Joffrey de Paerac (character) - Photo, Angelica, Robert Ossein, actor, film


Character History

Joffrey de Pajac - a character of a series of novels about Angelica. Despite the physical disadvantages, the graph achieved the location of Young Angelica. Fate separated spouses for 15 years, but real feelings are not subject to time.

History of character creation

Joffrey de Pajorak is the protagonist of the 13th novels of the French writer Simona Samenjo, who is known under the pseudonym Ann Golon. The books indicate co-authorship with Serge Golon. This is a husband of Simonov, who has Russian roots, - Golubinov Vsevolod Sergeevich.

During the revolution, Vsevolod Sergeevich emigrated to France, where he graduated from the Higher Chemical School, and then worked in Africa.

Spouse Ann Golon became a prototype of Joffrey de Peiiraka, as herself admitted the writer in an interview.

The idea to write a series of novels in the historic genre came to mind Simone SHAYNE in the early 50s. Also, the writer indicated that the indication on the covers of the books of the co-authorship of her husband is the requirement of a literary agency. It was believed that the male name would give the product of solidity.

In fact, Serge Golon participated in the collection of information about the historical events of the XVII century. Therefore, their description in the novel is not fictional. Another source, I do not care about life in the highest sections of society, is the Russian mother-in-law Ann Golon. Thanks to the memories of Mother of Vsevolod, Sergeevich, the author drew the situation at the courtyard of the French king.

Books on Angelica and the wise column with demonic qualities were created in the period 1956-1985. Many later (2009) Anne Golon decided to rewrite the published works. Some important plot details were crossed out by the publisher due to the censure. Now the writer has become the opportunity to show the world full version of the novels.

The adaptation, followed by books, of course, looks with a revised version. This applies to the appearance of Count Toulouse. Actor who played the role of her husband Angelica - Robert Ossein (Abraham Huseynov), did not agree to participate in the project for a long time.

This man was bought in the rays of glory being in the image of a young seduder. The solution to play a lame and humpback graph meant for him the end of a career. Therefore, director Bernard Borderi allowed the actor to recycle the image of the character.

Robert Ossen took advantage of this right, and a young, handsome man with a scar appeared on the screens, but without a hump. I voiced the role in Russian Actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Not devoid of chromotype of Kinherroy embodied on the screens of the quality of the perfect husband.

The director also revised the character of Angelica, adding the literary prototype of coquetry and frivolity. Ann Golon, although he was invited as the author's script script, did not agree with such changes. But the writer was made to understand that the books are one, and the cinema is completely different.

Simona Samenju remained delighted with the film and from the game Robert Ossein and Michelle Mercier, however, it was considered that they were not those heroes that she wrote about.

Image and biography of Joffrey de Peirak

In the novel with respect to this hero, the appeal "Count Toulouse" is often used. However, this noble race was interrupted before the birth of Peyrak. Ann Golon says that Joffrey remains a descendant of famous graphs without storing title. At the official reception, it is represented as a graph de Peiiraka de Marens d'Ierres.

The literary character seems to be a proud nobleman, a person with an inquisitive mind, dismantling in chemistry and always seeking its goals. Peyraka loves women, despite physical ugliness and a certain demonic image. To understand how the character of the hero was formed, it is better to explore his biography since childhood.

It is known that Father Joffrey died of poisoning. And the mother, wanting to save the Son from the same fate, gave the boy poison in small doses. This retained the life of a young graph, but did not protect fate from further strikes. So, at the age of 3 years, the boy remained alone. On the castle, where he lived with the cormal, there was an attack of royal soldiers who destroyed Huguenots.

The boy closed the sword along the cheek and thrown out the window. Ugly scar and obvious chromotype - here are the consequences of these events. Joffrey learned to walk only at 12 years old, and after another 4 years he recovered in China. Upon returning to his homeland, the guy had to redeem her own estate and re-ennobled to the descent of the Earth.

Surprisingly, but the young column it succeeded. He equipped the estate, became rich and famous. And even its insight, irony and mockery caused admiration for the opposite sex.

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Count Toulouse was a nobleman, but his interests were not in court life. Mystery of nature - waters True passion of a man. Having knowledge of Alchemy, Joffrey corrected the smuggling of gold and silver from Spain. He attached to noble metals the kind of slag, which allowed him literally to go.

In fraudulent schemes was noticed by Molin, who after became the test of the Count de Peirak. Marriage for the calculation presented the true love of Angelica and Joffrey. Family happiness turned out to be short. The graph was too independent and rich - so much that the king of France was frightened.

He was quickly accused of witchcraft and, despite the efforts of Angelica to save her beloved, prescribed execution through the burning. When the verdict was carried out, the widow fell into opal, but after 3 years he married Marquis Philippe du Plesi-Baler.

Even being in relations with other men, Angelica continued to love her first husband. Most likely, the heart of the Countess refused to believe in his death. In fact, Joffrey de Paerac was able to escape, instead of him burned the corpse, and he himself, crippled by torture, escaped from Paris.

Understanding that it is impossible to remain in France, the count went to the old friend - an academic ABD-El Meshrate, who lived in Fez. In the east, a man was cured of chromoty, but his voice became hoarse and unrecognizable.

Count Zhrofrej de Paerac "died", and instead, the resistance came - a pirate of the Mediterranean. Only 5 years later, the man mined information about Angelica. Having learned that his wife married another, the resteller decided to no longer disturb his spouse.

But fate ordered otherwise. Angelica learned that her first husband was alive, and went in search. The woman fell into the hands of pirates and was excluded at the slave market. From there she was bought by a resistance, but the Countess, without recognizing the spouse in him, managed to escape.

County said that Angelica died. Joffrey went to America for 5 years, and on his return took on the ship refugee-Guenotov, saved from the royal army. Among them was Angelica.

So after 15 years, the man again gained his beloved. Despite the years of separation, their feelings flashed with a new force. Both were a very difficult way and deserved long-awaited happiness.

Interesting Facts

  • In the film, the source of wealth of Joffrey indicates the mining of gold in France. In fact, in France there are no such deposits. And the Count engaged in the importation of precious metals from Spain.
  • The film release of 2013 "Angelika: Angelov's Marquis", the 1964 filmmaker is more close to the literary source. Anna Golon expressed happiness, seeing finally a cinema of her characters, including Joffrey de Peirak.
  • Gerard Lanven, who played the main role in the 2013 film, 8 weeks was engaged in daily workouts to extract one scene of fencing.


Love, the art of love is - the precious quality that we are endowed with ... The in love should be pale in the presence of your beloved. And remember, my love is, - do not be afraid! Do not be afraid of anything, believe in our love, and the gates of hell will never open open for you!


  • 1956 - "Angelika - Marquis of Angels"
  • 1958 - "Path to Versailles"
  • 1959 - "Angelica and King"
  • 1960 - "Insurprise Angelica"
  • 1961 - "Raw Angelica"
  • 1961 - "Angelica and her love"
  • 1964 - "Angelica in the New World"
  • 1966 - "The Temptation of Angelica"
  • 1972 - "Angelica and Demon"
  • 1976 - "Angelica and Conspiracy of Shadows"
  • 1980 - "Angelica in Quebec"
  • 1984 - "Hope Road"
  • 1985 - "Triumph"


  • 1964 - "Angelika - Marquis Angels"
  • 1965 - "Magnificent Angelica"
  • 1966 - "Angelica and King"
  • 1967 - "Insurprise Angelica"
  • 1968 - "Angelica and Sultan"
  • 2013 - "Angelika, Marquis Angelov"

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