Snezhana Queen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, DNA Tests 2021



Snezhana Koroleva - Permanent Member of the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Let them say". Arriving from the provincial town to Moscow, she became a media personality. The public knew Snezhan as a representative of the First Channel.

Childhood and youth

About the childhood of snow is known little. The girl was born in Kaluga in 1990. Child's parents divorced, and mother brought up a daughter alone. Woman worked a lot to give her good education and upbringing.

After graduating from school, Snezhana moved to Moscow. The capital promised more prospects, and education here is considered better. The girl graduated from the Biological Faculty of the Veterinary Academy and managed to protect the candidate dissertation.

The queen lacked the stars from the sky and sought his goals to be worn hard. In some interviews, she calls himself a tank for enviable perseverance in achieving the desired one.

Personal life

Snezhane Queen is difficult to call a public person. It has not achieved great popularity, since it does not belong to the creative profession. Nothing is known about the personal life of the girl, since the DNA laboratory specialist is trying to not advertise it. Even the growth and weight of the expert remains secret. Curious audiences are not easy to find a girl's account in "Instagram". She probably chose a nickname that is not related to personal data and work to stay in the shade and not give public access to their photos and posts.


In parallel with the study, Snezhan worked. The queen settled in the BiopaPa laboratory, a prestigious organization, thanks to which he began his career. From this point on, the professional biography of the girl intertwined with research.

As a specialist in DNA tests, Snezhan was invited to participate in the transfer of the first channel. This happened by accident. The sudden call from Ostankino found Snezhan one in the laboratory, which cooperates with most Russian TV channels. She was to take samples on the air transfer. For a recent student, this experience was first, and the queen was seriously nervous. In the frame she was offered to voice the results of the examination.

The task of the expert was the fence of the biomaterial at the guest of the studio. The scheme of the appearance of the queen in the frame was as follows: she took an analysis for the test, and then voiced the results of a laboratory study. For several years, Snezhana Queen collaborated with the producers of the transfer "Let them say". The girl acted as a permanent expert. The queen caused confidence in the public. Her word became decisive in numerous discussions between relatives who aroused in the studio show.

Over time, Snezhan began to recognize on the streets, which turned out to be a surprise for her. It did not lead to a change in lifestyle. The Queen is still an employee of a medical laboratory, driving on the subway and plans to advance the qualifications. The experience in television turned out to be an impressive adventure for Snezhana.

In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, she remembered that some situations on the set became especially difficult for her. These cases when it came to the recognition of paternity or connections capable of changing the lives of families. It was not easy to be the ether, for which I had to take samples at once with 200 inhabitants of one village, to find out who is the father of the child of the heroine. There was no limit to the surprise of the audience and the Snowfish itself when it turned out that this is the brother of the girl.

Despite the fact that the stories of the heroes "let them say" slowly touched Snezhan, she did not take advice to her participants, even when they treated them. Competent specialist, she adhered to a neutral point of view, allowing people to independently make a choice.

Snezhana Queen now

From the moment Andrei Malakhov moved to the channel "Russia", Snezhana does not appear in the TV channel "First Channel". Now, together with the employer, the girl participates in the creation of plots for the transfer of "direct ether". The program holds high ratings, and in 2020 Snezhana continues to cooperate with its producers.

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