Series "Perry Mason" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, HBO


In the summer of 2020, HBO prepared a surprise for fans of detectives - the TV channel "Perry Mason" starts on the TV channel, the release date of the 1st series of which is scheduled for June 21. The director of the new adventure of the adventures of the most famous fictional lawyer in the United States spoke Tim Van Patten, familiar to the audience at work on such projects as the "Game of Thrones" and "Clan Soprano".

About the plot of the series, taken by actors and the film-related curious facts - in the material 24cm.


The series "Perry Mason" will postpone the viewers to the city of Angels of the 30s of the last century. So far, people are trying to cope with the consequences of the Great Depression, Los Angeles lives with its bright and carefree life. And the lawyer named Perry Mason. From colleagues on the workshop of the restless Perry distinguishes the unchanging desire to come to the truth - therefore, it is not abundant to take over the duties of a private detective.

Actors and roles

The role in the film performed the following actors:

  • Matthew Reese - Perry Mason, lawyer from Los Angeles. The lawyer is not limited to the submission of cases of prostrates in court, as most colleagues, preferring their own investigative activities aimed at finding true perpetrators of crimes in which the clients of the chief hero are accused. In addition to investigations, Mason has to cope with its own demons - memories of war and regrets about divorce.
  • John Litgo - Elias Berchard "E. B. " Jonathan, colleague, mentor and a close friend of the main character, trying to attract his young acquaintance to work on confused affairs. For Mason, it is extremely important for approval by an experienced lawyer who has become the second father for Perry.
  • Shi Wigham - Pete Strickland, Friend, Assistant and Devotee Perry Mason. The experienced jointly numerous adventures were attracted by two men, making them practically brothers, always hand in hand going to the rayster of the next confusing business.
  • Juliet Rielanx - Della Street, the permanent secretary of the main character, for the charming appearance of which is hidden a non-free mind and an outstanding cutter.
  • Chris Chek - Paul Drake, a private detective, to whom the services often resorted to Mason Investigations.
  • Tatyana Maslany - Sister Alice, the leader of the nascent religious cult. Daily sermons, including in the radio, confused by an impressive charisma of a woman, help her to conquer the confidence of people, awakening the desire to join the numerous flock of the new church.

Also in the series was filmed: Veronica Falcon (LUP), Eric Lang (Holjolb), Jefferson Mais (Verdzhil), Andrew Howard (Ennis) and Lily Taylor, who performed the role of Berd McKigan.

Interesting Facts

1. The role of Perry Mason was initially planned to take Robert Downey Jr., but the artist as a result refused to participate in the filming, referring to strong employment. Not without shuffling and in other positions. So, when in 2016 it became known that the series "Perry Mason" will be created, Nick Pizzolatto was as a screenwriter. A year later, the author refused the place, preferring to focus on the study of the plot of the 3rd season of the "real detective".

2. The initial idea implied the creation of several full-fledged seasons, but subsequently the concept has repeatedly changed. At the moment, the creators decided to dwell on the format of the mini-series - the authors are going to tell the completed history for 8 hour episodes.

3. The series "Perry Mason" 2020 is not the first attempt to transfer the characteristics of Earl Gardner's character, who wrote about Los Angeles lawyer 80 novels and short stories. Of the 7 previous shields, including the Soviet, Belarusian and Turkish, the Best is considered to be the series 1957-1966, which was distinguished by the supply intelligence - the lack of blood, corpses and nidgets, which were for modern paintings an integral part.

Series "Perry Mason" - Trailer:

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