Movie "Handra" (2020): Release date, actors and roles, director


On October 29, 2020, the release date of the new work of Alexei Kamynin was appointed - young, but a talented director will prevent himself as a submitting hope of Hope will present the Russian viewer "Handra". As opposed to the dramatic tape "False and action" (2017), attracted attention at the festival "Dubl DV @", a new Kamynin Comedine project.

About the plot of paintings, taken by actors and about related interesting facts - in article 24cm.


Only one day is able to drastically "skew" the usual picture of the universe, without warning, dipping into incredible adventures and forcing a new one to look at his own life. Three heroes were convinced of this, faced with the need to solve the problem suddenly fell on their heads. What will come out of the attempts of Vitaly, Denis and Lesha to cope with the difficulties that have arisen and will be able to congratulate the guys, says the movie "Handra".

Actors and roles

In the picture the roles performed actors:

  • Danila Yakushev - Vitaly, 35-year-old DJ, who has lost money, deferred to pay for the attached apartment. However, the search for the missing amount leads at all to the result that the hero could count.
  • Mikhail Tee - Denya, a 28-year-old drummer building ambitious plans to conquer the Russian capital. However, the sudden message from the former girl is poured for a young man in a harsh test of psyche resistance.
  • Kirill Korbas - Lesha, a 23-year-old director trying to shoot Arthaus movies about Manyakov. However, the bloody horror is once again turning into a rougham comedy.

Also, the film was filmed: Timofey Tribunesev, Anna Chipovskaya, Ravshan Kurkova, Alexander Gordon, Julia Aug and Valery Garkalin.

Interesting Facts

1. The film "Handra", according to the director, is unique in that all major roles in the film are performed by young and little-known actors, while in episodes, movies and television stars are involved. Attracting popular artists and leaders, says Alexey Kamynin, allowed the fascinating scenario - episodes were specially completed and adjusted under a specific person who wanted the creators of the paintings to suggest to play in a particular scene.

2. Above the scenario, in addition to Kamnin himself, his friends worked - Vitaly Anokhin, Denis Lipatov and Nikita Kornev. The latter also performed the painting operator. Guys, like the main heroes of the film, shoot together an apartment, and the basis of the plot was the funny sketches from their own life - initially guys filmed funny videos and laid out in "Instagram", and then decided to take up a larger project.

3. The creators of the film claim that when working on the picture was inspired by such Soviet films as "I walk in Moscow" Georgy Deltera and "Zaspasya Ilyich" Marlene Hutziev. Although the authors borrow ideas from Matrov were in no hurry - they tried only to convey the unique Moscow atmosphere present in the old Soviet paintings.

4. "Handra" for the first time demonstrated in November 2019 as a participant in the main competitive program held in the Tallinn Film Festival "Dark Nights". This annual event is included in the list of major filmmoters in Eastern Europe and Baltic States. Immediately after the previously, the picture had critics, noteworthy not only a fresh stream in Russian cinema, but also to pay attention to the positive ease of tape.

5. The movie "Handra" twice became the winner of the All-Russian Pitching Debutants. First, for the scenario dedicated to the capital, in 2018. And in 2019, the picture as part of the Moscow International Film Festival won the prize as the best project in the work.

Movie "Handra" - Trailer:

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