Andre Breton - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Andre Breton is a poet and writer of the first half of the 20th century, which is called the founder of surrealism. His authorship belongs to 2 manifestos about this direction in art. The great mystifier, he managed to be realized not only in the literature, but also in painting.

Childhood and youth

Andre Breton was born in the French Tensbub City on February 19, 1896. His parents were bourgeois. Father held a stationery position in gendarmerie, but later moved to commercial activities. Breton received primary education in a church school, and then entered the college. In the future, he planned to continue his studies in Sorbonne, as he dreamed of being a doctor.

Subsequently, Andre became a student of the best Paris University, but replaced the interests, prefering to the study of psychiatry. He studied the works of Sigmund Freud and Jean Marten Sharko. Perhaps it was at that moment that the young man began to think about the background of surrealism. In 1915, Breton called to the army and attributed to the invropsychiatric service.

Personal life

The first wife Andre Breton became Simon Kahn, acquaintance with which was held in 1920. Personal life of the couple seemed peaceful. They lived together for 11 years. After the divorce of Zion married re-and became the mistress of the largest gallery of contemporary art.

In 1934, Breton tied a personal life with the artist Jacqueline Lamb. From this marriage, lasted 9 years, the daughter remained.

After parting with my wife, he married an artist by Eliz Breton, with which he lived until death.


At the end of World War I, Breton returned to Paris, and in his biography began a stage associated with literature. Acquaintance with the writer Guyoma Apolliner and friendly relations with his like-minded people opened the New World. Apollyer introduced Breton with Philip Suco.

The first steps in the field of literary activities Breton did not perceive as a serious occupation. Together with SUPOO, he wrote a debut story called "Magnetic Fields". Cautors shared views on psychology and literature. Their book has become an example of the automatic letter method, as well as the harbinger of surrealism.

Gradually the popularity of Breton grew. He was in the circle of creative personalities, among whom were Louis Aragon, Tzanta Tzar and others. People were famous for causing exhibitions of works, scandals and participation in fights.

Inadequate outhes, it is impossible to conquer a solid reputation, and in 1924, Breton wrote the first "manifest of surrealism", which outlined the program of movement. The author named Apolliner. Andre believed that it creates an artistic vector, and a lifestyle and thoughts, in which there is no place for prejudices, stereotypes, morality and logic.

Over time, the complex character of the author began to manifest itself, because of which his environment was constantly changing. Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel came to replace him with Sucoo and Aragon. In the second manifesto, published in 1929, there were many reproductions of work given. Opus described ideological questions. Communist sentiments found in it with surrealism, but it looked deliberately. From 1927 to 1933 Andre, Breton consisted in the Communist Party, which again changed the circle of like-minded people. The author even had a personal meeting with Lvod Trotsky in Mexico.

The automatic letter method was applied not only to literature, but also to painting. His main call was to "turn off the head" and consult a consciousness. Among the paintings written by Andre, the "Paracella" is very popular. The creativity of Breton is unique in that in the works he joined art and poetry, replacing words of images of objects.

The best literary work of the founder of surrealism experts consider the novel "Nadya", written in 1928. He was accompanied by the illustrations of the author. The book also became an example of "Stovers".

The second world forced Breton to leave in the United States, where he continued to engage in art, was friends with Ernst Dushan and opened the international art exhibition. Andre Breton was invited to read lectures at Yale University. Especially fruitful for him was the 1946th. The last years of life a writer dedicated to the struggle for the independence of surrealism. Breton opposed colonization and wars in Algeria and Indochite.


Andre Breton suffered from the disease of the respiratory tract, which was the cause of the death of the writer on September 28, 1966. The Surrealism Rodonarchist buried on the Bootinol cemetery. For memory, the writer left a photo, an impressive bibliography from books from different genres, as well as paintings.


  • 1919 - "Magnetic Fields"
  • 1924 - "The Manifest of Surrealism: Soluble Fish"
  • 1928-1963 - "Nadia. Woman transformed into a book "
  • 1929 - "The Second Manifest of Surrealism"
  • 1932 - "Reporting vessels"
  • 1934 - Collection of Essay "Dawn"
  • 1937 - "Mad Love"
  • 1940 - Poem "Fata Morgana"
  • 1940 - "Anthology of black humor"
  • 1942 - "Surrealism over the third manifesto, or not"
  • 1945 - "Arkan 17"
  • 1948 - "Lamp in the clock"

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