Group "Veraes" - photo, history of creation, composition, news, songs 2021



At the turn of the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, Belarusian stars were lit on the musical chaise of the Soviet Union. Vocal instrumental ensembles from Belarus conquered a combination of fatal arrangements and Slavic melodies. A general favorite quickly became the group "Veraes".

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of an ensemble, the name of which means "Flowers of heather" has two versions. Vasily Rainchik, a leading team, says that he was standing at the beginning of the group.

The famous soloist of "Verasov" Jadvig Poplavskaya says that the idea of ​​creating a female version of popular "Pesnyar" has a student from the Student of the Minsk Conservatory Taisi Tekhukhuch, and initially the ensemble included only girls. In addition to Tlechuk and Poplavskaya, Lucina Shemetkova and Tatyana Tarasova played in the group, and in 1972, Nadezhda Mikulich and Lyudmila Izupova joined VIA. The only guy in the group in the early 70s was the drummer.

At concerts to the girls joined the singer Edward Mitsul. Then the accompaniators led to Yuri Rymashevsky, and with the appearance of Charismatic Alexander Tikhanovich, fans began to call "Veras" "glasses-mustache." The duet of jadigs, wearing an optical device in a fashionable frame, and the pretty Sasha, similar to the young Alexander Lukashenko, was leading in the ensemble. Young people soon got married.

Rainchik appeared in the team only in 1974, after the dismissal of Rymashevsky and on the initiative of Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich. "Veras" by this time have already become a laureate of the All-Union Competition with the composition of Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolay Dobronravov "We will remain in the songs."

Nevertheless, Vasily Petrovich continues to report that the teacher of all stars, including Tihanovich and Poplavskaya, was he who. In fact, although many artists have passed the Rainchikovskaya story of the "Veras" through the ensemble, the fame received only Angelica Agurbash (singing in the "Vesk flowers" as Lik Yalinskaya).

In 1986, a bag of marijuana was thrown into the concert costume of Tikhanovich. During the proceedings, Alexander was justified, but the musician did not want to work with the team more, whose participants, as he believed, was substantiated.

Poplavskaya and Tihanovich left "Vera Oy" and created a new group "Happy case". The name of the team gave the song Edward Hank and Larisa Rubalskaya, to which the clip was shot. In 2017, Alexander Tikhanovich died.

In 1997, Veras broke up, and after 10 years, Vasily Rainchik recreated a group. From the former composition in "Veras" only Maria Stepnostok sings. The group functions the children's ensemble "Vera Ours".


The discography of "Veras" is difficult to systematize, since the same hits moved from the album into the album, complemented by new compositions and songs of the military years, and then the collections were reprinted on new media. Music to most groups of group was written by Edward Hank and (later) Vasily Rainchik.

The visiting card of "Veras" is the song "Malinovka", which, at the suggestion of the Poplavskaya, arranged by the game on the whistle. The undisputed hits of the group were "dependent", which performed in the Belarusian language, and "I live in my grandmother," raising demographic problems.

"Veras" now

The last big concert in Russia "Veras" was given together with VIA "Pesnyary" on March 23, 2014 in St. Petersburg. In 2019, the Group performed at the II European Games held in Minsk, and sang at the Dna of Independence.

The ensemble opened the season 2019/2020 in the Minsk Most History Theater, and in October 2019 he participated in the concert of the same theater dedicated to the Day of Mother and held in the Palace of the Republic. The collaboration of the group with the theater of the stage is not surprising, since Vasily Rainchik is currently leading both teams.

Mostly now "Veraes" sing on corporate enterprises and in rural houses of culture. Pages in "Instagram" have no ensemble, but photos from the past and this group are posted on the official website of VIA.


  • 1975 - "Where to find such happiness"
  • 1976 - "smells chasor"
  • 1978 - "White Birch"
  • 1978 - "Red Maks"
  • 1980 - "Our Disco"
  • 1980 - "Malinovka SHOWING ROOTS"
  • 1985 - "Music for All"
  • 1988 - "Clouds of My Dream"
  • 2008 - "Veras"


  • "Storks"
  • "Lullaby"
  • "Belarus"
  • "Couch"
  • "Robin"
  • "The world is arranged so"
  • "I live in my grandmother"
  • "My love"
  • "Belarusian Popourry"
  • "Young dawn"
  • "We are beautiful all"
  • "Love farewell ball"
  • "Madonna doll"

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