The most beautiful fountains of the world: a photo singing, VDNH, Dubai


The person is inclined to contemplation, and, as you know, the best objects for observation, if you do not take into account the depth of the night sky and the diligent work of a friend, is a quieter in the bizarre dance of the flasma of fire and playing rainbow paints in the sunshine flow of flowing water. Therefore, they like so people sometimes frost, admiring the silver-sparkling jets to the blue dome of heaven fountains. It is not surprising that they are from the design, once intended solely to supply settlements with water, over time transformed into cultural and art monuments.

In this material, the editorial office of 24cmi will tell about the most beautiful fountains in the world: about where they are located who put the hand to their creation and how they are famous for or other of them.

For good luck - in Singapore

In Russia, during the feasts dedicated to the celebration of birthdays, the toasts and health resorts are made in honor of the "newborn". And at the same time - wishing happiness, success and financial well-being, reinforced by all sorts of gifts.

However, the perpetrators of the celebrations and just people who wish to meet in their lives with real luck should not be limited to listening to fiery speeches from the mouth of guests. It is better to go to the Suntec City Commercial Center, located in Singapore to visit the fountain of wealth. On local belief, a person who has committed a special ritual in this place will be overwhelming and get rich.

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Erected in 1998, the structure listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest fountain in the world is located between high-altitude skyscrapers houses. In the night darkness, a construction consisting of 2 fountains, large and small, built on all canons Fengshui and symbolizing the wealth (bronze used during the construction), the life cycle (water), as well as the Universal Unity of the World (Ring) and Religions (four supports ), Special lasers highlight, forcing the rimming cascades of the jets bizarre in a colorful radiance.

And if you admire the fountain, according to the right part of the most beautiful on earth, from the upper floors of cafes and restaurants located around, you can see the intricate laser show played on the water surface.

Magic motifs Barcelona

Mount Montuica, reaching a height of 173 m and located in the capital of Spanish Catalonia, is noteworthy in that it was here Barcelona took the 1992 Summer Olympics. And 63 years earlier, in 1929, there was a worldwide exhibition, on which the achievements of technical progress were presented, which became the main symbol of ubiquitous industrialization at that time.

Actually, a futuristic magic fountain of the Montuuika, filled in the form of an ellipse, and frequently referred to as "magic" was erected by Carlos Buigas and was erected. It also enters the top of the most beautiful in the world.

For a long time, the architectural masterpiece of engineering thought remained the silent attraction of Barcelona, ​​pleaseing the guests of the city and local residents first their own appearance, and later, and colorful illumination. However, after the reconstruction confined to the Olympic Games - 1992, he "found a voice": the decision of the city leadership was added musical accompaniment.

Since then, the "singing" magic fountain on Mount Montjuic has become one of the main symbols of the Catalan capital, and decades later attracting the attention of tourists going to Barcelona from around the world.

Roman millionaire

Among the numerous attractions of the Eternal City of a separate mention, the Trevi Fountain deserves, built in the XVIII century on the project of the Nikola Salvi architect, which received the appropriate order from the XII Clement Pont.

The architectural masterpiece, which was created as directed by the Pope, adjacent to the wall of the Palazzo Poly Palace (Palazzo Poli), is a sculptural composition made in the style of a baroque. In her center there is a figure of an ancient Greek deity, an control of the elements of water, the ocean, which stands on the sink, drought by sea horses. Magic hippocampes are under the coat of mythical tritons. On the sides of the maritime god are marble maids, symbolizing abundance and health.

Thanks to the small size of the square, which is located the largest fountain in Rome, looks like a palace palace wall, the sculptural group is still impressive, hanging over those who came to admire the 250-year-old masterpiece by tourists and residents of the Italian capital.

Also about Trevi fountain there are legends that this artificial reservoir is able to help in love and financial affairs. It is only necessary to throw the amount of coins appropriate for the mystery. Thanks to these, beliefs annually from the Italian sightseeing, utilities remove up to € 1.4 million.

Dancing Dubai

In addition to the main attraction (Burj-Khalif's skyscraper), there was still a place for one striking structure in the UAE. At the very foot of the 828-meter Tower is located a music fountain of Dubai designed by the California company Wet Design, who appears to accompaniment in bizarre dance, 150 m.

A grand design that spread on the square in 12 hectares, and in the daytime it is capable of hitting an impressionable tourist, but the moment of this triumph of one of the most beautiful fountains in the world comes with the onset of darkness when numerous spotlights light up.

The track leaf of the singing fountain includes more than 30 compositions, including both world hits and folk melodies. There was a place and songs from movies. And under this music, water jets, splashing high pressure pumps through a complex system of special guns and nozzles, gossip in bright lights of light bizarre figures.

Watching an impressive idea daily flows to the fountain of thousands of tourists, while others look at this charming action from the height of sightseeing sites and from the windows of the highest skyscraper in the world, enjoying the wonderful alternation of magic paintings and magically attractive images.

Water flowers in Holland

Young, but already worthy to enter the list of beautiful fountain with 900 LED spotlights in the Amusement Park Eufetling in the Netherlands. Opened it relatively recently - in 2012. However, Aquanura has already managed to gain popularity - every day near him is going 6-7 thousand people to look at the amazing water-light show, which, according to the reviews of numerous audience, is a simplified version of the famous Disney "color world".

The creators of a complex system, which includes 200 spewing water jets of diversity devices, were made, as in the previous case, engineers and architects of Wet Design in cooperation with representatives of other firms. The construction of the Dutch miracle fountain cost € 17 million. Daily show of water and light is accompanied by musical compositions performed by the Brabant orchestra.

Versailles Stradalitsa

Trying to choose which of the mass of fountains created by people for the century of their own existence, more beautiful, it is impossible to pass by those masterpieces that are located in the garden-park complex of the famous French Versaille. Take, for example, the Apollo Fountain, in the center of which is depicted from the gold-plated lead the chariot of the Sun God. It pulls her tough horses driven by a strong hand of the character of ancient myths.

Take a look at the striking creation of Jean-Batista Tubi, created in the XVII century, and watch the jets splashing in the form of a heraldic lily, millions of tourists arrive annually.

Apollo Fountain

But the Fountain Laton, located in this park, is much more popular, decorated with magnificent sculptures of the Marti brothers. Landscaping architect Andre Lenotr, who designed this impressive creation, was inspired when it was developed by the work of the ancient Roman poet Ovidi.

At the heart of the sculptural composition - the legend of Laton, which, seeking to protect his own children, Diana and Apollo, from the anger of the peasants ascended Molub to Jupiter. The Supreme Divine in response to the beloved request turned attackers in the turtles and frogs.

On the elevation in the center there is a marble virgin, which gave the fountain and the whole basin, pressing children, and on the descending "steps" are located in a circle of amphibians, marine reptiles and figures of people who have not yet had time to change the appearance under the action of imposed curses.

Fountain Latona

The architectural masterpieces created during the reign of Louis XIV, which have come down to modernity, are still impressive and fascinated, rightfully entering the very most beautiful fountains in the world.

In Russia

Of course, in Russia it was not without the works of "water architecture", which may be proud of, because they are considered among the most beautiful hands of human hands not only Russians, but also tourists and art historians from other countries.

In the name of friendship

Located on the Central Alley of the VDNH Fountain "Friendship of Peoples", created to the opening of the exhibition in 1954, is also among the most beautiful in the world. The architects of Grigory Konstantinovsky and Konstantin Touuridze worked on the design of the structure of neoclassicism, the architects of the union of the nationalities of the Soviet Union.

In the center of the sculptural group, the formulations of wheat, hemp and sunflower sheaves made of copper are placed. They are surrounded by perimeter dressed in national costumes with 16 women's sculptures made of gilded bronze, personifying the Union of the Republic. The majestic work of Soviet architects has become not only the main fountain of the VDNH, but also a symbol, look at which both residents of the country and foreign guests who visited the capital of Russia come.

Peterhof symbolism

And it is impossible to forget about another fountain, located already in another capital of the country - in cultural. We are talking about the tearing mouth of the lion of Samson, whose sculpture in the frame of beating the winding jets of water erected on the territory of the Palace and Park Complex Peterhof to the 25th anniversary of the Poltava battle.

According to the architect, the Old Testament Hero symbolized the Russian Empire, winning in a military confrontation with Sweden, on whose herb centuries stuck in the lions.

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Mikhail Zemtsov became the initial developer of the project. However, already in the XVIII century, the dilapidated lead sculpture in the beautiful fountain of Peterhof was replaced by Bronze, over the creation of which Mikhail Kozlovsky worked. After the Great Patriotic War, Soviet architects Nikolai Mikhailov and Vasily Simonov, painstakingly studied archival photos, were restored by the artillery fire of Samson. Thus, the symbol of victory in the Northern War became the personification of the country's restoration after damage caused by military actions during the Second World War.

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