Mickey Spiellain - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Books



The American novelist Mickey Spiellain worked in a detective genre and became famous for the fact that a number of erotic scenes were present in the books. His heroes, professional detectives Tiger Mann and Mike Hummer, revealed incredible crimes, along the way, solving hundreds of problems.

Childhood and youth

Frank Morrison Spelllain, later who has changed the name in Mickey, was born on March 9, 1918 in one of the regions of New York. The atmosphere that reigned in the district and people of different nationalities from the young age caused violent emotions in the boy and delight.

Father, Irishman by origin, worked as a bartender in the Brooklyn Pub, and the mother, a hereditary Scotland, followed the well-being of the family. She introduced his son with classics, reading magical fairy tales overnight, and taught to talk to talk about how weekdays pass.

In high school, referred to prestigious educational institutions, Mickey began to philosophize and therefore conducted a diary. Bright and interesting events, he described in artistic form, using complex grammatical designs and a literary figurative language.

It is probably at that time an idea of ​​becoming a writer arose at that time, and, having received a certificate of maturity, Spelllane entered the college of Fort Hays. The educational institution was in Kansas, far from the house of the parents, so the young man had to work to live without limiting funds.

On the eve of World War II, it was necessary to postpone the literary career, to recruit in the American army, or rather - in flight troops. Having mastered the profession of the fighter pilot, the young man inspected the borders and taught recruits, fulfilling the instructor's duties.

Personal life

In 1945, a lover appeared in the personal life of Mickey, which a month after the acquaintance became his legitimate wife. The couple decided to buy a house in a small suburb of New York, but the relationship did not arise the divorce happened by itself.

After 20 years, the writer wore a photo model Sherry Malin, who was filmed for magazines naked, so she did not want to have children. And with the third spouse, the author of detectives finally found happiness, and the couple settled in Charleston among other American families.


In 1940, Mickey began writing a biography and became the author of the superhero comic, where the text was a couple of pages. He came up with the adventures of Batman, Captain America and Superman, who were popular with a wide range of persons.

In addition, Spielllain created short prosaic stories included in the literary collection in 1942. Then the lack of funds and personal problems forced to look for ideas for an adult essay and treat the debut novel as serious work.

In the work of "I - Court" readers became acquainted with the detective named Mike Hammer, who later became the hero of a series of successful books. In 1953, this story became an emission performed by the director Harry Essex in the genre of a criminal militant.

The writer instantly gained popularity and decided not to slow down the turnover, continuing to talk about the adventures of the detective in the novels "I will not run down" and "I will understand!". And in the 1960s, after the release of three Mike films, the author added to the created cycle of "girls hunters" and "snake."

In total, 14 works were written about one hero, which were sold by solid circulations and had a loud success. In parallel, the author developed the personality of the character of Taigera Manna, which appeared in the "day of pistols" detectives, "short circuit" and "Bloody Dawn".

The works of Spiellane were distinguished by abundance of violence, as well as excessive frankness of frequent erotic scenes. It is surprising that the heroes were originally created for comics and only then hit the novels, full theft, murders and change.

Later, the bibliography of Mickey was diversified by the extraordinary books "long expectation", "my killer", "Pilot" and "Kield dropped out of the game." And another creative branch was the 2-Tomny cycle about Raien, where the actors were mafios and American gangsters.

Almost all published works received positive feedback from critics, but the novel "Kiss me to death" caused a real excitement. The fact is that in the screening the author played the main character and, judging by the photographs from the film, Ideally recreated the invented type.

By the end of his life, Spiellain was considered a classic of a detective genre, which managed to release more than two dozen books. The writer did not strive to popularity, although he worked rather quickly and could rightfully be proud of success that he achieved.


The cause of the death of Mickey Spiellane on July 17, 2006 was an infection that led to the tumor and eventually caused cancer. Friend of the writer Max Allan Collins published unnecessary works that accidentally discovered in the house among documents and securities.


A series of T-shirt Hammer

  • 1947 - "I - Court" (I, The Jury)
  • 1950 - "Will not kill" (My Gun Is Quick)
  • 1950 - "I will find!" (VENGEANCE IS MINE!)
  • 1952 - "Kiss me to death" (Kiss Me Deadly)
  • 1962 - "Girl Hunters" (The Girl Hunters)
  • 1964 - "Snake" (The Snake)

Series about Taiger Manne

  • 1964 - "Day of Pistols" (Day of the Guns)
  • 1965 - "Bloody Dawn" (Bloody Sunrise)
  • 1966 - "short circuit" (The BY-PASS CONTROL)


  • 1953 - "Court is me"
  • 1954 - "Long Wait"
  • 1955 - "Kiss me to death"
  • 1970 - "Delta Factor"
  • 1995 - "Fallen Angels"

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