of the trucks, at which they delivered decorations to the place of speaking, after the play, greeted his hand to kiss him - a 60-year-old man first got into the theater and fell to tears.


Yuri Solomin in 2011 was awarded the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun of the III degree - the artist has repeatedly been in the island country with tours, and also starred in a number of joint films: "Dersu Uzala" Akira Kurosava, "Dreams about Russia" Juniy Sato, "White Night Melodies "Sergey Solovyov and Kiyashi Nisimura.

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