Theophile guide - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



Theophile Gauthier is a French poet and a prose, who combined several popular destinations and flows in creativity. Starting working in the style of romanticism, he later joined the parrooms. In addition, Gauthier worked as a journalist, was a playwright and criticism.

Childhood and youth

Pierre Jules Teo Film Gauthi was born in a spanish border of Tarbe on August 31, 1811. After some time, his family moved to Paris. Gauthier often had a southern temperament with his native places with which he connected him. The young man got a good humanitarian education. He studied painting and became a follower of romanticism, which was enthusiasting the youth of that era.

Goatier called himself a follower of Viktor Hugo. In his youth, the poet paid attention to external data, but, by taking experience, I realized that the content is more important. The image of theophily, a young man with long hair, embodied the romantic hero in the art of this period.

Personal life

Theoofe Gauthier was married, but a little know about the personal life of a couple. The wife gave him the daughter of Judith. She was among the children who follow in the footsteps of the parents, and became a literary figure. Large place in her work was engaged in translations from the Japanese language.


Debut poetic collection Theophile Gauthier published in the 1830th. At that time, the beginning to the author was 19 years old. The book was called "Poems". Until 1836, Gauthier issued the works of Albertus, "Young France", "Devil's tears", "Fortune". Through the compositions of the poet, who replenished his bibliography, looked through the change in creative manner. Being a commitment to romanticism, he combined simplicity and love of poetry with typical signs of the direction.

In addition to the poetic field, the theophile Gauthier was realized as a journalist. This follows, he preferred as a sphere that brings money. A man referred to work without inspiration, with a clear materialistic calculation, since she brought him the main income. For a long time, the writer was published in the journal "Press", creating dramatic feuilleons to the public. He also engaged in art and literary criticism.

In 1844, the light saw the Grotesque project, which brought together a few forgotten by the audience. Among them were Francois Viyon and Savignen Sirano de Bergerac. The Literary Activity Gossa combined with travels. He traveled all over Europe and stayed in Russia. The result of the trip was essays entitled "Journey to Russia". In 1867, the author published the book "Treasures of Russian Art." Theophile Gauthier loved to fix tourist impressions. They are preserved in the form of independent works describing the beauty of nature and picturesque views.

The most famous creation of the writer was the collection "Enamel and Kameoi", the work on which was carried out in 1850-1870. The author took almost 20 years to create works for this book. In it, he reflected the experiences and feelings, memories and dreams. 6 compilation editions were published, each of which had a new essay. If in the 1852th it consisted of 18 poems, then by the 1872th book contained 47 creations.

The famous novel Gauth is considered "Captain Frakass." For the first time, the work was published in 1863. He was transferred to foreign languages, and in Russia the essay was reissued twice. The novel describes France of the 17th century and the Board of Louis XIII. The main leitmotif is the Love Line of Young Baron and Stray Actresses. To earn a sympathy, the young man goes on stage and embodies the image of Captain Frakass, the Hero of Comedy del Arte.

Theophile Gauthier is the owner of an extensive bibliography. His works captured the name of the author on the pages of the history of European literature. A man who created a variety of collapic compositions for a creative biography of 40 years old, is considered to be the School of Parnassians, which came to replace romanticism. True, judging by the reviews of the poet contemporaries, not all his colleagues on the workshop supported this point of view.


Gauthier died on October 23 in 1872 near Paris, in the town of Neui. The reason for his death is not covered. The grave of the poet is in the Montmartre cemetery. Today, his photos are published in textbooks on the history of foreign literature and art.


  • 1830 - "Poems"
  • 1831 - "Mistress Cafe"
  • 1832 - "Onufrius"
  • 1832 - "Elias Wildmanstadius"
  • 1833 - "Under Table"
  • 1835 - "Mademoiselle de Mopen"
  • 1847 - Militon
  • 1850 - "Jean and Jegesta"
  • 1858 - "Roman about Mummy"
  • 1836 - "Captain Fracass"
  • 1838 - "Comedy of Death"
  • 1852 - "Enamel and Kameoi"
  • 1865 - "During wandering"
  • 1867 - "Travel to Russia"

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