Birthday Svetlana Crochek: 2020, biography, personal life, illness


The first success in her life was the shooting in the picture of Alexey Korenev "big change". But they say that Svetlana Kryuchkova got there completely by chance - she brought the script that did not like her husband and fascinated the director at first glance. On June 22, 2020, the People's Artist of the RSFSR, who played memorable roles in dozens of films and performances, was 70 years old.

On interesting facts from the personal life and the creative biography of the actress - in the material 24cmi.


Svetlana Kryuchkova never lowered hands. Not when it was necessary to care for sick husband. Neither when severe injury, and later the disease laid the artist itself on the resuscitation bed.

And an extraordinary perseverance in achieving the goals of Svetlana was different from his youth. So, before becoming a Student Studio Studio MCAT, the future actress 3 years up to the thresholds of theatrical universities. Attempts to do complied with the work: she worked as a fitting assembly, the operator in the computing center, the Preparator in the Agricultural Institute.

Mchat Kryuchkov's Studio School came by chance - 3 unsuccessful attempts did not leave hopes. However, heading to the Saratov Theater School, from where Svetlana still received a telegram about admission, passing through Moscow, decided to again visit the believed institution. And for the 4th time, everything happened extremely successfully for the syllable applicant.

A look into the future

The actress in childhood could not decide on his own dreams about the future, broke between the desire to become a geologist or philologist. But one day, Ryganka rushed to the girl that her fate was waiting for an unusual, not like that of all the inhabitants of Native Chisinau. Kryuchkov believed - and, as it turned out, not in vain.

Rational approach

Svetlana Kryuchkova responds about awards skeptical. He says that an understanding has come with age - an exceptional premiums expressed in cash equivalent. And from all sorts of letters and statuette, it is absolutely no way - you will not take a coffin.

Husbands and sons

With the first spouse Mikhail Starodab, who was learned, as well as Svetlana, at the Studio School MCAT, Kryuchkov concluded the marriage union in the student.

However, after a few years, on the set of the film "Elder Brother" met with a cameraman Yuri Veksler - this meeting spoke the head of his head and forced, forgetting about the old lover, go after the new chosen one from Moscow to Leningrad. The couple got married in 1975, and in 1988 he broke up. In this marriage, the son of Dmitry appeared.

Alexandra Moltartova, the third spouse, with whom the actress lives and today, Mom found little dimie. The boy led to a cafe to a table where Svetlana sat with a friend, a pretty man who called Uncle Sasha, and said: "You need to get married!" From the last husband, the actress appeared the second child - the son of Alexander, in contrast to the translator and who left Dmitry to France, who won the Musician's path.

Useful hobby

Artist from childhood loves poetry. It helped hooked to cope with problems when after the death of Tovstonogov in the BDT actress tried to "instill", having ceased to give roles. Svetlana Nikolaevna began to chase around the country with the creative evenings, on which he read the poems of Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam, Brodsky and other authors, and also performed songs from movies and communicated with the hall, telling history from his own life.

Parental opinion

Parents did not want a daughter to rush on the stage, absolutely not separating her creative gusts. In their presentation, the best choice for Svetlana was to finish the pedagogical university and devote the life of the teacher's career.

About appearance and old age

To care for skin Svetlana Kryuchkov, uses hygienic tools, but the suspenders do not recognize. It believes that it is not necessary to be afraid to grow old. And even more so striving to change the appearance presented over the appearance. And speaking of wrinkles, remembers the saying of Anna Manyani that these traces of age are not worth hiding, because they get too hard.

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