Similar stars: Russian, Hollywood, 2020, copied the image


Imageakers believe that a successfully created image has the right to life in the wardrobe of people similar to the type. And this is not a repetition at all, but only acceptance of someone else's experience. About how similar outfits look like, - in the material 24cm.

1. Dmitry Nagiyev

Russian response Hollywood and "strong nuts" is the actor Dmitry Nagiyev. Bruce Willis saves the world in militants, and Nagiyev in 2020 eliminates boredom and pleases the audience with an elegant sense of humor.

Celebrity type is similar: Brutal men are endowed with absolutely smooth "laying", smiling charismatic, wearing glasses and hats. By the way, during the release of the stars, the street style adheres to the street and skillfully combine jeans with t-shirts, refining the image of classic jackets.

Dmitry Nagiyev and Bruce Willis

2. Anastasia Ryetov

Timati's wife is accused of imitating the Hollywood secular lioness Kim Kardashian. As well as American Teediva, Anastasia Rytova chooses monochrome clothing of classic black and white shades.

In the microblog, the Russian model repeats the ensembles from the page in the "Instagram" of the popular designer. In Anastasia's wardrobe, there are tight knitted things, tops, fitting dresses and swimsuits. And even during the photography, the Ruttova chooses a similar pose.

And on the fraudes of Follover, a confident beauty stated that only it can copy, and she, if he wants, then in "training" to the Cannes Film Festival will declare.

Anastasia Deutsova and Kim Kardashian

3. Egor Cryd.

Planned Lee BLACK STAR to create a copy of Justin Bieber, or similar outfits of stars - this is an accident, will remain a mystery story. Nevertheless, Egor Crd, as well as Bieber, has achieved popularity at a young age.

The fans of the Russian star noticed the similarity of tattoos and Manera dress, the same as Bieber. Crend and does not hide what supports the Canadian colleague in the views. But, as it turns out, approval causes not only worldview, but also appearance, which often echoes the image of a foreign star.

Egor Crend and Justin Bieber

4. Lolita

Spectators respect Lolita for courage and extravagancy. However, the appearance of vocalists on the stage in the "naked costume" caused serious discussions. An unexpectedly "woman without complexes" was suspected in a desire to copy the image of the "Izic Witch" of Cher.

It is worth noting that the ladies and the truth are similar to the eastern notes in appearance and nuances of the physique. The past celebrity has emerged in the memory, where Milyavskaya repeated the hairstyle and makeup of the bold oven colleague. Whether the appearance dictates the desire to create bright images, or ladies peep ideas - remains a mystery.

Lolita and Sher.

5. Jigan.

There are always guys from rapper parties to discuss. For example, the theme of the conversation can be the external similarity of the Drake and Drake. By the way, Jigan and Drake are familiar, artists have a joint photo on social networks, and in the comments, the musicians exchanged courtesy with the wording "My brother".

Celebrities are friends, and Jigan was even invited to the Drake concert, after which Ivan Urgant admitted that the colleague was "awesome kid." The similarity of the image with a drill and remained a "business card" of Oksana Samoilova's husband.

Djigan and Drake

6. Victoria Bonia

From the moment of the appearance in the frame of "House-2", Pukhlogubya Beauty with the almond-shaped eye of Victoria Boni's eyes, they immediately compared with Angelina Jolie. It was only heated the desire of a secular lioness to repeat the success of Hollywood diva. In the fight for fans, the Bonya joined the evening outfits with a red carpet, which were once in the arsenal of Wife Brad Pitt.

Over the years, similarities appeared in the form of eyebrows and accents in make-up. The comparison with the American star of Victoria likes, but so far, in 2020, she failed to get over one step with Jolie.

Victoria Bonya and Angelina Jolie

7. Dima Bilan.

Similar outfits of stars can be seen quite by chance. Dima Bilan is increasingly like a style reminds Justin Timberlake, especially after it became shorter. However, the celebrity is silent of its preferences in images. And to deal with who whose image copies is difficult. Styles in clothes, like notes, not so much.

Dima Bilan and Justin Timberlake

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