Paul elolar - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



Paul Eloir is the poet of the 20th century, whose work belonged to the direction of surrealism. He was a theorist of movement and a representative of the "new literature". Improving the literary language, eluor left the descendants extraordinary examples of poetry.

Childhood and youth

Present name of the poet - Eugene Emil Paul Grendel. He was born in Saint-Denis on December 14, 1895. Father worked in real estate and was successful. It helped the family to move to Paris in 1908. Grendel entered the highest primary academy and graduated from high points. In the future, Ezhen had studies in a prestigious university and a brilliant career.

In 1912, a young man was diagnosed with pulmonary failure. Symptoms of the disease found during a trip to Switzerland. Later it turned out that Grendel was sick with tuberculosis. To fix health, he was sent to a sanatorium, where he had been in 1914. Stay on the treatment screamed acquaintance with Elena Deacone.

Personal life

There were several women in the life of the eloire field. The first was Elena, or Gala, Dyakonova (Dali). Their wedding took place in the 1917th, and a year later, a daughter of Sisil appeared. The wife did not expect the birth of a child so quickly, so I hadlented her. It was Paul who began to call the beloved by the name of Gala, which glorified her connection with Salvador Dali. The couple preferred free relationships, but did not part.

In 1929, Gala left the field to Salvador Dali. At first, the relationship was a love triangle, but soon the spouse left Eluar. He went into the world journey. Soon a dancer and singer Maria Bernz appeared in the poet's life, known as Nush. The daughter of the stray artists, she was able to inspire fields again. 16 years she was next to the writer, and in 1934 she died.

The last woman eloara became Dominic Laura, with which he was married from 1951 to 1952.


In 1914, the future poet called on the front. For several years he spent in the hospital, watching the effects of battles and war. This led to reassessment of values. For three years, Emil could not get to the front due to health problems. During this period, he began writing poetry. Grendel took the pseudonym Paul Elur, borrowing the name of the grandmother, and wrote the first book "Duty".

The writer managed to stay on the front a couple of weeks, but he managed to evaluate the difference between the life of the rear and the advanced. Returning "to the Citizen", the poet published a collection of "Poems for Peace Time".

The war changed the usual life of the intelligentsia. He was brewing the need for change, which was felt in the literature. Writers and poets searched for new trends. For the eloars field, they opened in Dadaism. Eloire created the magazine "Proverb" and published in him the compositions of like-minded people. By 1924 he broke a relationship with former comrades due to discrepancies in views.

This period was not the easiest in the author's biography. He did not find satisfaction in his own creativity and poetry, there were problems in personal life. The poet decided to change the situation and went to Marseille. It happened suddenly and immediately after the publication "to die because you are not dying." Close eluars decided that he brought abacted with life, but he was brought away. After 6 months, the spouse received a letter from Asia from him. Elena took her husband home.

In France, Eloire joined the unification of pamphletists called "Corp". Here they chased surrealism. This direction returned to eloire inspiration. He became famous and popular in Europe. The changes that arose in Politics Politics, Paul, noticed one of the first and was an opponent of the titled fascist regime. In 1939 he was called on the front, where Elolar managed to publish several books and establish himself as an underground agent. His verses were discharged by leaflets with aircraft during the war. It strengthened the fighting spirit of soldiers.

Since 1942, Paul Eloire consisted in the Communist Party. The fight against fascism was reflected in the books of the writer. From now on, his works about love were devoted not only to a woman, but also their homeland. In memory of the public, Paul remained a poet revolutionary and a patriot that fights for freedom.

In 1952, Moscow visited Moscow, where he spoke at the anniversary of Viktor Hugo. In the same year, he received an honorary premium of the world. Acquaintance with Pablo Picasso inspired eloars on the work called "the victory of Gerniki".


In 1952, Paul Elir died. The cause of death was a heart attack. His grave is in the Paris Cemetery of Per Lashez. For memory, the poet left rare photos and a rich bibliography.


  • 1913 - "First poems"
  • 1916 - "Debt"
  • 1924 - "Dyephet because you don't die"
  • 1926 - "Grade of Sorrow"
  • 1929 - "Poetry of Love"
  • 1932 - "Life itself"
  • 1934 - "Rose for All"
  • 1936 - "Fruit Eyes"
  • 1942 - "Poetry and True"
  • 1943 - "Seven poems of love in war"
  • 1946 - "Continuous poetry"
  • 1947 - "Our Life"
  • 1950 - "Oda Stalin"
  • 1951 - "Phoenix"

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