Pancy Parkinson (character) - Photo, Harry Potter, Joan Rowling, film, actress


Character History

Pancy Parkinson - the episodic character of Sagi Garry Potter, Slytherin student. This uncomplicated person is weakly remembered to readers, and the audience, and Joan Rowling called her one of his most unloved heroines.

History of character creation

The full name of the girl is Pency Eloza Parkinson. Pansy means pansies, and Parkinson is a very common last name in the UK. According to the author, both in the books, and on the screen, this heroine is an embodiment of all those arrogant and unpleasant girls with whom Joan Rowling had to deal with childhood. In an interview, she explained that for her Pancy is a kind of antipode of Hermione.

Image and biography Pency Parkinson

Pancy is a purebred wizard, a student of the Faculty of Slytherin. The description of its biography before entering the school is missing. From the first days of study, the girl shows a stubborn and rude character, and also falls under the influence of Draco Malfoy, which does not add to her attractiveness. The heroine is striving to imitate a fellow students in an arrogant attitude to students of other faculties and regularly joins the etching of "Implocked" like Harry or Neumen like Neville. At the senior courses of her sympathy to Malfoy, the younger develops into love, but what Draco himself thinks about this, remains unknown.

Pancy contemptuously refers to muggy-born students and will gladly savor the nickname "Mudnock", which Slytherins gave Hermione Granger. With Harry Potter himself, she prefers not to join open overhannings.

From the book it seems that Pancy Nekrasiva, but in fact there is no quotation in the text clearly indicating her uglyness; It is mentioned only to a small height and smoky nose, brown hair and marsh eyes. Slytherin is dressed in black and dark green, and its magic stick core is made of dragon scales.

When meeting in the first year, the girl seems Harry "unpleasant person," but he admits that the case can be in the game of imagination - after he was told about Slytherin, all students from there he do not like. Hermione, who could not tolerate Parkinson (which is quite mutually), compares it for his eyes, then with a pug, then with a cow, then with the "Toll, which was given in the head."

Pancy is a powerful and active girl and in addition, a clear leader in character, which is confirmed by its subsequent appointment to the post of headlights of the faculty. Then she becomes a member of the inspection squad, established by Dolores Ambridge during its leadership Hogwarts, but the heroine almost immediately faces students. For the distribution of penalty points to the right and left Parkinson is exposed to a spell, from which her horns cut through, which makes it take a whole day in the hospital wing.

In the fifth year, Pancy comes to the Holy Ball in the company Draco Malfoy.

In the final film, Parkinson tries to force the fellow students to give Harry Potter Volan de Morta. In the punishment of Minerva McGonagall, Maggonagall makes it in the dungeon along with other Slytherins. This is a clear thickening of the director from the director - in the book there is no such scene: many adult students of the Faculty Slytherin voluntarily took part in the battle for Hogwarts, and the order of evacuation to a safe place was concerned with only young journals.

As the additional materials published, published by Joan Rowling at the end of the main series, after school Penssi married. "In retaliation" for hatred for the emergents, the writer gave her to a guy from the Maglove family. The heart choices of heroin led to the rupture of relations with relatives and friends who condemned such a party. As a result, Parkinson itself became part of the community to which in childhood and youth treated with such contempt.

Pancy Parkinson in films

In the first films about Harry Potter, the role of Penssi is performed by the actress Geneviev Gang. In the "Fire Cup", the character is almost absent - instead of her Malfoy comes to the Holy Ball, accompanied by a French student from Sharmombaton. The image of Parkinson performed by Lauren Schotton is present in the episodes, but most scenes with her from the picture cut out.

In the final part, the role of the failed traitor, Slytherin played Scarlett Byrne. Despite the convincing game, critics condemned the choice of director, having considered that the appearance of Scarlett is too attractive for Pency. In Russian doubles, Natalia Frankova voiced the heroine.


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2"

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