Sisters Vachovski - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sisters Vachovski - Hollywood directors and screenwriters whose films have repeatedly received higher cinematic awards. No less attention than the work of relatives, attracts their personal life. The fact is that Lana and Lilly, which are now sisters, - Trans-Women, before changing the sex of the brothers.

Childhood and youth

Directors were born in Chicago in a businessman family with Polish roots Ron Vachovski. The mother of the Cinema Lynn, who worked as a nurse and painted, is a sister of actor and director Lawrence Lakinbill.

It was in honor of the uncle named the first of the brothers, which appeared in June 1965. After 2.5 years, the second boy was born, who received the name Andrew Paul. According to the memoirs of the father Vachovski, in childhood, Larry came up with difficulty tasks, and Andrew - ways to solve them. Transgender has two sisters, Julie and Laura.

In the mid-1980s of the 20th century, the brothers graduated from the High School of Whitney Yang, famous to the amateur theater, and then entered private universities, but threw them without accustomed. In his youth, the brothers worked carpenters, and at leisure the comics were painted.

Personal life

The first of the brothers in 1991 married Andrew Paul. Spouse Alice Blisinheim remained with younger Vachovski and after changing them the floor and transformation into Lilly. Paul first changed the elder brother.

In 1993, Lawrence married the Ate Bloom. After the start of the novel of senior Vachovski with Karin Winslow, a practicing bdsm, spouses divorced. Lana Vachovski, in which Lawrence turned, concluded a marriage union with Karin.

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The news about changing the floor Woman Transgender reported on the presentation of the trailer to the "cloud atlas". At the same time, in 2012, in "Instagram" Lana posted a photo in the new image. The organization "Campaign for Human Rights" awarded the elder Vachovski Prize for courage, manifested with Caming-Aute.

Sisters are grateful to parents for understanding and support, and fate - for the opportunity to make money on surgery. Growth of Lilly Vachovski - 189 cm.


The first works of Vachovski in the cinema and on television were the scenarios of the series "Raising from Hell" on the works of Klyiva Biker and the militant "hired killers" with Antonio Banderas, Sylvester Stallone and Julian Moore starring.

The director's biography of the brothers began with the criminal thriller "Communication" in 1996. At the same time Vachovsky first performed as producers.

The most famous in the filmography of Relatives from Chicago Painting "Matrix" of 1999. A fantastic fighter, awarded four Oscars, has a number of continuations, computer and animation versions.

In the center of the plot of anti-nightopia, the main role in which to fulfill Keanu Reeves, the struggle of people with reasonable workers' machines. Developing the parable of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato about the cave, the director encourage the audience to think, and suddenly life is only an illusion.

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Another famous Wachovski work is the film version of the Roman David Mitchell "Cloud Atlas". The overall paintings are gender and racial differences are ghostly. Therefore, almost each of the actors who shot in the film played several characters.

For example, Hugo Wiving (Agent Smith in the Matrix) was reincarnated in the "Cloud Atlas" and in the hired killer Billy SMOKUKA, and in the nurse Nox, and Susan Sarandon is not only in the elderly Dam Ursula, but also in Professor Yusuf Suleiman.

In the series "Eighth feeling", eight inhabitants of the Earth discover intellectual communication with each other. Mr. Wisters, who previously possessed the same paranormal abilities, wants to destroy the eight, and Jonas Maliki - to unite the heroes. One of the central characters of the series is a transgender woman Nomi Marx.

Sisters Vachovski now

In 2020, Lana Vachovsky works on the 4th part of the "matrix". The premiere of the film, the main roles in which Keanu Reeves (Neo) and Yahya Abdul-Matin II (Young Morpowes) are scheduled for 21 May 2021.


  • 1995 - "Hired killers"
  • 1996 - "Communication"
  • 1999 - "Matrix"
  • 2003 - "Animatry"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Reboot"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Revolution"
  • 2006 - "V - So Vendetta"
  • 2007 - "Invasion"
  • 2008 - "Speed-Racer"
  • 2009 - Ninja Killer
  • 2012 - "Cloud Atlas"
  • 2015 - "Climbing Jupiter"
  • 2015-2018 - "Eighth feeling"
  • 2021 - "Matrix-4"

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