Movie "Diamond Hand" (1968): Interesting Facts, Actors, Curiosities, Mironov


Among the cinematic heritage of the USSR, the pictures of Leonid Gaiday, who now, after decades, are loved and revered by the audience. Not an exception and directed by the film "Diamond Hand" film, released in 1968, - each his show on television invariably causes positive feelings in the hearts of millions.

About how they filmed the picture, about curbs on the site and interesting facts, with tape connected, - in the material 24cm.

On a documentary basis

The design of the script, according to which the film "Diamond Hand" was filmed, came to the head of Sostyukovsky, thanks to the note in the newspaper. It was about smugglers from Switzerland, which tried to carry values ​​across the border in the gypsum.

Colorful personality

Crowds of journalists were leaving for the film's shooting platform in order to interview Yuri Nikulina, which in the native circus "get", as a rule, was extremely difficult. However, at a new place, luck did not smile at the "Aklaumes of Pen": the semi-annual vacation in the "Solezir" for the sake of filming the artist continued to be unavailable, refusing to be able to communicate with the press representatives.

I managed to interview Yuri Vladimirovich, only Leonid Pleshakov, well-known articles in the magazines "Spark" and "Change". For such luck, the journalist is obliged exclusively its own appearance - Leonid Gaidai immediately drew attention to colorful broadcaster healthy with a thick beard and agreed on the transaction. In exchange for the article, the namesake of the director played an impressive dimensions of the type in black glasses in black glasses and the skull on her neck.

After a "diamond hand", Pleshakov starred another 1.5 dozen pictures - mainly in episodic and secondary roles. And I did a journalist, this is not so much of the love for art, although this aspect, of course, was present how much because of the possibility on the set to take an interview with interesting personalities.

Cultural boy

The episode in which Andrei Mironov receives the "charge" of ice cream in the face, not immediately removed - it took 8 doubles. Cinematographers preferred to use cottage cheese as a "projectile", because he was better to "shoved". And the actor persistently endured such a mockery. True, the "ice cream" in the face of Mironov threw an assistant director, since Dima Nikolaev, who played the role of Maxim, turned out to be a boy brought up and flatly refused to throw something in the artist.

Not script

"Moron!" - This short, but capacious phrase, told by an unforgettable voice Anatoly Papanova, is listed among the most recognizable episodes of comedy. But it turned out to be in the picture quite by chance. Yes, it was not intended not to a partner on the site, Andrei Mironov, who performed the role of Kozodoyeva, - angry Papanov, who managed to freeze in cold water, so spoke in the address of the operator's repaired repaired once again.

Only the fact that the camera remained enabled and successfully exhibited, made it possible to capture a bright and expressive moment.

It was not in the original scenario and the phrase "you are so gullible!", Which spouse assumes Semenovich's seeds. But it often heard her director himself - so I decided to supplement the image of Hope Gorbunkova familiar to your beloved wife.

Censorship not for teeth

"The first erotic episode" in the Soviet cinema with the participation of Svetlana Svetlynaya censors wanted to cut. Fortunately, the film "Diamond Hand" fell on the closed show to Leonid Ilyich - the Secretary General did not allow such disgrace, ordered to leave the scene with the beauty of Svetlynaya.

Among the famous film-related stories, the most famous - the memories of Nina Scallovka on how the director managed to avoid the attention of the ClaySet to many controversial scenes in the picture. Gaidai added an atomic explosion to the end of the film - as a result, this moment was chained the attention of the admission committee.

As a result, censors demanded to throw the "nuclear mushroom" first, forgetting about the rest of the episodes, which before they diligently marked in the notepads, planning their removal.

Music for all times

"The song about the hares" was originally performed by the hero on board the ship. However, they later decided to replace the composition on the "Island Island", and "Zaitsev" move to a restaurant to dilute the "pathos atmosphere." And the "Island" himself wanted to send them at all to the basket, but Mironov's brilliant performance made the director and the film crew change their mind.

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Memorial kick

Nikulina Son Maxim, who played in the picture of the boy with a cake, constantly fell earlier than Mironov had time to strike the foot than spoiled a mass of the double. Then Gaidai decided to smear. "In secret," Nikulina-youngey told, that everything changed and next time "Uncle Andrei" would simply pass by. And the artist himself whispered so that he was invested in kicking "from the soul."

The double as a result turned out, adding the film "Diamond Hand" by another memorable scene. But the future of Kryuku and the Circus CEO on the color boulevard was offended by Mironov for a long time.

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