Products causing cancer: dairy, intestines, in children, in adults


Bakery products and sweets, fruits with vegetables, meat and dairy products, as well as diverse drinks - all this and much more included in the standard ration of an ordinary person. That's just not everything used in food is possible to be called harmless, because the improper nutrition is capable of not only lead to the appearance of excess weight in children and adults, but also cause much more serious consequences. Products causing cancer are 24cm.

1. Refined sugar

Sweet cubes or sand, without which no tea drinking or the preparation of all sorts of delicacies is not called in vain, "sweet death." Refined sugar, which has passed the procedure for cleaning from "unnecessary" impurities, is completely deprived of all useful substances and vitamins. And what remains in the human body is very quickly converted into energy.

It seems that it is great. However, it is not necessary to forget that all cells in the human body require this most energy for growth and division. And the cancer in this sense is not an exception at all.

2. Sausage products

All sorts of varieties of sausages, both boiled and smoked, as well as sausage sausages also fall into the category "Cancer Products". And the point here is primarily in all sorts of additives that manufacturers do not forget to put on the products so that she was kept with a longer, painfully looked like, he smelled. And, as a result, better selling.

Nitrites, which are used for similar "improvements" of food products, entering into a reaction with gastric juice, are converted to nitrosica. And these are already carcinogens capable of damaging the inner walls of the intestine and lead to the development of cancer. Well, additives group E carcinogenne themselves.

3. Bread with mold

Unlike elite varieties of cheese, the appearance of mold on bread no one is specially waiting - herself is declared. And the use of bread "with the additive" can lead to damage and liver cancer due to the impact of poisonous aflatoxins generated on such "treats", which also belong to the category of carcinogens. Therefore, they are able to provoke the development of cancer diseases.

And the bad news for lovers save - bread with cut "green zones" is edible not becoming. For the most "tasty" - thread fungus - already inside.

4. Baking from the flour of the highest grade

Flour is not the case when the higher cleaning, the better for health. Yes, the product has passed the product longer is stored longer. However, it is deprived of a fair interest of benefits along with bran-leaving, in which high-conditioning fiber is highly consistent. In the flour of the highest grade there is nothing, except for the "fast" carbohydrates.

Such carbohydrates in the human body disintegrate into components-monosaccharides. That is - turn into sugar.

5. Boiled water

The fact that, due to the high content of preservatives and sugar, they are dangerous as a cancer catalyst, carbonated drinks, guess easily. But simple water is capable of being harmful. With multiple boiling - more than 5 times - it increases the content of dioxin carcinogens.

6. Vegetables

It is not only about purchased vegetables - and in its own area they are resorting to the use of nitrogen salts based on nitrogen salts. It is only worth breaking down the dosage, the deadlines for making fertilizers or disrupt the unworthy fruit to get an excess of nitrates in the product.

Under the influence of bacteria in the oral cavity, part of nitrates are transformed into nitrites, and those, in turn, falling into the gastrointestinal tract, form the mentioned nitrosynes. Another part of nitrates with constant use accumulates in the liver, gradually destroying it.

7. Sauces

Mayonnaise and ketchup - also products causing cancer. Their composition contains mass additives, and groups E including, as well as nitrites and sugars, which have already been. Plus, transhira, which, with abuse, are also able to increase the risk of developing cancer.

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