Peter Pettigrew (character) - Photo, Harry Potter, Joan Rowling, film, actor, rat


Character History

Peter Pettigrew - Cycle Character About Harry Potter Joan Rowling and Subsequent Spassions. Harry's traitor came to reincarnate in the rat, which allowed him to remain imperceptible and leave for punishment.

History of character creation

The British writer became famous for the Romanov series about the young wizard and his friends who were trained in Hogwarts - a commodity school. The main plot is built around the confrontation of Harry Potter and Lord Volan de Mort.

With this idea, the remaining events of the book and the fate of other characters are intertwined, including Peter Pettigrew.

The first novel was released in June 1997 and immediately gained fans. It is not surprising that the film is not made to wait. The legendary film franchise about the young wizard gathered record cash charges in cinemas, the young actors became famous for their roles, and the quotes of the main characters turned into the winged phrases.

Despite the fact that the author positioned the work as children's literature, the true Potteromans are found among all ages.

The appearance in the plot of Peter is some kind of reference to the biblical history about the apostol Peter. This character renounced Jesus Christ when he was executed, and then understood the mistake and repented. Joan Rowling herself explains the betrayal of the best friend of James Potter to a bit mass and cowardice.

Image and biography of Peter Pettigrew

Nothing is known about the antagonist family. Peter's mother once mentioned in the context of the fact that the Ored Order of the Merlin of her son is a "weak consolation" for a poor woman.

Peter Pettigrew enters Hogwarts in 1971 and at the venue of the distribution hat goes to the Faculty of Gryffindor. Already in the youth, the main components of the image of the future traitor were manifested - this is the cowardice and the desire to have a patron.

In school, Sirius Black, Remus Lupine and James Potter became friends of Nettigrew. The latter fulfilled the role of the very defender. And he was a victim of a treacherous "ward."

Soon, young wizards learned that one of them - Lupine - waswolf. To help a friend, the rest decided to become antimagami and at the moments of reincarnation Remus were next to him, holding it under control. Then Peter learned to contact the gray rat, for which he was nicknamed by the tail.

Hogwarts graduating from Hogwarts, Pettigrew was transferred to the Order of the Phoenix, who fought against the main villain - Lord Volan de Morta. However, a farewell character soon realized that it would be more profitable to move on the other side of the barricades.

At this time, James and Lily Potter are born a son. It became known that a dark wizard is going to kill a boy who represents the danger to him. To help a young family, friends imposed Fidelius spell on them, thanks to which the Lord could not find them, even looking at their home.

However, it was necessary to decide on who would be the keeper of mystery. After consulting, the wizards decided that the best contender for this role is the tail, because no one would think that he had such a mission. The rest convinced that Sirius became the keeper.

It was a chance for Peter to prove his loyalty to Volan de Mort. He told Lord, where Potters are, after which James and Lily died.

Sirius calculated the traitor. However, the tail was driven into the angle with a cry that it was Black who told the truth to Dark Lord, a burst on the street. As a result, 12 magnes were killed, and only a finger remained from Peter. Sirius was sent to Azkaban, recognizing him guilty of committing a crime, and Pettigry was considered dead for many years.

In fact, the traitor turned into a rat, which fell into the house of Weasley. The owner of the corrosion (scabbers) was first Percy, and then Ron is the best friend of Harry Potter. After 12 years, Sirius, considering a photo from a relaxing family of Weasley, learns the tail on appearance and torn off the finger on the paw. Black runs away from Azkaban to take revenge on Piter.

The tail was afraid of this most in the world. Therefore, during the match, Gryffindor - Ravenklo, the prayer character himself bit himself to draw his own death. Ron saw blood on her sheet and thought that his pet was ate. The tail of Hagrid's hut was hidden in Hagrid's hut until Hermione was discovered.

When Ron tried to attribute the animal to the castle, Korza again rushed to run. But Sirius Black hide the tail prevented the tail. He dragged the boy and the rat to the secret tunnel. When Harry and Hermione arrived there, the man told the whole truth of the traitor.

Peter was going to kill, but the protagonist of the novel did not allow them to do this by showing mercy. Harry wanted to convey the tail to dementors, but again it was possible to escape. Naturally, a cowardly character went straight to Lord Volan de Morta. By this time, a dark wizard only gained strength and restored the body.

Further description of the history of Antigero was associated with serving the main antagonist of the cycle. As a gift from the villain, he received a silver hand, which endowed the tail of a lot of power. However, in the final of his biography, this gift was the cause of his death.

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In the fight with Ron and Harry, the tail loses his wand, so begins to choke the main character with a prosthesis. Young Potter reminds the enemy about how he cleared over him and did not allow Sirius to take revenge.

Silver hand regards Peter's confusion as a disobedience of Volan de Morta and eventually stimulates him. Pettigry died by a traitor, but the last minutes of his life prove that there was a place for compassion in his soul.

Peter Pettitry in films

In the screen vessels about Harry Potter, the role of Peter was performed at once two actors. Charles Hughes showed the tail in his youth when the story about four marauders was told. In the rest of the same events played Timothy Spoll.

In general, the film repeats the literary history. However, the death of the traitor on large screens does not overtake. According to the director, the character only stuns the Elf Dobby, and there is no information about the fate of the Voland de Morta for the fate of the Voland de Morta.


I knew that he would chase me! He knew that he would come back! I waited for twelve years. (About Sirius Black) If the Waolars de Mort supporters are configured against me, then just because I sent one of their leaders in Azkuban - this spy Sirius Black! I am a spy? You are not in your mind ... Yes, how did you turn such a language ... Such ... Ron ... did I not have a good friend to you ... your pet's pet? You do not give them to kill me, right? You're on my side!


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1"
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2"

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