Alexander Koreiko (character) - Photo, Golden calf, underground millionaire, film, actor


Character History

Alexander Koreiko is the main opponent of the Osta Bender in the work of the Golden Calf. The name of the hero became nominable, often so called unclean on the hand of businessmen who hide the true income from the state.

History of character creation

The work of the "golden calf" was originally printed in the newspaper in 1931. As usual, the edition of a full-fledged book went after the journal version. However, in the USSR, the issue was delayed due to strict censorship.

Therefore, it was the opinion about the presence of "dangerous sympathy" a great combiner. A year later, the authors of the "Golden Calf" appealed to the Writers of the USSR, and specifically to a member of the organizing committee Alexander Fadeev. However, only after request, the appeal Maxim Gorky Roman was published. It happened in 1933.

Publication led to another wave of criticism. Writers were accused of improperly oriented, the lack of disclosure of the essence of class hostility, and just that Ostap Bender causes sympathy.

For writers Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov, the heroes are characteristic of the narrative, in which readers could learn famous personalities. Thus, in the main combinator recognized the Odessa adventurerist of the Osip of Shore.

The literary hero of Alexander Koreiko, as researchers consider, there is also a real prototype. This is Konstantin Mikhailovich Korovko, who heard the incredible spam on the whole Russian empire. The largest majynation of the underground millionaire was associated with the salt deposits of the Donbass. She also led the cow to the collapse.

The image and biography of Alexander Koreiko

Alexander Ivanovich Koreiko, a native of the glorious city of Chernomorsk, worked as an ordinary employee in the financial and economic department of a certain company "Hercules". The age of the character is quite displaced in a quotation from the book: he was "in the last attack of youth", the hero turned 38 years old.

The appearance of the rogue is also given by the authors rather unusual. In the description of the character there are such epithets as "wheat eyebrows" and British mustache. A face with rude corporal folds demonstrated a man of tired and even tired by the hated mode.

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In the service, it was a first-class worker - executive, hardworking employee with talent in mathematics. Alexander Ivanovich boiled the ability to multiply and divide four-digit numbers in the mind. True, this undoubted advantage of the man did not monetize, for which he was in a brilliant man, but "stupid".

But the fact was that Koreiko did not need to raise and salary. His salary of 46 rubles was enough to support the role of the Soviet employee. Fear of revealing true sources of income in front of the state forced the hero to stare in poverty.

Unlike the Great Combinator, this fraudster did not live, but existed, constantly swearing the regime, because of which he cannot "lead the bride in the cinema." The owner of the fabulous amount held the "repository of millions", namely the usual suitcase in the cell at the railway station. The clothes did not give out a rich in it: the usual shirt and canvas pants - the man did not stand out among the work of the 1920s.

The hero is postponing life for tomorrow. It also understands the return of capitalism, in which he will not be scary to spend money collected with the help of a scam. Therefore, a man carefully protects health: makes charging, fully dins, it does not have bad habits and does not even drink tea, because this drink is destructive effect on the work of the heart.

Mr. Koreiko wants to find a fresh and happy winner in a new life. After all, for this he touched a lot of scam. The criminal biography of a man started from the occasion when he settled in an apartment in an apartment of a merchant and began selling his property. For this, by the way, Koreiko was arrested. For himself, he understood that it was possible to earn money, but only thoroughly hidden from power.

The next loudness of the rombing is theft of medicines during the typhoid epidemic. True, due to inflation, millions of burned down. A little later, the fraudster founded the office, which allegedly produced chemicals. In fact, it was a fictitious firm, in the name of which Alexander Ivanovich scored loans.

When the control of power over commercial activities intensified, the hero has changed the sphere of fraud and engaged in underground trade. Therefore, it settled in "Hercules", having reached a criminal agreement with the head for the sale of building materials, cloth and bread. Just at this stage, the Millionaire became interested in Ostap Bender.

The great combinator rich about the richness of Koreiko and decided to begin to "break" his nervous system. For this, Ostap sends to him strange telegrams, in which the word "Million" is mentioned. Then he senses the accomplices - Shuru Balaganova and Mikhail Panikovsky, to turn outwardly his pockets.

Panikovsky and Balaganov are watching the object that walks with a girlfriend of the Zejea. When he remains alone, they attack him, but they receive an unexpected resistant. Koreiko understands that something is wrong happened. At this time, Ostap prepares a detailed file, which lists the frauds of Alexander Ivanovich.

Bender blackstagrates and so frightened Alexander Ivanovich, promising to pass his police, if he does not receive the amount with six zeros.

The blackmail succeeded, but at the time of the transfer of money Koreiko hides in a crowd with a lustful suitcase. "Location" the location of the former beloved Zosa, after receiving a letter from the escaped man. The great combinator immediately goes to it and in exchange on the file receives 1 million. Sacramental phrase sounds here: "Idied's dreams come true." True, subsequently Bender graby in the Romanian border.

Alexander Koreiko in films

Soviet filmmaking of 1968, with accuracy, not only the plot lines, but also the role of the main characters. In the film in the role of Alexander Ivanovich, Soviet actor Evgeny Evstigneev starred.

The original interpretation of the Roman Ilf and Petrov is bragged by the Russian-French film "Dreams of Idiot". In them, Koreiko, played by Andrei Smirnov, appears in the form of a gangster, not a fraudster. The profession of the character is just as boring as in the book, he is a museum worker. But the condition stores in the aquarium with crocodiles.

Based on the Chernovikov Ilf and Petrov, the 8-serial television series was filmed, which albeit on the classic plot, but has an alternative ending. In this picture, the role of an underground millionaire got Alexey Delotchenko. The picture received negative feedback because of a sluggish scenario, and also awarded the "Honorary Handleless" award.

Interesting Facts

  • In the work of Ilf and Petrov, the native city of the hero Chernomorsk is written off from Odessa.
  • In the first drafts, writers came up with another ending of history. So, Koreiko money goes to Bender, who eventually returns them to the state.
  • In the notes of Ilya Ilf, they found the first epitheet, referring to Alexander Ivanovich, "ham".
  • The literary predecessor of the Opponent of Bender became another hero of Ilf and Petrov - Elisha Portishchev, described in the novel "Double Life of Portishchev" in 1929.


Daddy, of course, is engaged. You can buy. But a million ... an unreal amount! A thousand times I repeated you that I did not have any millions. Understood? Understood? Well, and get away. I will complain about you! With the money the hint. The folder is good, no words, you can buy, but, counting my income, you completely missed costs and direct losses. Million is a reasonable figure.


  • 1931 - "Golden Calf"


  • 1968 - "Golden Calf"
  • 1993 - "Dreams of Idiot"
  • 2006 - "Golden Calf"

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