Movie "Rodna" (1981): Interesting facts, actors, curiosities


In 1981, the Soviet spectators saw the movie "Rodna". The picture shot by Nikita Mikhalkov, although the censorship was attacked, but still was allowed to rent. And immediately drew attention - he was disturbed by unresolved to the usual cinema for the USSR, why and was loved by the people.

About how the film was filmed, as well as curious and interesting facts, with the film connected, in the material 24cm.

Inspired by the depths

Victor Merezhko, who wrote a scenario for tragicomedia, when creating a character of Maria Vasilyevna, inspired the way his own mother-in-law. That just came to visit him with a bunch of conservation cans. It is so - a slurred, cheerful and irrepressible energetic - the author and portrayed the main character of the future picture. Why the film "Rodna" acquired so close to the heart of a simple Soviet man flavor and the atmosphere.

Non-standard solution

Nikita Mikhalkov, picking up the performer for the role of grandchildren Mary Vasilyevna, Irishki, conducted a film processing at the mass of girls. However, among the contenders, a suitable type, characterized by a fair fraction of the immediacy and income, failed to find. Then the director decided to turn to an already familiar little actor - Fyodor Tyukov. The boy has already worked with Mikhalkov in the film "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov."

The future creative producer "STS Media" was perfectly fit into the role. The young artist liked the proposed experiment as the proposed experiment, that he, not embarrassed, improvised on the set. A good half of the image of Irishka is a find of a young talent. However, the negative sides were and after the film for the chapel in the peer environment, the clinches of the clinches.

From work to rag

The dance scene was filmed in just built, but due to bureaucratic wires, not an open restaurant. Moreover, the entire film crew was involved in the process - the director himself appeared in the frame as a waiter, and the operator reincarnated in the cook. A young worker of a restaurant, drinking coffee in the kitchen, played Assistant Mikhalkova Tamara Kudrin, which a mustache was specifically for the role.

Moreover, the whole "table" props - drinks, snacks, kebabs, salads and even a huge turkey that the waiter joined the institution's hall, was real. So the cinematographers after the end of the shooting day have rolled a real banquet.

Personal order

Officials from cinema found something to find face in the picture. It was attached to the fact that the son-in-law hit the mother-in-law, - not to face such behavior of a Soviet woman. That the plane saw a hint of war in Afghanistan. That did not like the child, who looks not in Soviet bourgeois and listening to the Western music. A total of 2 hundred directions, which together changed the initial essence of the tape.

The situation was saved by Andropov - the Secretary-General personally looked at the film "Rodna", laughed at the noticed trifles and gave good to admission to cinemas. Something to the cinematographers still had to be corrected, but it was a judicial spanner - the picture of the picture remained unchanged.

Choice of photo

They say that Nonnom Mordyukov is obliged to his fall into the film Oleg Menshikov, before that, she starred only in one picture - the Military drama Suren Shahbezyan "I am waiting and I hope." People's Artist, going through the photographs sent to samples, pulled out a card with a face of a novice actor and drew the attention of the director.

When Mikhalkov first met with a future "his" star and asked with a share of condescension, whether the debutant agrees to work, Menshikov answered that he did not know, because he was not familiar with the script.

Dancing to good will not bring

The rehearsal of the scene with dances in the restaurant almost ended the trouble. Entering the rage, Nonna Mordyukova, shortly before the filming, departing 1.5 months in the hospital with heart failure, so walked out that he again landed into the infarction department.

Being on the treatment, the actress entertained patients and staff with funny bikes from their own life and all sorts of jokes, while doing simply and without complaints about "ELITE."


Nikita Mikhalkov during the filming "got along the neck" from the performer of the role of Maria Vasilyevna Nonna Mordyukova. And it's not figuratively, but quite real - the truth, the blow fell on the knee. The young director, shortly before that episode, the eminent famous artist is not for preparing for the next scene, but for cheerful gatherings with a girlfriend in the trailer, managed to withdraw an actress.

That, according to Mikhalkov, could not portray the required drama and glow of passions. Nikita Sergeevich noticed then that "hard grandmothers play such", after which the conflict and aggravated. Actress came up with a director, only when the movie "Rodna" has already finished shooting. And until that moment, they communicated through the "translator" - operator Pavel Lebushev.

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