Fees in the maternity hospital: things, list, errors


When fees in the maternity hospital, future mothers are either gaining half of things from the apartment, or forget the most necessary. So it happens even with experienced women. To avoid problems, pregnant women are better oriented on the list.

Things for mom

Things for mom necessary in the maternity hospital are divided into documents, household subjects of essential, clothing and medical devices.

From the documents, the results of the survey, tests, the generic certificate, the direction, the policy of the OMS, passport and the medical record are required. If doubts arise, to take a document, it is recommended to grab: places will take a little, and the absence can cause problems.

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From domestic items allocate those women enjoying constantly. Among them: Toothbrush, paste, cream, replaceable panties, comb and ointment, if required.

Clothes are taken by the one that is useful for childbirth and after them: comfortable and warm (if it is cold in the maternity hospital). Two pairs of sneakers will be useful: for walking along corridors and rubber for a hike in the shower.

Another mother should take a book with me, a tablet with downloaded series and music, headphones, charger. With normal childday births in the maternity hospital will have to spend a bit. But to start boredom if the child is calm, even one hour is hard.

From medical devices you need to take with you bandages, a bra for feeding, postpartum diapers and boosters for the chest. It is easier to stock up in advance and rejoice that they were not useful than in a panic send relatives for the necessary on pharmacies if the items from the list need.

Things for baby

For a newborn, the rule applies that it wears one layer of clothing more than an adult. Because the infants are poorly developed thermoregulation, they also care that the babies have covered heads and legs.

The child will need baby soap, diapers, special napkins, powder, cotton wands and discs, pacifiers (if those are allowed in the maternity hospital).

And the envelope is not necessary for an extract. It turns out the pretty photos that remain for life. But it is worth buying it if it is planned to use a thing later. Otherwise, the warm time should be selected and the slider should be chosen, and on the cold - overalls.

Excessively wrapped the child should not. This is especially sining alarming parents and the older generation. If the baby is healthy, the rule of one extra layer guarantees it warm.


Due to hormonal failures during pregnancy and excitement, there are mistakes before childbirth: they take unnecessary and forget the necessary. Most often, future mothers acquire diapers are not the size (they are labeled depending on the weight of the future child, they clarify the doctor), grab excessive amounts of clothes for yourself and baby, forget rubber slippers for a shower or hygiene.

In addition, after discharge, young mammies are trying to leave the maternity hospital by car without a children's chair, without worrying about his purchase in advance. The latter is fraught with serious problems. And if returning home falls on a taxi, you should discuss the presence of a chair when ordering.

Problems happen when a woman decides to rely on memory: the risk to forget the important increase. To not be mistaken, they write a list, and then ask a friend or relative to check what lies in the bag. But if suddenly something turned out to be forgotten, you should negotiate in advance that things will bring close, friends or neighbors.

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