Flag of the Navy of Russia: history, value, interesting facts, photos


Naval Fleet - the pride of Russia. It provides the defense and security of the state in the sea. Every year in the summer there is a day of the Navy, in 2020 he fell on July 26. As part of sea protection - surface and underwater forces, sea aviation, coastal troops. The Flag of the Russian Navy has become a symbol of Russian power and unshakable after Peter I. On the history of its occurrence and interesting facts - in the material of the editorial office 24cmi.

The origin of the symbol of the Navy

On December 11, 1699, its own flag was approved for the navy of the Russian Navy. It was established by Emperor Peter I. On the snow-white canvase depicted cross-lined blue lines. The emperor himself painted the flag, and he had 2 options: 3 Parallel lanes with written colors or blue crossed lines on the background of 3 tricolor bands.

Flag of Navy of Russia

Peter I believed in the highest strength, so carefully referred to the signs of fate. The people "walking" the legend that, when the emperor came up with an idea for the flag, he tried out. After the awakening on the sheet of paper fell solar rays, they were similar to blue, located diagonally, lines. This sign Peter I did not ignore and created the fact that fate suggested.

In the 1701th, a single feed flag is replaced by 3 different, for each part of the fleet. The way the Andreevsky flag looks now, was approved after the 1710th. The emperor was created 8 sketches, which in turn were introduced. The name happened on behalf of the student of Jesus Christ Andrei First Called. It was crucified on the diagonal cross.

For fear of enemy

The first length of the navy symbol was 4 meters. According to the idea, he had to not only be seen from afar, but also to get a sound. The four-meter canvas "roared" in the wind, so the enemy heard the approach of the Russian fleet. The loud sound was auxiliary weapon, because he knocked up opponents from the course. In addition to the "roaring" symbol, regular and sirens installed on the ships. Now these military tricks have canceled.

In 1720, the ship's charter secured the importance and position of the Andreev flag. Until 1917, he changed only once, in 1819, when he was completed by the St. George Admiral flag. This symbol was fixed on that ship whose crew showed courage and strength in battle with the enemy and the protection of the Navy.

"Russians do not surrender!"

Ship Charter was drawn up to protect the flag of the Navy. For all the time of its existence, he descended voluntarily only 2 times. In 1829, the commander of the Russian frigate "Rafail" Semen Stomnikov tried to protect the crew. To save people, he lowered the symbol of power before 15 Turkish ships. Emperor Nicholas I considered this act with disgrace and ordered the frigate burned. His will was fulfilled after 24 years, when Rafail became part of the Turkish fleet. After staying in captivity, the captain Semyon Stomnikov lost all the ranks and became a sailor.

The second time the flag was descended in 1905, when the counter-admiral of the rich people repeated the Act of Stroynikov. He also tried to save the team, but paid for it. He was not only deprived of the ranks, but also sent to court, who sentenced him to the death penalty. Naugatovna replaced this sentence on a softer - 10 years of imprisonment. He promised 2 years and was pardoned.

Replacing symbols

In November 1917, the Soviet power banned the Andreev flag. The infernation symbol was the replacement. He meant that the entire Russian fleet stands on the protection of democracy. Later, they refused the idea, and the state flag of the USSR was waving on the ships. Only after 5 years, the symbol invented by Peter I was returned to a rightful place. February 15, 1992, the return mark of the Navy was consecrated. On July 26 of the same year, the flags of the USSR were raised on the ships, after which they were lowered and raised Andreevsky.

For transmission between shipments or any other information, signal flags are used. When one or another symbol rises in REY, the team understands what to do and where to move. They are sewn from woolen fabric. The signal elements appeared under Peter I along with the main symbol of the Navy. At the solemn events raise flags of coloring and steady.

Andreevsky flag in the Russian Federation

In 1992, the decree of Boris Yeltsin approved a description and appearance of the flags of the Navy. For the main thing, the corresponding dimensions were set - 1 to 1.5 m. Only the color of the St. Andrew's Cross was different, it was not blue, but blue. In 2001, he returned the initial species that was conceived by the emperor.

December 11 is celebrated by the Flag Day of the Navy of Russia. As part of the events for the Day of Memorial, Andrei First-Called In Russian Temples, "Andreevskaya" symbolism is sanctified. Eyewitnesses take pictures of the process to leave the memory of the light day.

Interesting Facts

1. To this day, the "Blue Cross" does not rise on the only ship - the S-56 submarine of the USSR, which became a memorial.

2. Before the fight, the military nautical fleet of the emperor necessarily pronounced the same words that were readiness for victory: "God and the Andreevsky flag!"

3. The first program about the life of military sailors, which every day risked lives for the sake of people, went on the radio "Echo of Moscow". She was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the creation of the Navy. I.V. Dygalo, who worked at the press center of the Navy, told about life and life on the ship, about modern flags, preparation for solemn holidays.

4. Peter I used the blue "oblique" the cross, on which Andrei was clarified, not only as a symbol of the sea fleet, but also for the first order in Russia.

5. In August 2009, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation were drawn up lists in which all the crosses hit as an extremism sign. The heritage of Peter I risked to become forbidden, but it was decided to leave it outlawed. Lucky not only the Navy, but also countries, on whose canvases "weekly" the cross.

6. For the first time, the Andreevsky sign appeared in Scotland. The King Angus II prayed before the battle and promised to himself and God that if his army would win, he proclaims Andrei the First-Called defender of Scotland. So it happened, the Scots defeated the angles.

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