Ivan Usovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



Blue-eyed Blond Ivan Usovich - a humorist of generation Next. A comedian, born after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Belarusian province, conquers the hearts of the audience, who are not only Evgenia Petrosyan and KVN, but also residents "Comedy Club" seem humor "for pensioners".

Childhood and youth

Ivan was born in July 1993. Malaya Motherland of the humorist - the district center of the Minsk Region, Majl, whose population now has 7 thousand people. Usovich calls his childhood happy. Vanya loved to play both in the Cossacks-robbers and Mortal Combat.

Already at school, the guy admired classmates and teachers wit. The ability to speak and seek the location of the interlocutor - the integral features of a specialist in promoting goods. Therefore, Ivan entered the Faculty of Marketing and Logistics of the Minsk Institute of National Economy.

The time of study of the mustache at the university coincided with the penetration of rollers in Belarus with performances of American standards. Together with the senior like-minded people, Slavik Commissionarenko, who also studied at the university, Ivan began to organize performances.

Personal life

Although the cohabitation with the "girl who for 4 years older" was the subject of Sketch Ivan, the comedian claims that the tight schedule does not leave time for a personal life. In the "Instagram" mustache, the growth of which is 170 cm, a photo of a humorist with representatives of a beautiful sex appears. However, the guy accompanies the pictures with comments "I am with some kind of woman", designed to convince the Follovers in the fact that his heart is free.

Parents are not yet repulse a comedian calls to marry, because Brother Ivan is married. In the rare hours of leisure, Usovich plays on the computer and reads. Favorite authors of humorist - Jack London and Lion Tolstoy. Favorite film - Dilogy Quentin Tarantino "Kill Bill". The guy claims that outside the scene is a closed and silent man.

Humor and creativity

The first concerts of the Commissionarenko and the Usovic took place in the Belarusian capital and were called Cheesecake Factory. Ivan calls the stand of the ideal scenic form of humor, since the comic is required no details except the microphone. The ability to improvise he considers an important, but not self-sufficient line of humorist.

The television biography of Usovich began in 2013. The guy tried the strength in the heading "Open Microphone" project TNT Stand Up. Soon Ivan became a resident of the program. In another transfer of TNT "Comedy Battle" he reached the semi-final.

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The standper mask is a naive young man who is surprised in strange inscriptions and absurd advertising. Great place in the speeches of Ivana occupies humor below the belt. The texts of Usovich prefers to write on a sober head, because the jokes that seemed funny in a state of intoxication, the public who did not use the funny substances may not appreciate.

In 2018, a "Frozhar" Hayte show appeared on TNT4, in which celebrities listened to jokes about themselves. Ivan's sharpness is one of the most successful in the project.

Ivan Usovich now

In 2020, Ivan pleases the work of the audience in all corners of Russia. So, in January, the speeches of the humorist were held not only in Moscow, but also in Siberia. February and the beginning of Martha Standap-comic dedicated a tour of the city of Volga and Urals.

For April 2020 concerts of Usovile in the Baltic capitals were planned. News About the sale of tickets for their show Ivan is laying out on a personal site.

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