The film "Children Don Quixote" (1965): Actors, Fate, Roles, Soviet


On February 28, 1966, the film "Children of Don Quixote" came out on Soviet screens, whose shooting was completed in 1965.

In the center of the plot is the history of the head of the hospital Peter Bondarenko, raising three children. Father instills his sons a sense of responsibility for the actions, for which the boys ironically nickned him by Don Quixote. Nevertheless, the principles of good are settled in the souls of the younger generation, directing the heroes of the film honestly.

About actors employed in the comedy drama, and their destinies - in the material 24cmi.

Anatoly Papanov (1922-1987)

Actor Anatoly Papanov then in recent years

Anatoly Papanov created on the screen an impressive image of Peter Bondarenko, his father and an obstetrician-gynecologist, who felt responsible before each woman in labor. The characteristic actor surprised both comedy and dramatic talent, creating a favorite characters for the audience in the films "Beware of the car", "Diamond Hand", "12 chairs", "Belarusian station".

Anatoly Dmitrievich passed from life on August 5, 1987 from a heart stop at the age of 64. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Vera Orlova (1918-1993)

Actress Vera Orlova then in the last years of life

Peter Bondarenko's spouse, Petrovna faith, working as a plastic surgeon, performed Vera Orlov. In the filmography of actresses, the main roles in the projects "Happy flight" and "Gemini", as well as shooting in the satirical magazine "Fitil" and films-performances. In the state of celebrity women's images of mothers, a rigid lady, bothering aunts.

Vera Markovna died on September 16, 1993. Buried on the new Don Cemetery.

Vladimir Korenev (1940)

Full Vladimir Korenev then and now

Senior Son Viktor Bondarenko, an artist who is in the creative crisis, performed Vladimir Korenev. The role of Ithyander in the film "Man-Amphibian" has brought popularity.

The creative fate of the actor was well formed, giving the audience bright characters in the projects "Criminal Talent", "Rasteners of a district scale", "Two colors of passion", "Orlova and Alexandrov". Since 2015, Vladimir Borisovich has not been filmed into a cinema, but continues to go on the stage of the Stanislavsky ElectroTheater.

Lion Jumpers (1939)

Actor lion jumpers then and now

Middle Son, Victor, Student Pedagogical Technical School, executed Lion Jumpers. The actor is known to the Russian viewer on works in projects "On the other side of death", "Morpei", "House on the Ozerny", "Godunov".

Lev Georgievich continues to film and happy in his personal life. The artist considers himself a lucky person, and in his work, besides work in cinema, there are picturesque canvas. Jugunov paintings are stored in private collections.

Andrei Beljaninov (1957)

Andrei Beljaninov then and now

The youngest son, Yura - a schoolboy, who was enthusiastic cinema, performed Andrei Beljaninov. The film "Children Don Quixote" - debut and only work in the actor filmography. The executor of the leading role refused to the creative career and dedicated the life of the customs service. At the moment, the Eurasian Development Bank is headed.

Natalia Sedoy (1948)

Actress Natalia Sadykh then and now

In the unusual role, the audience will be seen in the frames of the film Natalia Sadykh, who performed the role of Moti, graduates of the craft school. The popularity of actress brought work in the Soviet fairy tales A. Row "Morozko" and "Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes". Since 2006, the celebrity has been conducted by a secluded lifestyle and does not participate in secular events. Now Natalia Evgenievna can be seen in telecasts, but the star of cinema still hides the details of his personal life.

Valentina Ananin (1933)

Actress Valentina Ananin then and take

In the episodic role of the parent, who thanked the doctor for concern, starring Valentina Ananin, known to a greater extent as the actress of the cinema. From the beginning of the century in the filmography of the celebrity, the characters of the Serdobolye Medratmen and Grandmothers.

The modern viewer Valentina Georgievna is known for the projects "Molodezhka" and "Quiet Don". The artist continues to film. In 2020, a film "Dancing at height" is preparing to show with the stars.

Family film "Children of Don Quixote" in the plot of intrigue, which will become apparent only to the final. And in episodes, the audience saw popular Soviet actors, such as Zoya Vasilkova, Maria Kremenyev, Herman Kacin, Gennady Krasheninnikov and others.

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