Anatoly Kashepars - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



In September 2019, the legendary "Pesnira" celebrated half a century anniversary: ​​the team was formed on the first day of the autumn of 1969 in Minsk. Many printed and Internet editions hurried to turn to soloists with wishes and talk to the birthday men in souls. For example, in an interview with the "Culture" newspaper, an unforgettable tenor of the ensemble Anatoly Kashepaarov spoke about the reasons for the wonderful popularity of VIA in the Soviet years and the preserved warm attitude towards him still.

Childhood and youth

In mid-October 1950, the 15th, the married couple of Kasheparov, who lived in the capital of the Belarusian SSR, was born firstborn - Son Tolik. A little later, the younger daughters appeared in the family. Unfortunately, there are few people known about their biography, except that the Father was called by Efim Filippovich, and the mother worked by the corrector in the publishing house "Belarus".

The future star of the Soviet pop since childhood showed singing talents - performed melodic compositions, imitating artists known at the time. Therefore, there was no doubt where to come after school, and the young man filed documents to the Molodechno Music School.

The next place of study was the Polytechnic Institute, where the guy first went to the scene as a vocalist of the "blue guitars". The team gave concerts not only in his native university, but also in the restaurant "Inturista", it was there that the talented young man noticed the founder and Khudruka Via "Pesnyary" and proposed cooperation.

In the future, Anatoly managed to end two more higher educational institutions - MGIK and GITIS.

Personal life

A happy meeting with the future wife of Larisa occurred in the mid-80s in the area of ​​the Vitebsk home officers - the singer walked after two concerts and got a beauty that turned out to be a cultural center. The next day he took her to Minsk - to get acquainted with his parents.

Despite the rapid novel, strong feelings and complete mutual understanding in his personal life, lovers got married only in 2007 in America, when legal affairs demanded. So formally, the three heirs of Kashaparovy - Daria, Elena and Danil - born out of marriage.

Parents' relationships have developed, without exaggeration, beautiful: they see in the father with the mother of the main and close friends. It is known that the eldest daughters found themselves in medicine, working in the San Francisco Hospital, and the youngest son for all technical, created computer games and fanatel from military equipment.


In the 1970s, the Belarusian team was gaining momentum - he stopped in a step from victory in the IV All-Union Estrada Artist Competition and got to the 1st place at the All-Union of the Political Song Competition. By the end of the year, Leonid Bortkevich was a member of Via, and in 1971 - Anatoly Kashepars.

"When Muulavin invited me to listen to, on the eve I did not sleep all night: I was worried, I was afraid that I could not cope, and did not go. And already after 3 months, I met Vladimir Georgievich at the cinema with the words: "Well, what didn't you come? Let's turn to ten in the morning tomorrow. " And since then, everything suffered, twisted ... "- recognized the last in an interview.

As part of Via, the performer, famous for the Hit "Vologda", "served" until 1989, has time to replenish the discography with a considerable number of mini-albums and full-format plates. In the early 90s, the man together with his family moved to the United States, before his departure of a short time spent in Pop Syndicate. In a new place of residence, he continued to engage in music, and also tried his strength in his own business, opening two pizzerias.

In 2009, the gold composition of "Pesnyar" made an attempt to unite, and together with Leonid Bortkevich and Oleg Molchan Anatoly Efimovich often visited touring in various countries, agreeing to participate in television programs. For example, in Russia in 2012 it was waiting for Andrei Malakhov in Russia.

By the way, the composition of the dark-eyed composition in the house where the carved parisade, and now she does not give rest to the listeners - YouTube will literally break from the author's clips and trowels.

Anatoly Kashepars now

Now Anatoly Efimovich lives on three countries, calling himself a man of the world: his beloved spouse and children are waiting for him in America, in Belarus - relatives, in Russia - friends and colleagues.

On the official website of the artist, in addition to news, video, photos and presses, there is a detailed billboard with a concert schedule for 2019-2020. For example, on August 24, 2019, he, together with Leonid Bortkevich, made a corporate party in Sochi, a joint shot with whom I was hurried to share in Instagram, Igor Nikolaev, without holding away from an enthusiastic comment.


  • 1971 - "Sonnyary I" ("You scribbled to me")
  • 1974 - "Sonnyary II (" Alesya ")
  • 1978 - "Sonnyary III (" Vologda ")
  • 1978 - "Sonnyary IV" ("Belarusian folk songs in processing V.G. Muulavin")
  • 1979 - "Husar"
  • 1983 - "Enchanted My"
  • 1985 - "Through the War"

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